Disclaimer: Yeah, I still don't own it! =(

Stand in the rain: Prologue:

"Aww, but Papa I'm almost finished packing to come join you both!" Bluestreak moaned into the call as he chatted to the older mech, Jazz simply grinned back at him. The family had been apart for many years now, with only occasional visits and calls to keep them in touch. Since the war still had yet to shed blood, but Prowl knew it wouldn't be too long. He had done the Math.

"Yeah, I know Blue. But your father and I can't wait to have you here with us again. We've missed you Baby Blue." Jazz said with a smirk it had been Stella cycles since he had last seen his child, and the calls just aren't the same.

Bluestreak had decided to stay within Praxus and in his academy until his graduation, when he would join his parents once again in the heart of Cybertron, Iacon. It had been lonely at first, but with his friends and mentors there around him, Bluestreak had steadily became more independent and less reliant on the people around him. But that doesn't mean he has missed his parents and friends, he couldn't wait to go join them and help in the Autobot cause. Prowl and Jazz weren't happy about the idea of him becoming a solider, but at least that way they could keep an optic n him and knew he could defend himself.

"Still, I'll be there in a few orns, so will you allow me to get on with it?" Blue answered his Papa back in a playful tone, it was teasing Jazz had gotten use to as Blue grew into himself more.

"I'll let you go, since it means you'll be with us sooner." He smiled softly at his son, in a rare moment between the two.

"Give Father my love."

"I will do, love you Blue."

"Be there soon Papa." Bluestreak's smiling face was the last thing Jazz saw before the call was cut. The black and white signed heavily, there was a lot that him and Prowl hadn't told Blue about the war since a lot of it was happening behind the scenes.

The war was getting worse for them, Megatron was strong and had was building himself an impressive army to take what he wanted if Sentential didn't give him what he wanted. It had the leadership of the Autobots on edge, there was no predicting Megatron and what he will do. He was insane, and unpredictable which made him even more dangerous. They were scared, the future was looking good.


Prowl was working late in the office again, he had not long been given several detailed reports from some of Jazz's spies, and if the information they were feeding Prowl's battle computer the outcome was not looking good. In fact it was it had been confirmed to be worse.

Prowl wasn't sure what to do, which was a first. After checking the results and plans, gathering every speck of information he could possibly gather the conclusion remained the same. He sent an alert to Prime for an emergency meeting, a perk of being second in command – getting Prime's attention when it was needed. It was needed now more than ever, Prowl's spark pulsed with fear and a hope that they weren't too late.


"Are you sure Prowl?" Prime asked, even though he knew Prowl would have already made certain before coming to him.

"94.73% positive that the working outs are correct, give or take some for Megatron changing his mind." Damn, this was bad. Very bad indeed, if it was to actually happen.

"So, we have a Joor to make a plan and to get everyone to safety. Doesn't sound too hard at all." Prime commented with a roll of his eyes. "Go tell Jazz, and I'll call in the others."


Jazz was surprised when Prowl barged into their room, his partner seemed his usual cool calm self, but Jazz could see the silver of fear shining in his optics.

"Hey lover, what's up?" he asked rising out of his chair to confront Prowl, but the black and white passed him for the computer.

"I've just discovered a plot by the Decepticons, have you just finished talking to Blue?" Jazz frowned behind his visor, he could tell Prowl was nearing full blown fear.

"Yeah not too long ago, he is fine and be here in a couple of orns. What's the problem?" Prowl sent a data-packet to Jazz containing everything he knew, one look between solidified what they needed to do.

"Computer contact Bluestreak." Prowl said in his command tone of voice. The computer dutifully dialled for Bluestreak, but all they got for static.

"Service is unavailable." The computer droned at them, that was something that has never happen before.

"Computer contact Bluestreak." Prowl commanded again, and the results were the same. They tried other people they knew in Praxus, but again it was the same. Jazz and Prowl shared a concerned look, if Praxus had been cut off from the outside world that would mean one thing – Prowl was wrong.


a slight droning noise woke Bluestreak from his light slumber, he had never heard such noise before. It rattled through him and his apartment, shaking everything around the rooms. He moved in his living room towards his computer when he heard an odd whistling sound.

That's when he saw the first bomb hit Praxus, he saw the blinding flash of light that was sound followed by a thundering sound as the building collapsed with mechs and femmes trapped inside. Bluestreak in blind panic tried to contact his parents but to no anvil, he knew he was completely alone.

After a few moments of sheer panic washing over him, he managed to get his CPU to work. Knowing he wasn't safe where he was he quickly made his way out of his apartment, and down to the streets where chaos was raining down upon them. It felt like judgement day had finally arrived, and it came in flashes of lights and sounds of Primus's wrath.


Author's note: I live! Amazing isn't it? Okay, so this chapter isn't great…I know, and after how long you lot have waited I should do better…I suck I know. But atlas! I now know what I want to write, so you lovely bunch have about 7 more chapter left of this story give or take. That was the good news, the bad news is me getting it out of my head and into a page. But you lot keep me going, so hopefully (though I promise nothing!) it shouldn't have to wait as long as last time =)

Thank you for supporting me, you are amazing!