Warnings: there will be slash, dont like dont read.

disclaimer: I don't own transformers i just hurt them

Prologue: How it all began...

The young black and white mech look around the ruin of the house in pain, they were too late. The enforcers along with their senior Academy students had been on a mission to bring down an escape criminal, however the mission was over their heads before they knew it. They had received a tip-off on where the criminal might be heading, for once the source was right and they were to slow. They arrived to smoking ruins and a crackling maniac dancing over the still smoking metal, sure they had caught the maniac but they hadn't saved the two mechs from being deactivated. Jazz had seen them remove their empty shells, the sight made him want to purge his tanks.

The older enforcers had ordered the students to find any information they could inside what was left of the house, Jazz walked carefully up the half destroyed stairs that creaked unsteadily under his feet. When he finally reached the landing there were four doors, the first one he entered was the basic wash room nothing else, the door along had a wide berth some family photos, enegron was spilt over some walls. Splattered, as if they had come from sliced enegron lines in a mech, Jazz's processor raced with the images of the mangled mechs with twisted amour and drying enegron on their frames. Jazz quickly scanned the room and picked up as many as the photos he could he fled the room and went to the next one, this one had a small berths in it with lots of toys scattered about it Jazz smiled at the thought of a little sparkling playing peacefully in this room. The last room was slightly apart from the others, the first thing Jazz felt was the stirred coldness in the room as if it had been empty for a long time but only just been re-entered. Again there were a lot of personal items that Jazz subspaced, once the room was clear he began to move to the door, where he could do a full scan of the room. However, his scan showed life in the room. Under the berth just out of sight was an energy signature. Getting down on his servo's and knees Jazz cautiously peered under, curled up into a tight ball was a tiny black and white winged sparkling with his optics offlined.

"Hey," Jazz called softly, the sparkling raised his head ever so slightly and powered up his optics. "Watcha doin'?" The sparkling cocked his head to the side at the strange accent of the new stranger; he had never heard that kind of voice before. It was welcoming and soft, but his creators had told him strictly not to move until his brother came to get him. The sparkling had intrigued Jazz; he seemed intelligent and aware of what had happen but was refusing to move towards him. "Am not gunna hurt ya, ah wanna take ya somewhere safe." The sparkling still refused to move. "Am a good guy, ah need to getcha outta ere it ain't safe. Please." The sparkling hesitated, stuck between going with the nice mech and disobeying his creators.

"Smokey." Whispered the Sparkling, his little frame shaking a little bit.

"Smokey eh? Ya brother?" Jazz rummage though the photos finding a picture of what he assumed to be the Sparklings sibling, he held up the photo and pointed to it. "Smokey?" The little one nodded, and slowly began to crawl out from underneath the berth. Jazz signed in relief; he quickly scooped up the Sparkling and walked out of the room. Now he had the sparkling safely in his arms, he contacted his watcher: Codejack.

:: Jazz ta Codejack::

:: Codejack here, what's up Jazz? ::

:: Found summit that might interest ya::

:: What's that then? ::

:: ah littl'un::

:: Primus! A sparkling!::

:: aye, am bringing him down to ya now. Jazz out::

Jazz spotted his watcher at once, the orange mech stood out quite well; he walked straight towards him with the sparkling still curled up to his chest. The large mech came forward when he spotted the younger mech that carried a sparkling, if it wasn't for the red Chevron he wouldn't have seen the youngster.

"Well, that one we didn't expect to find, anything thing else?"

"Nah, just sum photos." He handed over the one still in his servo. "Littl'un said it was his brother. Smokey." His watcher nodded, and looked at the photo. His optics widens a little in surprise, Jazz casually raised an optic ridge but the older mech ignored him. He placed a large servo on the sparklings head; slowly he turned to the face him.

"Smokescreen? Is he your brother?"

"Smokey." The sparkling nodded, and pointed to the picture again. Codejack nodded almost mimicking.

"I'll get your brother little one, I know who he is." He ran a clawed servo over the sparkling's helm, only to have him flinch away and curl inwards towards Jazz. "Well, look like he has chosen you to look after him. Go have him looked at by the medics, then report back to base." Codejack turned to leave, but Jazz had one more question.

"Wouldn't it be better to take him to base, then have him looked at? Surely Ratchet is more qualified?" okay two questions. Codejack smiled, and just nodded walking away.

Hours later Jazz had little Prowl sat between his spread legs on the floor, the sparkling was playing with a small ball Jazz had managed to find. The ball had rolled out of the little one's reach, wrinkling the little bridge of his nose in determination; the little one pulled himself to his feet and took a hesitate step. Then another, slowly he toddled away, Jazz was watching him out of the side of his optic, and was at his side the instant he fell back onto his aft and started to cry. Picking up his young charge and the ball, he rocked and sang the sparkling into a light recharge and continued to do so under the stars. Codejack and Ironhide watched from a high window, Codejack had an odd smile on his face while Ironhide maintained his gruff exterior.

"They'll be great one day, Officers I bet." Ironhide muttered gruffly. "Might have to take Smokescreen up on that, no doubt he'll place a bet that Prowl would become a Second in command to a prime. That will be the day." Codejack nodded absentmindedly, optics still on the pair.

"They will be great Ironhide, but not for their work." Ironhide looked at the old enforcer with a critical optic; everyone knew Codejack was a priest before his sanctuary was ransacked, and you had to have some sort of special connection to Primus to be a priest. "They will be great because of the love they will share, they will be spark mates. It won't be easy, but then again nothing ever is in the matter of hearts."

"Next you will be asking be to protect that love, cause one day it will be the faith that keeps the lost surviving Autobots together when they get stuck on some foreign planet. Like that would ever happen!" Ironhide finished with a snort.

"I don't have to ask friend, I already know you will." Ironhide made no reply, but Vorns later he would makes that very promise. "Smokescreen will be here in 4 orns to collect his brother. So let's see the little one is settled in for the night."

Jazz held Prowl close to his chest as he made it though the crowds, he was suppose to meet Prowl's brother Smokescreen a few kilks ago, and Judging on how Prowl had been acting the last few orns everything had to be on time at the time expected. Finally, Jazz reached the destination point, only there wasn't a single mech that looked like Smokescreen, surprised Jazz looked in the surrounding crowd. There were femmes checking the times of transport shuttles, Guards posted at some points, some regal looking mechs that were being escorted to a private shuttle, and some lads playing a gambling game. He couldn't see the mech anywhere. Then he spotted the blue doorwings held high in the air as the mech himself bent down to collect his winnings of the game, when he next looked up he spotted Jazz and tiny Prowl he bid the others farewell moving quickly to his brother and guardian.

"Smokescreen." Jazz held out a servo to greet the mech, who took it with a smile.

"Jazz." Prowl then turned to look at his brother, his smile was wide. Smokescreen ran a servo over his helm, his optics sad and distant. "Hey Prowl, have you been good for Jazz?" The little one nodded, before his brother turned his eyes back to the black and white mech. "I do hope he was no trouble, he does have his own personal timetable he likes to stick to."

"Nah, ma mech, litt'un was na trouble at all. Made ah change to hav 'im around." Jazz said, Prowl made a whining noise and held out his arms to his brother, quickly Jazz handed the little one over to the elder. Prowl wrapped his tiny arms around his brother's neck whilst gently nuzzling his neck, Smokescreen held his brother tightly against him and returned the nuzzle slightly.

"Thank you Jazz." Jazz shrugged off the apology with a disarming smile; he turned to leave when he heard a cry of sadness behind him. Prowl had turned in his brothers arms, and held out his little servo's for Jazz, his little face was sad and little tears of coolant verged on his optics. Turning back, he gathered the little sparkling close.

"Ah havta go Prowler, ya gunna stay with ya brother, kay? Ah don't how, but ah know ah see ya'll again. Trust meh?" the little one nodded before hesitantly putting his arms around his neck, they nuzzled slightly; Jazz drew away brushing one small cheek with a servo before handing Prowl back to his brother. Nodding once more to Smokescreen Jazz walked away, this time he didn't turn back to the cries because he knew if he did he would never be able to turn back again. Like he had told Prowl, he didn't know how or why, but he knew he would see him again, one way or another.