
Extracts from the notes of Doctor J. Argon on patient 210961, Artemis Fowl,

Subject was admitted to the J. Argon Clinic, Haven City on the 3rd of September at 08:17. Patient had an escort of 14 fairies including Major H. Short and Commander T. Kelp.

Although we wouldn't begin treatment today, Fowl shows signs of very late stages of the Atlantis Complex, including physical exhaustion, obsessive behaviour, and fixation on numbers, and I find it doubtful the escorts number is a coincidence.

Patient continues to be, not uncooperative, but highly resistant to normal therapy given to those with Atlantis. Possible factors of this include species difference, knowledge of usual psychiatric methods, and unsettling accuracy in observation, which has lead to many employees to refuse to enter the same section of the building, on top of those who refused because of the "smell of human".

Fowl usually has visitors every week, and his mother and Butler visit every month. Patient may have to have limitations put on visiting hours, as treatment can be harder after these visits. Guilt being the main cause for Atlantis and those close to him seem to erupt this more than anything else.

I have given up attempting treatment on Thursday's as patient doesn't react at all, eat, leave his bed, and seems to sleep most of the day. Unless Orion is principle, but I'm not sure I can face therapy with him anyway.

Despite treatment, Atlantis is progressing and other personalities are emerging and each seems to possess different wants and needs. Orion has taken to a mixture of fiction and non-fiction entertainment materials, seeming to favour documentaries and romances. When asked about this favouring Orion justified it as a "journey of self discovery of what is right, just and true", and although I think Orion lacks the ability to lie I doubt he tells the whole truth all the time, just most of the time.

Still the development of new personalities means the treatment isn't working. Sorely tempted to throw the data pad on Atlantis Complex out the window, figuratively and literally.