A/N-So I've had parts of this ready for awhile now, I just got stuck on how I wanted to end it. I settled on keeping it a T rated fic, but I push the T rating towards the end. Some people might call it M, but I don't think it's quite that explicit. I went as close as I could though...

Don't own 'em, but if I did, they would be doing less crime solving and more of the stuff in this chapter. :)

When she went to kiss Jane, Maura felt a sudden, intense surge of emotions. The hormones mixed with the adrenaline from her argument with Jane left Maura entirely at the mercy of her emotions. Maura began to well up, and in spite of her best efforts to control it, she felt a tear of, well she couldn't quite place the emotion.

Relief, perhaps? That in spite of her less than spectacular apology, Jane had understood. Maybe it was happiness that she was now kissing Jane and Jane was kissing back and it all felt as though it would be alright.

When Jane noticed Maura's tears, she pulled away and looked a little concerned.

"You alright?" Jane asked. She held Maura's face and wiped the tear away with her thumb. "Something wrong?"

"Oh, no, nothing of the sort," Maura said, smiling broadly to prove her point. "I'm just, I've been really emotional lately. The tears they're an expression of my heightened state of emotionality. Maybe it's a radical shift in hormone production or—

"Maybe," Jane said, smiling softly and pulling Maura closer so that their bodies touched. "You're just so overwhelmed with joy at the fact that you just landed the best looking member of Boston Homicide."

Maura laughed at that bit of Jane's sarcasm. Jane must have noticed her embarrassment and steered away from it with a little humor.

"That is quite true," Maura said. "Of course, you have very little competition. Now that I think about it though, I suppose if you liked older men, one could do worse than Detective Korsak."

Jane rolled her eyes.

"Eww, ok, ok, sorry I went there," Jane said, though Maura noticed no signs of aggravation or frustration. It was more amusement than anything else.

There was a moment of comfortable silence.

"Do you think it would be alright if we sat down," Maura said. "This day has been quite tiring."

"Yeah, sure," Jane said.

She led the way the sofa, where Jane sat on her usual end and Maura sat next to her resting her head on Jane's shoulder. They cuddled comfortably together, talking about all the same things that they usually talked about, the same joking and flirting that Maura so enjoyed in their relationship, it all came back so effortlessly.

Then Maura realized something. For all the easy banter and sweet kisses and confessions, they still had not established the status of their relationship. They had not at all established where they were going from this point, and the root of their original disagreement, the definition of their relationship, still lingered. Maura decided to let that be for at least a little while. After all, her last attempt at something of that nature had fallen rather flat. She did not want to ruin the moment, so she settled on thinking incessantly about it.

Either Jane was a mind reader, which was scientifically improbable, she had noticed Maura's distraction, a much more probable prospect, or she too had the same concerns. Regardless, Jane surprised Maura when she addressed the issue seemingly out of the blue. So much so that Maura did not initially understand what she was getting at.

"At the restaurant when we were arguing," Jane said slowly. "About what I said then."

"What about what you said then?" Maura asked. Really, the specificity of Jane's speech could definitely be improved upon.

"When I called you my girlfriend then took it back," Jane said, looking down at her scarred hands. "Not one of my best moments."

"Did you mean it though?" Maura ventured when Jane did not say anything else. "When you called me your girlfriend?"

Jane looked at Maura for a moment. For a second, the doctor feared Jane would say no, she hadn't meant it. Then Jane smiled.

"Yeah, I did," Jane said, a blush rising into her cheeks before she continued. "I was just being too much of a wimp to do anything about it."

"Well," Maura said, running her hand along the exquisite bone structure of Jane's chin and jawline. "What if I could say with a satisfactory degree of scientific certainty that I would not at all object to that definition?"

Jane raised her eyebrows and grinned at Maura.

"If Doctor Maura Isles can say something and be that sure about it, I'd be pretty damn confident," Jane said.

"I can say that. As a matter of fact I will state right now, for the record, that I, Doctor Maura Isles, do concure with Detective Jane Rizzoli's characterization of our relationship as a monogamous romantic and sexual relationship," Maura said in her best official sounding voice, mostly for Jane's amusement.

"Do you, now?"

"Yes, I do," Maura said.

"Then I guess I should take you on a real date then," Jane said before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Make an honest woman of you."

"But Jane," Maura said, squinting her eyes in confusion, "I'm always an honest woman."

"Yeah, you are," Jane said. "It's just a figure of speech, honey."

"Honey?" Maura said raising her eyebrows at Jane. "I'm not certain that I like that pet name."

"I think that it fits you perfectly," Jane said, making absolutely no effort to hide the fact that she was looking at Maura's cleavage. Maura couldn't blame Jane; her breasts were well proportioned and aesthetically pleasing if she said so herself.

"Mmm, you think?" Maura said.

Her adrenaline rush had worn off completely and in its place, Maura felt her attraction to Jane intensify noticeably, to the point that she could not stand the thought of not touching Jane.

"Yeah," Jane said as she ran a hand through Maura's hair. "So about that date, I can take you out tonight if you want."

"Or," Maura said, putting a hand on Jane's thigh and rubbing it slowly. "We could stay in and do other things that girlfriends do with each other."

Jane sighed and her eyes fluttered closed as Maura's hand inched up her leg. Yes, Maura had Jane exactly where she wanted her. Sure enough, a moment later, Jane had pinned Maura down on the sofa and kissed Maura with an intensity and desperation that she had not felt in their earlier kisses. It felt as if all of their pent up emotions, the ups and downs of the last few days and hours, they were all pouring out of Jane into that searing, impossibly intense kiss.

Maura Isles had never been entirely emotionless, but she always felt she was missing something in understanding emotions deep enough to completely override reason and logic. Then her attraction to Jane pushed her, gently nudged her towards, as Jane had once put it, letting her heart run that big brain of hers once in a while.

Now, as she kissed Jane and pulled off Jane's shirt then her own in quick succession, Maura realized that she had finally reached that point. She had all these feelings and Maura wasn't scared by their power over her anymore. She liked the surrender, mostly because it was with Jane; Maura knew Jane would never treat that surrender lightly.

"Oh, Jane," Maura whispered as Jane began kissing Maura's neck. There would probably be a small contusion there in the morning, but Maura didn't care. Maura felt Jane smile against her skin when she spoke.

"You like that?" Jane said, moving away and looking up just enough to see Maura's face.

Maura nodded enthusiastically and ran her hands down Jane's back towards Jane's underwear.

"What do you say," Jane said before planting another kiss on Maura's neck. "We take this to my bedroom?"

Maura could only moan in response as Jane found a particularly sensitive spot on her neck while her hand began to sneak up towards Maura's bra.

"Is that a yes?" Jane asked, this time without looking up.

"Most definitely," Maura said.

Jane sat up and ran her hands over Maura's stomach, grinning the whole time.

"You know, you're pretty amazing," Jane said, not in a tone of rushed passion, but with a hint of what Maura might call reverence.

"Thank you. You're quite wonderful yourself," Maura said. She was lying on her back on the sofa with her hands resting on Jane's hips. She sat up as best she could and kissed Jane again before managing to get out from under Jane. Maura walked slowly in the direction of the bedroom.

"Are you coming with me?"

Maura looked over her shoulder and saw that Jane still sat on the sofa admiring the doctor's nearly naked form.

"I'm quite aroused, Jane. I can finish the job on my own, but I feel it would be much more enjoyable if you joined in," Maura said, the corners of her lips turning up ever so slightly at Jane's reaction. The detective was up off the couch and across the room very quickly. If Maura were the guessing type, she would say it was record speed.

"We can't be having that, now can we?" Jane said. She grinned wickedly, took Maura's hand and opened her bedroom door.

When her bedroom door clicked shut, Jane felt a little bit unsure about what to do next. True, neither of them was a virgin or anything, but this was just, it was different somehow. It was Maura, and she wanted Maura to know that she was special, not just some quick fuck or something like that.

Jane sat on her bed and patted the spot next to her. Maura walked over and sat down, though not with the same sexy confidence as in the living room. There seemed to be a new calmness to Maura, a stillness that Jane rarely felt in herself.

Maura took the lead and kissed Jane. Usually Jane took control, but Maura had Jane on her back rather quickly. The doctor actually began to work quickly, her cool hands tracing up Jane's side and her leg pressed between Jane's legs.

The things that Maura was doing, the touches and the subtle movements against Jane's body left the detective sorely tempt to move things along quickly. She resisted and instead flipped Maura onto her back.

"There, that's better," Jane said.

"Maybe for you," Maura said, closing her eyes and smiling to herself as Jane massaged one of Maura's breasts through the fabric of her bra. "Or maybe for me too."

Jane grinned at Maura's reaction and bent down to kiss her one more time before sitting back up again. She hesitated for a split second before deciding what to do next. She slowly reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She took it off and tossed it to the side.

Jane wondered if Maura knew how rare it was that she would do something like that. That she would willingly be more naked, more vulnerable than her sex partner. To put it simply Jane had some trust and control issues, and this was her small way of acknowledging, even if just to herself, that she trusted Maura enough to be both physically and emotionally naked in front of her.

Maura reached up and ran her fingers over Jane's curves. They moved over Jane's skin, tracing the muscles with incredible precision until Maura got to Jane's pantie line. She began trying to pull the fabric off.

"Just a minute," Jane said, smiling at Maura to reassure.

"An entire minute, Jane?" Maura whined. Yes, Jane actually heard Maura whine about having to wait to undress her. This was turning out to be an awesome day.

"No, not an entire minute," Jane said. "I will take off my underwear on one condition."

"What might that be?" Maura asked.

"You have to get naked too," Jane said.

"That was part of my plan anyway," Maura said, lifting herself up on her elbows and reaching behind to unhook her bra. "So I think both parties will be very satisfied."

Maura did not stop there though. She shifted under Jane and began to wriggle her underwear off. Jane instinctively moved so that she could get the lacy piece off more quickly.

"Better?" Maura said.

Jane took off her own underwear and straddled Maura again. She ran her hands all over Maura's body, her soft, well cared for skin, and her firm stomach. Whoever said that you couldn't get in shape doing yoga had definitely been lying.

"Much, much, better," Jane said. She laid down on top of Maura so that their bodies pressed together, closer than they had ever been before. Jane sighed into the kiss.

Maura stopped kissing for a moment and gave Jane a look that the detective could not quite categorize. She did not at all seem conflicted about what they were doing; it was obvious from her reaction to Jane's naked body that she was an eager participant. Still, it seemed as though she was assessing something, formulating a way of expressing some sort of inexplicable insight.

"I can't explain it," Maura murmured more to herself than to Jane. The realization did not appear to bother the normally articulate doctor. She went right back to kissing Jane and letting her hands run all over Jane's body, as Jane's hands did the same.

Both women were already pretty well worked up, or aroused, as Maura might put it, so it did not take long for things to get truly intense. Jane was about to slip down to between Maura's legs when Maura pulled her back up.

"Stay here, I want to see you," Maura said. She took Jane's hands and looked at the carefully, then Maura did something that Jane had not expected. She kissed Jane's scars, so softly that her lips just brushed against the skin. "Use your hands. They're beautiful."

Jane was certain she would remember this encounter with Maura for a long time to come, but that moment, that particular moment would stick with her more than anything else. More than the fact that it was hands down the best sex she had ever had, Jane would remember how Maura had kissed her hands.

Even in the heat of the moment, with so much pent up passion coming to a head, Maura spoke and acted with such tenderness and sincerity. That was what Jane had needed, even if she would never let down her guard enough to admit it. She needed tenderness and softness, and Maura, for all of her social awkwardness, seemed to know Jane enough to understand that.

So, yes, Jane would always remember those soft kisses on her hands. That was, after all, the moment that Detective Jane Rizzoli realized that she had fallen in love with Doctor Maura Isles.

A/N-Yeah, it's a little on the shorter side compared to some of my other chapters. I hope you enjoyed it anyway, I didn't want to make it longer solely to extend the word count.

This is probably the last chapter of this particluar fic, though not the last of my R&I fics. The winner of my reward fic is Gentry and she has requested a "T with a dash of M rated" fic (probably something like this chapter), from the Rizzoli and Isles fandom featuring your favorite pairing :) Though it was meant to be only a one shot, she gave me a good plot idea that might take a few chapters to finish. I've been working on that at the same time as this chapter, so I already have a good chunk of that done.

Thank you again everyone for reading and reviewing my humble little fic. I've probably said it before, but it bears repeating that I was truly motivated and inspired by all the positive feedback that I have recieved. With school starting back up, I have gotten really backed up on review responses, but please know that I read and appreciate every single one. Hope to see you all enjoying my future fics!

I'd really like to hear the opinions of anyone and everyone who has read any part of this fic. Please review!