Mommy Mystique (cont.)

(Notes to Wolfgangh:

The puppets were a joke. Really. This is listed under "Humor", after all. When did I ever say Wanda was in the institution? There's no mention of it. In this AU, she went somewhere else. Somebody (can't imagine who) gave her a call and clued her in to what was going on. Disturbing? Maybe the breastfeeding scene. Don't worry, there won't be any more of those.

One other note: the song lyrics at the end are from Taking You Home by Don Henley—hence the title of the chapter.)

Oblivious to everything around them, Jared and John were asleep.

Jared clutched a stuffed bear, a gift from Auntie Wanda. John had a dog that Daddy had brought over.

The proud parents, meanwhile, were sitting in the TV room.
"Y'know," Logan said, "we never did have a honeymoon."

"We haven't exactly had a lot of time for it," Mystique observed. "If you'll recall, I spent our wedding night giving birth."
"Yeah, and I'm glad the six weeks are up so we can have sex again."
She swatted him on the shoulder.
"Ow! What was that for?"

"For being a lech."

"What, I can't have a little fun with my wife?"

Before she could answer, Jared woke up and started crying.

"I'll take care of it." Logan picked Jared up. Fortunately, he wasn't hungry; his binky had fallen out of his mouth. Logan picked it up off the floor, wiped it on his shirt, and put it back in the baby's mouth.

Jared went right back to sleep . . . but John woke up.
That was the thing about twins.

Eventually, he got them both back to sleep . . . but he had plenty of time to think.

The next morning, Logan had an idea.

"Listen, I was thinking . . ." he said to Mystique.

"Uh oh," she said, jokingly.

"C'mon, just hear me out."

"Okay," she said, glancing over at the crib where the twins were still asleep.

So he told her. "We need a place of our own."

"What about this place?"

CRASH! "I didn't do it!" Toad cried out.

Mystique sighed. "Point taken. Well, houses just don't grow on trees. It's a lot of work to find one."

"You let me do the work," Logan said.

THUMP! BANG! "Ow! Mystique! Help!"

She looked at Logan. "You're part of the family now."


"Go on. The twins will be up any minute and I'll have to feed them."

"Well, since you put it that way . . ."


Logan winced. "Ooh, that sounded like glass."

Mystique's eyes went wide. "Not my Austrian crystal goblets?"

"Only one way to find out." Logan got up and went downstairs to whup the butt of whoever was responsible for ruining his morning.

 A few weeks later, Logan drove them out into the country.

He pulled into the driveway of a three-story Colonial and told Mystique, "Here we are."
"This is home from now on."

Mystique was shocked. Where had Logan gotten the money to afford it?

"Don't worry," he said. "It's a late wedding gift from Chuck. C'mon, I want you to see this."

She followed him inside.

The main room had a fireplace and a huge bay window, and upstairs, there were four bedrooms.
"I figure we'll take the biggest," Logan told her. "The twins can be in the one next door. Kurt and Rogue can decide which ones they want when they get here."
"They're living here?"
"Well, they'll come home on weekends and holidays for now, but I'm looking to make it a permanent arrangement."
Mystique shook her head. "This all seems too perfect. Things like this never happen in real life."
Logan smiled. "If there's one thing I've learned," he said, "it's that things don't just happen. We have to make them happen."

Sure enough, as if on cue, Rogue and Kurt showed up in a rented truck that contained most of their belongings.

"Ah hope ah'm not too late for the housewarming party." Rogue said, carrying a box marked "TAPES".

"I haven't decided if I like it yet," Mystique said. She put the two baby carriers down and took the twins out, then laid them on a blanket in the main room.

But that wasn't entirely true. She just didn't trust how perfect things were. The last time things had been so perfect for her was . . . she shook her head and put those disturbing thoughts out of her mind.

Logan said, "I'll take you kids upstairs so you can pick a room and then we'll talk about decoratin'."

Before long, Jean, Scott, and Ororo showed up from the Institute with housewares galore, and Lance and Toad delivered enough toys to stock Neiman Marcus . . .

And still Mystique couldn't shake the feeling that things were too perfect . . .
And then Magneto showed up.

He had something behind his back. Everybody braced themselves for trouble, but instead he gave them his and hers coffee cups.

"I really hate to see you go," he said. "You've been part of the Brotherhood so long . . ."

"I know, but my place is here now."

As if to confirm this, the babies reached up for her. She picked them up and held one on each shoulder. "So who's taking over the Brotherhood?"

"I am."

She looked surprised.

"Well, someone has to. We can't leave those children on their own, can we?"

There was a crash from the kitchen.

"Definitely not."

In another part of the house, Logan was telling Xavier, "Yeah, I think she really likes it."

"And how about Kurt and Rogue?" asked Xavier.

"They didn't even fight over the bedrooms. This is going better than I thought."

"It's going to be odd not having you stay at the Institute," Xavier observed, "but . . ."

"Yeah, for me too. Hope you don't mind me commuting."

Just then Logan was interrupted by a crash from the kitchen.
Fred had accidentally knocked over the refrigerator.

"It's okay!" he called. "There wasn't any food in it yet!"

It was a hectic day, but when it was over, everyone was glad to be home.
Logan looked at his wife. "Once we get settled," he said, "and we find someone to watch the kids, how about we take that honeymoon we were talking about?"

"I can't think of anything better," Mystique said.

                                                I had a good life

                                                Before you came

                                                I had my friends and my freedom

                                                I had my name

                                                Still there was sorrow and emptiness

                                                Til you made me glad

                                                Oh, in this love I found strength

                                                I never knew I had

                                                And this love

                                                Is like nothing I have ever known

                                                Take my hand, love

                                                I'm taking you home

                                                I'm taking you home

                                                There were days, lonely days

                                                When the world wouldn't throw me a crumb

                                                But I kept on believing

                                                That this day would come


                                                And this love

                                                Is like nothing I have ever known

                                                Take my hand, love

                                                I'm taking you home

                                                I'm taking you—home,

                                                Where we can be with the ones

                                                Who really care

                                                Home, where we can grow together

                                                Keep you in my heart forever

                                                And this love

                                                Is like nothing I have ever known

                                                Take my hand, love

                                                I'm taking you home

                                                Taking you home.


(Awww, wasn't that nice? If you want to see a sequel, just let me know!)