Summertime Blues Chapter 1.

A/N: okay, so this is my new story. Basically it's normal, no-wings Max, who moves to a new state and meets her annoying next door neighbor (Fang, also normal), and is reaaaallllly not looking forward to another summer being next to him all the time. But over the summer something happens and she starts seeing him in a different way... check it out! It's a lot better than the summary! Thanks ValentineRose28 for indirectly giving me this idea!



I knew I should have been trying to stay awake, but Mr. Barnes' science lecture was so boring, I couldn't help falling asleep...

*Flashback* 4 years ago

"Moving! Mom we can't move! Summer just started and I have so many plans!"

"Sweetheart, your only twelve, you can't have plans for the whole summer yet. Besides Max, this is the easiest time to move! It will be better to do it now than in the middle of the school year."

"But I don't want to move! I don't know anyone there, and I like our house, my friends, and my school. Where are we going anyway?"

"Los Angeles."

"Aw Momma! All the way in California? We will hardly ever be able to come back and visit. Why do we have to go? Can't you just leave me here?" I looked at her with my bambi eyes, but that hadn't worked since I was seven.

"No, Max. I can't just leave you here." She gave me sort of a half smile. "And I already told you, your father got a new job at a local hospital there. It will be better for all of us. Plus we will be closer to your brother, Iggy, now that he lives in Hollywood working on that big part he landed in a new movie. That will be cool, right?" She could obviously tell by my expression that I didn't find it as cool as she did, so she tried again. "Anyway, I'm sure you will make lots of new friends once we get there. But we only have two months to pack up and move, and no, refusing to pack isn't going to stop you from going with us. Now hurry up and get your homework done, it's your last week of school and you don't want to mess up your grades before your report card comes out."

My head dropped lower and lower as I was dozing off. Mr. Barnes was saying something about photosynthesis...

*Another flashback, 2 and a half months later than the first*

"Welcome do your new home, Max!" My dad was all too excited about us moving here. We had just finished the loooong drive all the way from Boise, Idaho to our new "home" in L.A. You couldn't really call it a home. Small and crowded is more like it. It was a small house, the smallest on the street, which it didn't help that it was right next to the largest on the street. In that house, I saw a curtain move behind a window, and I saw a boy about my age looking right at me through the glass...

*Flashback ends*

For some reason I always remember those two days every year on the 20th of May. Probably that was the day I found out I was moving to L.A., where I still am four years later.

"Maxi, Maxi, wake up Maximillion!" I was awakened from my little blast of the past by that voice. That annoying voice that taunts and mocks me every chance it gets. I already knew who it was without looking. How could I forget where that deep, husky voice came from, forever teasing me. At this moment, however, I was grateful to it. Mr. Barnes was just giving out the homework assignment, and the bell was about to ring. I didn't want to be late because I slept through the bell...again.

"Maxi, did you hear me? Wake up!" The voice again. The only reason he called me Maxi was because I hated it. Just like I hated him, and the voice.

"Maxi, Maxi, MAXY!" It yelled in my ear, well, as close to yelling as you can get while whispering. I always tried to ignore it, so that it would quit and move on. But no, it never worked. And I knew it couldn't go on much longer. "Don't be angry Max, he wants you to get angry," I thought. But how could it not make me angry, while I have withstood 4 years of humiliation and mockery in a place I didn't want to be in? The voice never let up, not in classes, the hallways, during the summer.

I felt the thud of someone kicking my chair, and I wouldn't stay quiet anymore. I whirled around in my chair and growled, "what do you want, Fang."

I couldn't stand the smirk on his face, the face I had seen in the window that day I arrived, the face that produced the mocking voice, the face that I hated and I knew I knew I couldn't stand to look at for a whole other summer, knowing he had succeeded in getting on my nerves once again.

AN: okay, I know this chapter isn't great, but it will get better through the rest of the story! I hope you like it please review! Thanks again ValentineRose28!