Hi guys. Sorry it's been while but here the new chapter (finally!) This story got some of favs and alerts so I see many people want to see what happens next. (Thank you everyone!)

But first I wanted to say thank you to for Chibi Miki-Kun artifact ideas and to Reflective Reviewer 7 for artifact ideas, ideas and for getting me to work on this. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!

Oh if any of you guys want artifact in that in Warehouse 13 or an artifact that you made up, you can still tell me and I can see what I can do for it to be in this fic.

Another thing, this fic takes place after H.G Wells becomes an agent of Warehouse 13 during the second season.


Chapter One

The agents lying down on the red carpet looked back at the numerous people staring up at them. They interrupted a meeting by the looks of it. As Pete and Myka got of the floor the silence had ended to a din of confusion.

As the confusion increased, a man came up to the agents. The man looked to be about in his twenties. He had serious blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Who are you?" said the man with a German accent.

"Uh, Secret Service…" said Myka. As she said that the man with gun appeared in the meeting room.

"There you are you bastards!" he yelled pointing the gun at the agents.

"Vash, Stand down!" said the German man looking unhappy at the man who wanted to shoot Pete and Myka.

"But these guys broke in after I told them they were not allowed too and bumped into Lilly!"

"I said Stand Down! We'll figure something out after we talk to them." Vash growled then lowered his gun.

The German man looked back at the agents, "So you guys are from the Secret Service?"

"Yes," said Pete while he and Myka flashed their badges, "We are allowed to be here but Mr. Grumpy over there wouldn't let us in."

The man sighed with hand his hand on his forehead, "Why are you here?"

"We're here to investigate the weird disappearances of some of the countries' representatives. It is of Great importance for us to find them as well as who and/or what has caused their vanishing." said Myka.

"After we told the rest of the Secret Service that we do not need them around?" said an unpleased voice. Two other men came toward the agents. Pete's and Myka's eyes widen at them. One man had long blonde hair almost shoulder length and blue eyes. The other man, who the agents were really looking at, was a bit shorter and had green eyes and messy sandy blonde hair. But that not the reason why they looked at him weird. It was because he had Huge. Freaking. Eyebrows.

"I cannot believe they send more agents," the man with the not normal eyebrows continued in a British accent.

"But Mon ami, ils ne peuvent pas aider," said the long blonde hair man talking in a French accent, "ils prennent soin des nous chèrement."

"We really told that git and his boss…" the Englishman growled.

"Je sais, je sais. Ils n'êtes pas censé pour entrer dans nos affaires, ils ne savent pas qui nous sommes vraiment." The Frenchman glants at the two agents

Pete and Myka looked at each other thinking the same thing. The Secret Service already came? Wait, we're they even at the right place? Artie said the incident happen here.

"HELLO EVERYBODY!" Everyone turned quiet and faced the entrance of the meeting room. A young man who had wheat blonde hair, with a small piece on that sticks up and blue eyes framed behind glasses, just came in still standing at the doorway.

"ALFRED!" The Briton stomped furiously at the man who came in. Alfred noticing the angry man just smiled and laughed.

"Hiya Iggy!" Alfred said cheerfully. At that second the Englishman looked like he was going to pop a vain.

"Hiya Iggy! It's Hello Arthur! Speak Proper English You Twat!" The 'Iggy' yelled. Alfred filched then laughed again in a very proud way.

"What's the matter, Old man?" Alfred chuckled, "Ran out of tea again? You seriously should have coffee. It so much better than nasty stuff you drink."

"YOU!" In no time flat Arthur tacked Alfred and was strangling him by the neck on the ground.

The Warehouse agents watch the scene in front of them with confused thoughts running through they're heads. Is this seriously the place where they have to be?

Another man suddenly appeared. He was big and tall, had purple eyes and short grey hair. Pete thought this man seem weird. Hey he purple eyes! No one really has that type of eye color! Well unless they're eye contacts. His man was watching the men on floor, smiling and enjoying the struggle of the men. Meanwhile the German man was about to snap.

"Ihr zwei aufhören zu kämpfen! Wir haben zwei Menschen hier von der Secret Service und ich bezweifle, sie wissen, wer wir wirklich sind!" the German yelled. Hearing that, the two on the floor and got back of their feet quickly. Both muttered something like 'sorry' facing the opposite direction not standing to look at each other.

The man then looked at the guy who came in,"Alfred, hat Ihr Chef senden diese Mittel hier?"

Alfred turned finally noticing Pete and Myka standing there still confused. He stared at them with the same look on his face. A questioning eyebrow rose.

"Are they here for the same reason as the other agents?" Alfred asked.


The man walked towards the Warehouse agents, "Can I see your IDs?"

Pete and Myka pulled out IDs again, letting the man know who they were. After a few silent minutes, Alfred grinned the biggest grin and stroked a pose like he was a superhero who just saved the day. He then laughed a very dorky hero laugh that Pete and Myka have ever heard.

"So you guys are here to find the missing representatives and find who been kidnapping them?" Alfred flashed a thumb up, "Well then, I approve."

"ALFRED, NO!" Arthur yelled making eye contact again with idiotic man. His face raged like he was going to try kill again.

The German man seem unhappy as well. "Ich stimme mit Artus. Wenn diese Mittel dieser Untersuchung, werden sie herausfinden, wer wir sind und wir können sie nicht wissen! "

"Dude, speak English, "Alfred wined, pouting like an unhappy child.

The man hands at his sides curled into balls of fists. "Nein, es ist besser, wenn wir sprechen, wenn eine andere Sprache jetzt. "

The Frenchman who been silent for while smile and faced the pouting man. "Alfred, que vous connaissez une autre langue. Vous êtes aux États-Unis. Pourquoi est-ce que vous parler de votre version de langue de sourcils? "


"Maybe you should go outside so we remaining representatives can have private talk, Da?" Pete and Myka froze hearing the Russian voice. They turned around seeing the creepy smiling man. He came from behind them unnoticed. "Don't worry, we tell you when you can come back in."

The Russian put his hand to the agents and lead them out of the conference room. Once they were out the room, the doors slammed behind them.

"Man, that guy is creepy," Pete said.

For an hour now, Pete was leaning against the wall, next to doors while Myka was pacing up and down the hallway. They could hear the din of many people speaking, so they barely hear what any of the representatives were staying. It seemed most of the representatives didn't want them around. But that was normal. Having the Secret Service in the area does make one very uncomfortable. But this was kind of suspicious.

One, the Secret Service already came and were told off. Two, speaking a language from a representative from a curtain country is not unusual, but the way they were talking they're hiding something.

Myka called Artie (not the Arthur in the meeting room) on the Farnsworth to make sure they were at the right place and to tell him what happen so far. Artie said yes that where suppose to be and not to give up. Walk (or seek) around, gather infomation that way maybe.

Half-hour later, a Japaneseman came out of the room and offer green tea. The agent kindly appected, the man bowed and went back into the room.

Three and a half hours more, Pete was the one now pacing bored. The doors open. Alfred came out with his goofy smile.

"Alright guys, you can come back in," he said. The two started to enter when Alfred stopped them. "Oh I didn't get to introduced myself yet. I should before I have to let you the good news." The man in front of them points his thumb at himself in at proud way, "I'm Alfred F. Jones, representative of the United States of America and you two are going to be my sidekicks!"

Oh God what have I done. Next Chapter This Will be Explained! Please R&R! Thanks!


But Mon ami, ils ne peuvent pas aider- But my friend, they cannot help it

ils prennent soin des nous chèrement -they care of us dearly

Alfred, que vous connaissez une autre langue. Vous êtes aux États-Unis. Pourquoi est-ce que vous parler de votre version de langue de sourcils?- Alfred, you know another language. You are the United States. Why do you speak your language version of eyebrows? (I had to XD)


Ihr zwei aufhören zu kämpfen! Wir haben zwei Menschen hier von der Secret Service und ich bezweifle, sie wissen, wer wir wirklich sin- You two stop fighting! We have two people here from the Secret Service and I doubt they know who we really are!

Alfred, hat Ihr Chef senden diese Mittel hier?- Alfred did your boss to send these agents here?

Ich stimme mit Artus. Wenn diese Mittel dieser Untersuchung, werden sie herausfinden, wer wir sind und wir können sie nicht wissen!- I agree with Arthur. If these agentd do this research, they will find out who we are and we can not let them!

Nein, es ist besser, wenn wir sprechen, wenn eine andere Sprache jetzt No, it's better if we talk about when a different language now