Warnings: yaoi m/m relationship – don't like, don't read

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight and its characters belong to Matsuri Hino


- Epilogue -



When I opened my eyes again, but the first thing I registered wasn't the bring light filling the whole room – no. It was the warm chest I was snuggling to, and my heart began to beat faster as the images of few hours ago flashed before my eyes. I thought that he won't hold me so soon, but I must say that it felt great. The drug may have started it, but thanks to his blood, it… his blood.

Even now I can feel that sweet substance flowing down my throat and into every part of my body. I close my eyes as just a mere look at his neck is making me want to bite him once more – just to feel his life-giving liquor in me.

The sun is low, and you would think that this is the time for him to wake up, but he sleeps so soundly – must have stayed up till now. But how can he sleep so soundly beside me? His guard is down, and I can tell that his body is relaxed. Just few hours earlier, I would have never think this possible – that we could be beside one another in this compromising position without trying to kill each other. Or better to say that would be true in my case, as the pureblood never shoved the will to kill me.

I carefully get away from his embrace, not wanting to wake him up. He looks so relaxed and… normal – sleeping on the bed with his curly hair clinging to him. Sliding out from under the covers, I sit down on the edge of the bed – just now realizing that I'm fully naked. My cheeks are hot from the blush when I think that he's also naked and that our bodies were so closely pressed together just a moment earlier.

Inhaling the so much needed air to calm me down, I walk to the opened door to my right that reveals the bathroom, hoping that he's really asleep and not just faking it. I close the door quickly but quietly as soon when I'm in.



I didn't planed to wake up so early, as because of the situation with Zero I didn't had a good day sleep, but at the sudden loose of the warmth radiating from the teen, I forced my eyes open. The first thing that came to my mind by seeing the empty space beside me was that he has left when I was asleep, but the running water in the bathroom proved me wrong.

I swallowed hard at the thought of naked Zero in the shower – not that I haven't seen him naked many times already, but it's just so… tempting – to walk in there. I fight the idea as I get up lazily from the warm bed. And by the time I'm on my feet, my mind's made up.

Swiftly moving to the door to the attached bathroom, I open it quietly, not wanting to disturb him even if I know that he doesn't need to react well to such a surprise. Oh well – not that I mind to see his surprised face. Satisfied to see that he haven't noticed me, I close the door as quietly as I have opened it, sneaking into the shower to join him under the pouring water – I'm glad that the shower is so big that we can easily fit there together, and there's even enough space for two more people.

"What?" he gasps in surprise when I wrap my hands around his waist, pulling his back close to my chest. "Kana… ah," he wanted to protest, but I know that by kissing and nibbling his neck in that spot he will change his mind, as his body won't be able to resist my touches.

I continue to work on his neck, slowly working my way up to his ear – my hands moving at the same time – one up his chest in the attempt to find his nipple, the other one moving in the opposite direction where his member is.

"Kaname… don't," he tries to hinder me in pleasuring him by grabbing both of my hands that are exploring his body.

"Why are you resisting? I know that you want it," I whisper into his ear with which earlobe have I played till now – it's a light pink colour, the same as his cheeks are. I would like to turn him around, so that I could look at his blushing face – because he's just so cute that way – but I like this position better as this way my hands can touch more of his body.

"Kaname!" resisting is pointless, as is to fight me – and he knows it, so he does the only thing that he can do. The comfortable water that heated up my body turned cold as he suddenly, and without a warning, turned the switch.

The ice cold water got me by surprise, as just my body was under the flowing water because I have somewhere in the process of exploring his body pushed him to the wall before us. In this short moment of my surprised state, he made his escape – fast, not wasting any time.

"Ha, ha, ha…" laughing is all that I do – does he want to play the shy one? Isn't it kind of late for that already? But I let him have his way this time around – it's not like he can run away from what we have between us. I change the water back to a bearable hot one, taking my time to wash up before I follow him – knowing he won't leave the flat.



Why must he have climbed in the shower? And he even… is that all he thinks about? And to think that we did it just few hours earlier… not to mention that my traitorous body liked what he was doing to it.

I dry off with the towel I grabbed when I left the bathroom. I'm angry at him – why can he act like that? Why has he accepted it so easily? It's not like we can stay this way after we leave here. I don't know if I can keep this secret with him – because just mentioning to someone what's going on between the pureblood and me can cause us much more trouble than the both of us need. Can't he see that? This can't continue even if… even if I want it to. I became so addicted to his touches that I don't know if anyone else will do anymore for me.

Enough with this. I need to leave here before he has the chance to do something to me that will change my mind. Putting the shirt on, I don't bother with tucking it into the pants that I already have on – I leave the shirt unbuttoned. I grab the rest of my uniform as I slide into the shoes – my hair's still wet, but I don't have the luxury of drying it fully off, as I want to make it out of here before he comes out of the bathroom.

"Leaving already?" I stop with my hand on the door handle, frozen to the spot – I haven't made it. "Are you perhaps running away from me?" I swallow hard, not wanting to look back at him. "Zero, look at me."

"No," I say quietly, but I don't dare to move from the spot.

"Zero," this time he said my name quietly, but more demanding, "turn around and face me," there's a bit of his nature pureblood status that is demanding submission from everyone. And that stupid part of me that is a vampire cries out from the need to fulfill his command – I hope that he has at least so much decency in him to not stand there naked.

"Happy?" I glare at him hard – thank God that he has a towel wrapped around his waist that is keeping his intimate parts hidden from my eyes.

"No. But if you kiss me right now, than maybe I will be," he moves even as he speaks, and thanks to his vampire speed his lips close around mine when he finishes the last word. Even if my mind screams for me to push him away, my traitorous body is doing what it wants – my lips happily responding to his, even inviting his playful tongue in.

"Kaname, we shouldn't," I get out of myself when our lips finally part. But looking deep into his eyes, I can't see anything that resembles the disturbance inside me.

"Why?" why? Can't he think about the answer with his own mind? Or is it too clouded with lust to think rationally?

"Why? Just think about all those around us – what would they think? Not to mention those vampires – what would they say when they learn that their precious pureblood is preoccupied with…"

"An ex-human?" he finishes for me. "Zero," he takes my head into his hands, so that I would look directly at him and didn't have the freedom to look away, "I don't care what they will think when they will learn about us," the only thing I can read from his eyes is the determination and the resolution he has – that he's telling the truth and he means it.

"What I know is that it's not just your body that I'm obsessed with. I want you all. Do you know what I mean by that?" is he… confessing to me? I open my mouth and than close it again as no words are leaving me. "Yes," he says ensuring me that what I think is the truth – like he can read it from my face. He than learns closer, giving a light kiss on my cheek, whispering than those three words out loud into my ear – making me blush.

"I love you," how can he say it so easily? My heart beats like crazy – I haven't expected him to say it out loud so soon – but I'm happy.

"Thank you," I bury my face in his chest from embarrassment – and I'm sorry Kaname that I can't say the words you want to hear from me right now – guess you just have to wait a while longer, Kaname… I love you too.


-short? I know, but epilogues should be that way, no?

-to everyone that wished for a lemon: don't you think that our boys deserve a little rest? Well, maybe Kaname's pureblood body can handle it, but we also need to think about Zero-chan's body that needs to handle the harder part.

-and a few words to Ttrace - I don't like those kind of epilogues where the time just flies by without us seeing how they got to the part where they are happily together and in love few years after the actual story – so I won't write that. I know that this doesn't seem like a proper ending, but it will stay like this, and maybe – just maybe – I will continue it later if a good idea decides to visit me… for now, thank you all for reading.