Last chapter now! Be aware that it may remind you of the end of the season but there are some surprises included. ;)
Disclaimer for all chapters: I don't own anything. Just the persons you might have never heard of.
Summary: Wyatt's sending his best assassin back in time, yet Zankou then starts his own plan – with the brothers. Meanwhile Chris has to face a lot which leads him into trouble. There are some close calls over time.
Chris' revelation story – second cut!
23. Circle of Life, Pt 2
Chris was on his knees and threw with his own telekinesis the Elder away from Wyatt's playpen. "You'll leave him alone!" the boy threatened and made his way back to his brother.
Gideon watched both boys satisfied before smirking. "I didn't want to but you leave me no other choice," said the Elder before turning invisible and conjuring an athame in his hand.
On instinct Chris ran faster to Wyatt but was midway stopped by Gideon who appeared next to him and thrust the athame straight into his abdomen. "Dad," whispered the boy.
"ISS!" came Wyatt's loud cry, shocking the whole house. Seeing the bad man coming to him, Wyatt blinked and blinked but his power failed here. Orbing to his baby brother, he stood in a protective way in front of him.
Fascinated the Elder turned to the young Halliwells. "This is crazy, you know," he offered smiling. "But I must do it for the Greater Good."
Chris scoffed and then coughed. "Good excuse, Elder! But you know how I was raised." His coughing increased and he felt a little hand on his arm. "I'm fine, Wy."
"It's time to end this farce," Gideon concluded and walked toward the brothers, still with the bleeding athame in his hand.
The more the noises increased above, the more Piper paced through the room. Any attempt to stop her either by her sisters or Leo ended up with mad glares. "I need to know what's going on there and it'd be better … NOW!" Then she had to grab her stomach. "Uh oh."
"Piper? Is the baby coming?" Phoebe asked concerned, looking at her younger sister in worry. "Piper, speak with me, please!"
"Not that way, I guess," the oldest woman said and sat down on a chair. "Uff. I think this birth is going to be a long one. Phoebe, would you prepare all already?"
"Sure." The middle sister hurried away and hoped for the best for either boys.
As the doorbell rang, Paige went like in trance to open. To her surprise, it was Victor, their sisters' father. "Victor, we were just talking about you. Anyway, what brings you here?"
"I had an epiphany," the older man offered half smiling. "Can I come in please?" Paige let him in. "Where's anyone else?"
Paige sighed softly. "Leo, no idea. Piper might be in labor and Phoebe's looking for the needed stuff. And the boys are facing their worst enemy."
"Oh," Victor only said shocked. "Then I came right on time. Help Phoebe with that stuff. I'll take care of Piper, okay?" The youngest sister ran away while Victor went to his second born daughter. "Hey Piper, how do you feel?"
"Daddy? I'm glad you're here. I think Chris is coming and I want it just like Wyatt's had been, you know." Then Piper started to sob quietly. "My babies are in danger now. I can't do anything to help them and Leo is god knows where."
"Shsh, Piper, calm down. It's not good for the baby." Victor kissed his daughter on the head and rubbed her on the back slightly. Deep inside, he wondered why Phoebe and Paige needed that long and recalled his instinct to come here.
At his loft, Victor Bennett paced through it. He didn't know what to do, because in his mind Chris' words from his last visit repeated in it like a broken record. Besides, it was his birthday today.
The letter Chris had written then stood in his desk with 'DAD' on its front. While walking around, he always stopped in front of his study. Making up his mind, Victor only grabbed the letter and hurried to the Manor.
Hearing how Piper's breathing became harder, Victor called for the other two. "Phoebe, Paige, hurry up! The baby's coming." Immediately the younger women appeared with the needed stuff. Together the three of them placed the pregnant woman on the table.
"Piper, take slow and deep breaths. Everything will be fine at the end," Phoebe spoke up soothingly and helped her sister breath.
Victor whispered to Paige. "Where's Leo? He should be here, you know." The youngest sister nodded. "Could you find him maybe?"
"I don't know. I don't want to leave Piper now, Victor," Paige said sadly. She sobbed. "I just feel so helpless."
"Okay," Victor summed up. "Let's help Piper first and then we'll see what comes."
Phoebe and Paige nodded and were glad to have Victor here. Their sister was in labor, their nephews faced Gideon in the attic alone and their brother-in-law was nowhere to be found. Whatever was going on, they hoped for the best.
As Zankou rematerialized, he came face-to-face with his Master or was he already his former one? He didn't care but why was his Master so angry? And the young man was looking rather pissed at him. The demon was convinced Wyatt would explode soon.
"Hello Zankou," Wyatt greeted his former assassin politely. "Welcome back. I take it you're wondering why I summoned you." He still felt the pain in his shoulder and abdomen but tried hard to suppress them.
"I'm sure you'll tell me now, won't you?" Zankou smirked but didn't know how to feel. He knew he was dead, anyway.
"Well," the current leader of the world began but was interrupted by another voice coming in. "Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you were still out."
Shocked and confused Leo looked between his son and his former assassin. Still, the father noticed how his son was slightly in pain. "What's going on?" he only wanted to know.
Zankou started to grin now. "Oh, I see. Family's come together, again." He looked directly at Wyatt. "You're changing. Chris is going to succeed in his task and we're already seeing the result."
"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Wyatt spat out sarcastically before changing his whole demeanor. "I release you from my given task, because it's canceled now. By me. Still, I know you're responsible for some things being done to my little brother! So what's your defense?"
Zankou was irritated but only for a moment. "I was just following your order, man! You'd wanted him dead to begin with! If anyone's responsible, it'd be only you, Wyatt!"
"True," Wyatt admitted, not only shocking his father but also the demon. "I can't deny what I did, yet recently you've changed your task to your own. What I haven't told you."
"You see I realized Chris was right to do what he's doing. Why not changing the future to my advantage?" The demon shrugged smirking.
"Oh. You did?" Wyatt crossed his arms over the chest and held the same tone like Zankou. "So you did some things to your own advantage if the future changes. Clever, really. Still, you hurt my little brother and that's something I can't tolerate!"
"ENOUGH!" Leo shouted at the heated arguments. Both looked at him strangely, making the Elder sigh. "Wyatt, you should finally decide what you do with him and definitely not argue! He betrayed you and that's a fact! So, would you?"
For a moment Wyatt was irritated before nodding to agree. "You're right, Dad. Zankou did as you told and that means only one thing." He built up his powers, ready to strike.
"Whoa, wait a sec," Zankou cut in quickly, still knowing he knew something Wyatt didn't. "Has Daddy dearest told you already who's responsible for your turning and Chris' wound you're feeling?"
"What do you mean?" Wyatt couldn't help but ask. Turning around, he questioned his father. "Dad, what's he talking about?"
Leo sighed. "The moment he's gone," was his only offer.
Wyatt barely nodded and with his energy blast Zankou was nothing more than a pile of ash. It was as if the demon had known what would happen to him by betraying him. Now Wyatt sighed but relieved before the pain returned nearly full force and he had to sit down.
"Son, you okay?" Leo asked afraid. He knew of his sons' strong bond.
"Hardly but I wanna know what Zankou had meant. And I want every detail." Wyatt was certainly confused but hoped to understand all of this.
Another sigh of Leo before telling his son the cruel story around Chris' birth and the new changes. What was happening in the past.
Leo was furious, because he didn't get the answers he wanted. His colleagues knew what Gideon was doing to his sons and still they wouldn't help him. "What can I do? What can Chris do? To defeat Gideon. I want some answers." There was silence. "Now!"
Roland stepped forward. "We are sorry, Leo. Really are but we can't interfere. This is Chris and Wyatt's fight and you gave your son a helpful hint to defeat Gideon."
Kevin continued, in a very sad tone. "Besides, Piper has gone into labor. You're needed at home and you need to be strong. We do have compassion with you and your family but concentrate on Piper and the new baby, please!"
"I just can't forget Phoebe's vision and I promised Chris to be always there for him." Leo saw how Odin began to protest.
"This would go for the baby version."
"No. I also include his adult self." Leo looked around and in the crowd. "By the way, has anyone seen Sigmund recently?"
All Elders shook their heads. "No, we know what you think, Leo," Roland said and squeezed the man's arm. "You should go now, Leo. The attic of the Manor has fallen off of our radar for some time, so you're really needed at home!"
Leo accepted finally and made his way back home. Fearing for the worst. Little did he know that the worst case scenario was nothing to it in reality.
Kevin shared a look with Roland after Leo was gone before speaking up. "We should support the Halliwells in any possible way now. They are our future, especially Wyatt and Chris at the moment and later also Phoebe and Paige's offspring. That's our job."
"Aren't you a bit too young to command us around, Kevin?" Odin objected and some Elders agreed with him. "What the Halliwells do is against all our rules, yet they have a right to break them like they want?"
"STOP!" Roland shouted angrily. "Odin, we'll keep an eye on you but for now, be quiet! The Halliwells are our main concern now and we're helping them!"
Odin growled and walked off. Some followed but the others stayed with Roland and Kevin. It was clear that even the Elders were split by this subject. There was some trouble ahead.
As the Elder came closer to the brothers, Chris grabbed his baby big brother and orbed back to the playpen where he put Wyatt in again and collapsed in front of it, making the boy cry even harder. "Damn," he cursed silently.
"Chris, you don't think you can defeat me, do you? You're too weak compared to your brother but I'm sure you were raised or had grown up this way." Gideon paced in front of the boys and blood dripped from the athame still. "You didn't give me any other choice now."
"Really?" Chris coughed but still his brother touched him through the bars. "Wy, I'm fine." He turned to Gideon. "I thought your plan was to get rid of us from the start. You were definitely not happy, finding out I'm Piper and Leo's son as well."
"True. But I don't understand how you could still protect him. After all he's done to you, in your future and all." Gideon looked directly at him. "Didn't you say he was evil?"
"He was but no matter what he did or has done, he's still my brother." The coughing increased.
"I see you believe in the good ol' morals. Good vs. Evil. They are useless."
Shocked Chris looked up. That sounded strangely like Wyatt but then again. "You want to talk me to death? I think we should end this!"
"Agreed." The Elder began to pierce Wyatt's shield but Gideon hadn't obviously blessed the athame, so it didn't work and the man cursed silently.
Chris saw only one chance for himself as his eyes caught the sword in the stone. "Yeah, you see my Dad gave me one advice and I'm going to take it."
"Which is?" Curiously Gideon looked at Chris.
"Excalibur!" And the sword flew into the hand of its rightful owner. "Surprise," he smirked at Gideon.
"That can't be! How is it yours when it should be Wyatt's?" Gideon stuttered nervously, looking really afraid now.
"Well, obviously you didn't get the Elder memo! It's mine and the last thing you will see," Chris threatened and swung his heritage at the unexpected Elder who fell to the ground bleeding.
"That's impossible," Gideon stuttered again and felt at his wound. The hand was bloody. "I can't believe this."
"Oh, be sure, you can." Chris only then realized that little Wyatt had orbed out of the playpen and was now touching his leg. However, this action made him stronger. "And now it's time for you to die!"
Together the brothers finished off Gideon who fell dead to the floor before turning into nothing more than a pile of ash. Immediately his charms were off and Chris sighed relieved, stroking over his brother's hair and collapsing onto the very floor himself.
"Iss?" Wyatt questioned afraid and touched his brother slightly.
"I'm fine, Wy." Chris kissed his brother's temple. "Go to Mommy. You're going to see me soon again."
"Baby?" No answer and Wyatt leaned onto him. "Miss you." The little tyke orbed away.
Chris coughed up blood. He was weak, because this fight had drawn him out. It was just a matter of time before he'd die but his baby self would be there. Chris just didn't want to die alone.
Leo orbed in, feeling completely defeated but when he opened his eyes again, he realized there was danger ahead. This birth was going to be complicated. "What's going on?"
"About time you came," Piper demanded sweating. "Chris just has to be stubborn already. God!"
"Piper, calm down. Everything is going to be okay," Phoebe spoke to her while Paige rubbed her older sister's back. The middle sister turned to her brother-in-law. "Leo, either you'll help us or stay out of the way."
Victor came into view, with water and towels. "Leo?" he asked surprised. "Where have you been? We've been waiting for you since ages. Piper's in labor for God's sake!"
"Sorry," the man apologized, going through his hair. "I thought the Elders could help but obviously we're on our own." Sudden orbs distracted Leo. "Wyatt?"
"Iss," the boy only offered before orbing to his Mommy and aunts, knowing his Mommy needed him more right now.
"I'm going to the attic. Just call me if you need me." Immediately Leo orbed away.
Victor sighed and joined his family, helping his daughter in any way he could. "Okay, Piper, just keep breathing! Chris will come out. Just breath and push!"
"Funny. What do you think I'm doing here?" the woman requested mad. "God, Chris must have a big head!"
"Piper, slow breaths! You don't want to scare Wyatt, do you?" Paige said, speaking with her sister in a soothing voice. She could see how Wyatt seemed to get upset slowly. "Just breath!"
"You don't know what I'm going through here!"
The other three adults shared a look but said nothing. They just helped their sister and daughter, and little Wyatt. It seemed Piper's temper just came out when she was mad.
The Seer didn't know what to do. The task Zankou had given her was weird in her eyes. It was true she had helped him in this time, yet was it her right to change her own destiny? It seemed Zankou had not been the only one who'd learned from Chris. Kira paced now around her pool.
"Ahem," said a voice to get the woman's attention. She turned around. "I would need some information, please."
Kira raised an eyebrow at her visitor. "That's kinda unexpected, you know. Thought you had learned but obviously not. What do you want to know?"
"Just show me the near future of the Halliwells and I'll leave." The Seer made it happen and the visitor was quiet during the play before promptly going away. "Thank you, Kira."
"You're welcome but I need some time to think still, so back off!" Again Kira paced, thinking about the whole situation but still didn't find a solution for herself. Now only time could help her – obviously.
Time to speak with her own pool.
"No!" Wyatt jumped up angrily and started to pace. A habit of his Mom he'd inherited. "No! Chris is not going to die because of me! This is not fair! After everything I've done to him!"
A loud rumble startled father and son, making Leo walk to his son. "What the …?" he started and grabbed his eldest by the arms. "Listen, Wyatt. I know Chris had accepted his fate and so should you."
"No!" Wyatt freed himself of his father's grip. "Chris is my little brother and a sacrifice too much! I can't live without him. Never!"
"Shsh, Wyatt." Leo tried to sooth his boy but knew it'd fall on deaf ears. Another rumble went down and thunder was heard. "What the hell is going on here?"
Wyatt sniffled. "Maybe Chris had defeated Gideon meanwhile?" He looked at his Dad with hope. "Maybe that's why our world is changing. Gideon's gone already and we won't exist anymore."
Leo considered this and then nodded. "At least baby Chris will grow up in a happier future. You both. The future I always dreamed of both of you having. One where also your mother would be alive."
Wyatt wiped his tears away. "Yeah. My little brother is the new hero of the world. Hope to remember this when my little self is grown up. I won't never forget about this sacrifice."
An even louder thunder and rumble went through the city and the nearly destroyed San Francisco started to disappear. Father and son ran to the attic's window and watched his whole disintegration a bit fascinated but also happily. All would be gone soon, all of it and all of them.
Some ghosts appeared behind them, whistling and startling the men. Shocked they turned around. "It's okay," one woman said and the younger man ran to her, hugging her. "I always knew my baby would succeed. And now it's time for us to vanish and let Chris create a new future."
"Mom," Wyatt said relieved. "I'm glad you're here. That you'll help us in that event." Now he could let his tears out and was happy to have his whole family here.
Leo smiled at his wife sadly. He knew how it would end but not that at that sacrifice. Chris was as much his baby as Piper's. And now? Their present changed and all would be better then. He embraced his wife and son and with a last rumble and thunder, this future was gone.
MANOR, ATTIC – 2004, NOV 16
When Leo orbed in, he only saw destruction and smelt blood, making him feel sick. Still, the Elder noticed Excalibur lying on the floor, next to a bloody hand. "Oh my God!" he exclaimed shocked and ran to his boy, taking him in his arms. "Chris, can you hear me?"
"Dad?" the young man asked slowly. "What are you doing here?" A cough. "Shouldn't you be with Mom?"
"Let me first worry about you," Leo said determined, kissing his son on the head. "Besides, I'd feel it if your Mom needs me. Now you are my first priority. We need to come clean."
"But we are already, Dad," Chris said, paling even more with every word. "Never mind. The advice you gave me was helpful." He smirked a bit. "Excalibur is a good weapon."
"I know," the father whispered before coming back to his senses. He held his hands over the wound, full knowing it'd be in vain and only Gideon could have helped here. "Damn him!" he cursed loudly.
"Dad! Stop please," Chris begged coughing and pushed his father's hands away. "Gideon's gone. I killed him. The future has changed now and you'll have to concentrate on baby me."
"But Chris, I can't lose you, not when I've just got to know you," Leo yelled, causing his son to look at him incredulously. He couldn't hide his tears anymore. "Sorry. It's just … just too much. Chris, you're my baby boy."
Chris chuckled softly and coughed more and more. "Yeah, I know and Mom's peanut. Dad, please. You'll have to let me go and take care of little me." His coughing increased. "You have to promise me something."
"Anything, buddy."
Chris shivered, knowing his end was near. He had to act quickly. "Listen, Dad. Always protect Mom and your family. The family always has to come first, you know." He coughed more and more. "Dad, there's a letter. Grandpa …"
Leo nodded briefly. "Anything else?"
But Chris saw someone else in the attic. What scared him a bit. "Aunt Prue?" he whispered. "Why are you here?" She shook her head. "What?"
"Chris, who do you see?" Leo asked concerned and felt the cold on his son's skin. "Chris?"
"Dad," the young whitelighter whispered. "Just know I love you all and you … Love you, Dad." He shivered a last time and his breathing stopped. Chris Halliwell was dead.
"No, Chris. No, don't go." Leo shook the lifeless body and tried in vain to rouse his son again. Totally in vain. "I love you too, Chris." Anger and fury bubbled inside him. He just felt empty.
Silence ruled the attic and Leo held onto his son's body for dear life. The Elder didn't know how to feel … until a scream echoed through the house. It was Piper's. Immediately Leo lay the body down which vanished then and the father ran down to his wife. With fear for his baby.
Piper's cries echoed through the whole house. "Damn, where's Leo? He should be here! I don't want him to miss Chris' birth. Ow!"
"Shsh, Piper," Phoebe tried to sooth her big sister and shared a concerned look with her father and little sister. "Everything will be fine at the end, you'll see. You'll be a much happier woman. Think of your baby!"
"Iss," put Wyatt knowingly in and was ruffled by his Grandpa.
"Paige, can you go and get Leo, please," Victor suggested while looking after Piper as well. "The baby's coming. Only you have to push more!" That earned him a glare. "Paige!"
She chuckled softly and went to the stairs but stopped half way as the wanted man came down running. "Leo, are you alright? What happened?" Paige asked shocked at seeing her brother-in-law very pale.
However, Victor and Phoebe seemed to stare at something not seen. Piper as well. That irritated the other three and Leo shook his wife slightly, hoping to bring her back. Paige and little Wyatt did the same with Phoebe and Victor. Their attempt seemed to have an effect on all of them.
"What's going on?" Piper asked annoyed but then. "Leo? Where's my baby? Where's Chris?"
"Later, honey. But now we should concentrate on bringing Chris to the world," Leo assured her, rubbing her back. "What have you guys seen, by the way?"
"A shadow, I think," Victor replied confused and hoped his daughter would confirm this … weird thing. "Right, Pheebs?"
"Yeah, I think it was our own shadow," the middle sister said and indicated to the basement, like in trance. "Anyway, Leo's right. We should concentrate on our baby nephew."
"ISS!" Wyatt insisted loudly and stomped his feet angrily.
"Right." Leo spoke and the rest of them gathered around Piper who now pushed as hard as she could. She had to repeat this several times before a loud scream wailed through the house.
"Oh, my baby," Piper said and wanted to hold her little baby only. "Hey Chrissie, welcome to the world." She turned to her older son. "Here Wyatt, your baby brother. Chris."
"Iss," the little tyke smiled happily and touched the baby carefully. "Iss."
Leo looked at his wife and two sons proudly, seeing how baby Chris looked at anyone curiously and gurgling. Leo was torn between mourning and enjoying. Still, he hadn't forgotten what Chris had said before he'd died. The Elder looked briefly at his father-in-law.
Victor read Leo's look right. "There's a letter of Chris, you know," he whispered quietly and gave it over unseen. His son-in-law hid it quickly. "C'mon, Piper, give Leo once his baby boy."
Piper did as told and the baby came to his Daddy. Leo gazed at his son lovingly. Phoebe held Wyatt and Paige could only smile while Victor did it too. A happy family – with one little flaw.
Above them, two ghosts were looking down on them. Prue held Chris' hand lovingly while the young man cried softly. It was over and all would live in a better future. The one he'd created.
As the two of them finally left the house, they closed the Manor's door – with their telekinesis.
Included better to 5 reviews!
It might take a while before the wanted sequel comes online. So please be patient! I can't hex! ;)
Reviews are really appreciated!