When Romano awoke, he could feel himself being held by somebody. His first reaction was to cuddle towards the heat of the other's body, but then forced himself off the strange lap as the owner of said lap began to stroke his hair, coming much too close to that one curl that would never stay down, the curl that gave him unwanted physical reactions and strange feelings deep inside.

"Pervert! Dirty!" He scolded from the floor.

"Oh, you're finally awake! What was that you said…?" was the completely unfazed response, complete with a caring smile. This only made Romano shake with anger.

"Never… Do that again! You just want to take advantage of me, like all the others!" He screamed as he bolted out of the room.

What was I thinking? Thoughts and self hatred rushed through his mind as he fought to hold back tears. I actually trusted him? I have known him for not even a full day and I let him do those things to me? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel… Betrayed? He is just the same as all the others. Conquer, and take. That is the simple mindset of other nations. Why do I deny this lesson that has been drilled into me, time after time? This makes me sick. He had no idea where he was, but he walked into the room directly to his left and shut the door. I… Miss Feli. Have you befallen my same fate, fratello? Are you trapped in the same cycle of distrust? He curled himself into the corner and allowed the bottled tears to fall. So long had he tried to be strong, but it too, like allowing himself to trust, was a failed plan with only destructive consequences. Now, he found it best just to hide, to try his best to stay away and distance himself from everyone else. The only person he had ever truly trusted were his Nonno and Fratello, but Roma had disappeared, most probably dead, and his brother had been taken from him a long, long time ago.

Through his curtain of despair and longing for the past, he did not notice the door open and shut quietly, bringing with it the very person he was hiding from. He felt strong arms around him, but he only fought back weakly.

"Shshsh. Oyabun is here. It will all be okay. See, look. I even brought you something to eat." He held out a roundish, bright red fruit.

Romano took the fruit, and made a move to throw it back, but could not bring himself to. He was very hungry, seeing as he had not eaten anything since yesterday. He cautiously took a bite, watching the Spainiard's face for any change in expression, but his look remained worried.

"Go on. It's fine. They're delicious, actually."

So he took the littlest bite.

And then he took a much bigger bite.

And another.

And continued to do so, until it had been completely consumed, save small, leafy stem.

"If you're going to stare at me like that, at least get me more... Of whatever that was" He ordered his new caretaker.


"What did you just call me?" He demanded back.

"No, no. That is what the fruit is called. Even though…" He snorted, swallowing laughter, "You do look like one now!" As he finished, he burst out laughing.

"Sh-Shut up!" He snapped, throwing the little stem at the other's head. This just resulted in the other laughing even harder.

"Oh, Roma, if only your hair was green! Your face is so red! You look adorable when you puff out your cheeks like that!"

"Arrgh! You're impossible!" He tried to stomp out of the room, but was caught around the waist and pulled into a hug.

"Mi tomate, it was in fun. If you don't like that, then I'll stop. Just say. Sí?Sí." and with that he gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Romano's face flared up into the same, bright shade of red, and rushed out of the room.

"Jackass, don't do that to me!" He called over his shoulder. But really, he was just embarrassed that he did not know how to react.

In fact, the hand over his cheek was also over a smile.