Ok, so I've written a new fic, woohoo, i hope you enjoy this chapter as i enjoy writing it. :)

It was a perfectly nice day, the sun was shining, the bluebirds were singing, the cursed guy across the school was mowing his lawn, the air was fresh, and a group of girls were giggling and squealing about something or other, in this group was another girl who looked bored and uninterested.

"Did you hear we're getting a new student today?"

"Really? Have you seen them?"

"No, but I hear the new student is a guy and he's quite attractive."

"Oh I hope he's in one of my classes," One of the girls sighed dreamily,

"Yeah, me too." Another added, the bored girl snorted in disgust. These were people she considered friends and they were acting ridiculous.

"Kim?" one of the girls asked, she smiled at her.


"You don't seem too excited."

"Yeah well…it's just a boy." The girl named Kim said with a shrug. The other girls gawked at her

"An attractive boy!" they all said in unison. Kim's hazel eyes narrowed as she frowned at the girls. The bell over head clanged loudly and Kim happily picked up her school bag and slung it over her shoulder. When she was sure her friends weren't looking her face broke into a smile.

Kim wouldn't admit it but she was kind of excited that there was a new guy coming to her school. Sure she was disgusted by her girlfriend's actions and squealing, and she prayed that she would never become like that. But deep down her stomach clenched and her heart pounded with excitement. She wondered why she was so excited. After all it was just a boy-even if the rumors were true an attractive boy-but still, he probably wouldn't appreciate so many people goggling and following him around. Like the fan club for attractive boys members would do. Kim's smile melted into a scowl just at the thought, and to think she was a part of that absurd group.

Well it's not like she went willingly, her friend Arishria practically made her join that stupid club.

"Kim-chan!" a voice said behind her, Kim turned and smiled upon seeing the caller.

"Jounouchi-kun!" she called. A goofy blonde boy grinned at her, behind him stood her real friends. Anzu, Honda, and Yugi; Kim stopped her walking so the others could catch up.

Kim had met them in class, she had known Jounouchi longer because they grew up on the same street but stopped talking to him in middle school when he changed too dramatically for her taste, but when the two had been assigned to a project and she saw how much he had matured since middle school they started talking again and then he introduced her to his friends Yugi, Anzu, and Honda, and since then they had been friends. Kim enjoyed their company much better to the other girls.

"Good morning Kim-chan." Anzu said with a smile.

"Morning Anzu-chan." Kim replied already with a smile.

"You ok Kim? You seem kind of stressed?" Yugi asked with a worried expression

For a moment Kim panicked, had he broken through her cool act? Then she smiled tiredly at him,

"Oh Yugi, it's just that the rumors of a new boy and my other friends that's all." She explained. Around these guys she felt safe about her secrets.

"I still don't see why you hang out with that group." Honda murmured. Kim shrugged.

"We better get to class." Was all she had to offer.

The five sat in seats in their homeroom together talking about a new game Yugi had got when the bell rang a second time indicating everybody should be in their seats. The teacher came in and coughed for their attention.

"Class we have a new student please welcome…" he gestured to the entering boy,

"I'm Ryou, Ryou Bakura; nice to meet you all." The boy said with a smile.

The whole class gasped. Even calm collected Kim dropped her jaw just a little.

He was beautiful.

Long snow white hair, chocolate brown eyes, pale complexion, and a kind smile that made his eyes twinkle. Almost every girl nearly fainted. Anzu looked at Ryou a little interested and Kim just stared at the stranger.

"You may go sit next to Jounouchi over there. Kim, would you kindly remove your spare stuff." The teacher instructed. Kim nodded able to keep a blush down as she moved her spare library and sketch books out of the way. Ryou sat down and smiled at Jounouchi's greeting. Then turned towards Kim and gave her a kind smile too.

"Hello." He said quietly almost shyly. Kim gave him one of her cool friendly smiles.

"Hey." She replied, before focusing her attention to the teacher's announcements trying her best to keep a mildly calm expression and a blush from creeping up her face.

"Ug snap out of it Kim, he's just a guy!" she told herself angrily. When the teacher ended Yugi, Anzu, and Honda crowded around Ryou and Jounouchi, Kim turned in her chair to talk to them all.

"Ryou these are my buds, Yugi, Anzu, and Honda. And that's Kim." Jounouchi gestured towards each person.


"Nice to meet you."

Kim just offered a quiet smile.

"You're family owns a game store?" Ryou asked with interest as Yugi explained it.

"Yep, do you like games Bakura-kun?" Ryou nodded

"Yes very much, I especially like board games and RPG's; my current favorite is a game called Monster World. Have you heard of it?"

"Monster World?" Kim finally piped up. All of them looked at her in shock. "Sorry, it's just, my brother and his friends play it all the time and sometimes I join in too. I'm always the dark master or an adventurer." She explained.

"Dark Master? Adventurer? Yugi what kind of game is Monster World?" Jounouchi asked,

"It's a role playing game; there are adventurers and the Dark Master." Yugi started.

"Dark Master tries to stop the adventurers and the adventurers try to destroy the dark master, whoever accomplishes that first wins." Kim explained.

"That sounds fun, we should go over to Bakura's or Kim's and play it," Kim shook her head.

"My brother and I go to one of his friend's house to play, so I don't own it." Kim said,

"Ah then to Bakura's."

"Y-yeah," Bakura said half heartedly then ducked his head down. Yugi's violet eyes looked at him in concern,

"Hey, Yugi, umm, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," Ryou spoke up smiling, "that pendant you're wearing…"

"Oh this? This is the millennium puzzle it was found in an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's tomb," Yugi said holding it.

"Wow, may I take a closer look?"

"Sure." Yugi agreed, Ryou's hands inched towards Yugi's chest

"You know I also have…" it was then Ryou took hold of the millennium puzzle, Kim saw his eyes widen and he froze, she heard his breath hitch as if he had been punched in the chest and his hand rose over to where his heart was.

"What's wrong Bakura?" Yugi asked, also noticing, Bakura smiled at him

"I-it's nothing Yugi." He replied. Kim frowned thoughtfully.

"Bakura-kun, perhaps you should see a nurse." She suggested starting to rise to take him; Bakura looked up at her confused,

"Nah, it's ok, uh…sorry I forgot your name…" he said sheepishly,

"Simmin Kim." She reminded him with a smile.

"Nice name," Bakura mumbled then looked up at her trying to reassure her.

"Really thank you Simmin-san, but I'm fine," he said, Kim hesitated but then nodded.

"If you're sure." Bakura nodded with his charming smile.

"Jounouchi! Don't hog Bakura all to yourself!" a girl cried out, the friends turned to see Kim's other friends, Kim sighed quietly feeling sorry for Bakura.

"WHAT?" Jounouchi yelled indignantly, one of the girls known as Akiko grabbed Bakura's arm and pulled him up, the rest of the girls-Arishria, Emiko, and Hiritomi-surrounded him and started talking to him

"Come on Bakura, we'll show you around the school, we've even started a fan club for you!" Emiko exclaimed proudly. Bakura sweat dropped but tried to look polite, Kim was still at her desk shaking her head,

"You come too Kim-chan!" Hiritomi said grabbing Kim,

"ACK!" she cried nearly falling but regaining her composure. She shot Yugi a meaningful look before she left the classroom with the ridiculous girls.

The group walked down the stairs pointing and explaining parts of the school.

"There's the bathroom,"

"There's the cafeteria, it's not too bad."

"There's the music hall," Kim muttered bored. Bakura perked up,

"Music hall?" he asked?

"Yeah? Do you play an instrument or sing?" Kim asked a little surprised. Bakura nodded,

"I play clarinet. And I sing Tenor." He told her. Kim felt her respect for him deepen, not only did he play clarinet-something guys who are straight don't really do- and admit he was a tenor right on the spot. The other girls squealed.

"Oh Kim-chan plays bass clarinet and piano, and she can sing alto, she's amazing."

"Not really." Kim said in her matter of fact voice.

"She's so humble." Emiko sighed; Kim held back rolling her eyes and opted to push her glasses up the bridge of her nose. It was so tiring practically babysitting these girls and pretending to be their friend. Bakura stared at the girl interested. She sure was a calm one and the other girls seemed to look up to her. He could sort of see why, and he was grateful for her company. He wasn't too good with girls and Kim wasn't jumping him like the other girls,

"Hey you there!" a rough voice called. Kim's dread deepened. "You can't be strutting through the halls with girls flocking all over you."

"Uh oh, Sensei Karita!" a girl exclaimed.

"You're the new guy aren't you?" Karita said with a sneer, "I heard you had trouble at your last school." He said smugly, Bakura refused to look afraid or blush, "But here we have rules, for example this hair," the gym teacher's big hand grabbed a fistful of Ryou's white locks "boys aren't allowed to have hair this long!"

"EEK Bakura!" Emiko squealed.

"Don't hurt him!" Arishria cried out.

"Tomorrow I want you to have a crew cut understand?" Karita growled. Kim stepped forward.

"Leave him alone sensei!" she said. Karita looked momentarily surprised then sneered at her.

"Who are you to be telling me what to do Simmin? Do you want laps in your next lesson with me?"

"You do realize you're talking to the volleyball star and she runs every day?" Akiko asked in her ditzy manner. Kim mentally face palmed herself but kept a determined face.

"He's new, just cut him some slack," Kim said.

"Kim-chan?" Bakura whispered. It really was a comical scene, a 5'2 skinny girl in a bright orange jacket and short skirt, with glasses glaring at a 6'3 big burly gym teacher.

"Listen Simmin! When little miss fashionable starts to look like the guys in our school then I'll treat him like a student." He growled then threw Bakura into Kim; the two let out "oof's" as Kim stumbled back from the unexpected blow but managed to keep their feet planted on the ground.

"Oh Karita, what a meanie!" Akiko pouted.

"Are you alright Bakura-kun?" Kim asked, Bakura nodded before realizing one of his hands was around her waist and her hands on his upper arms. Trying not to blush too hard he said

"I'm sorry but can you leave me alone for a second?" and then dashed away to the men's bathroom.

The girls gathered around Kim.

"Oh you're so brave," they gushed. Kim shook her head,

"Not really, I did what anyone else should have done." She said pointedly fixing her hazel eyes on the group, they shifted uncomfortably. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some classes to attend to." She said and then departed.

"I wish I was like Kim." All but Arishria sighed. Arishria glared pointedly as her friend went down the hall way.

Kim didn't see Bakura until their second hour music class. Bakura stood there with his clarinet case a little awkwardly until he noticed Kim and his lips turned into a shy smile. Kim smiled back walking up to him

"Listen Bakura, about earlier." Kim started.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"Well I meant my other group of friends, but yeah about Karita, you'll get used to him."

"I want to thank you for standing up for me." Bakura said staring at her with his warm chocolate eyes, his smile relieved and truly grateful. Kim shrugged.

"Karita just needs to be knocked down once or twice to know that he's not in complete control of everybody." She said, she went into the band locker room for her instrument Bakura trailing her,

"Are you really the volleyball star?" he asked. Kim shook her head,

"Not anymore, I played for middle school and last year, but well…my interests lie elsewhere." She said as she took off her orange jacket and stuffing it in her locker and taking out a reed.

"What are your interests?" Bakura asked Kim frowned slightly with her back turned to him; she didn't really like talking about herself with strangers, to her it wasn't natural. Usually people only talked to her about their lives and she politely listened.

"Stuff." Was all she replied "I like music." She said with some hesitation.

"Me too, I move a lot and never have many friends so there's plenty of time to practice." Bakura said shyly.

"Really? Why do you move so often?" Kim asked interested as she put her bass clarinet neck strap on. Bakura's smile faded and he opened his mouth but closed it again. Then the bell rang and the teacher came out and instructed for warm ups.


"Simmin-san!" Kim heard she turned around to see Bakura walking quickly towards her; she stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"Hello Bakura-kun, oh and by the way you don't have to call me by my last name. You can call me Kim." She told him, Bakura smiled shyly

"Alright Kim-chan, you can call me Ryou." He replied. Kim smiled at him blushing slightly at his smile.

"Bakura-kun!" another familiar voice called out. The two new friends turned away from each other to the source of the voice.

"Yugi!" Kim called waving. Bakura smiled at the group.

"Hi Kim-chan. Bakura, me and the others were talking and we would like to play monster world with you at your place if it's alright with you." Yugi said somewhat shyly but bravely with his kind smile. Kim had to give him points for guts.

"Eh?" Bakura asked surprised.

"Yes, it sounds like a fun evening." Kim added. Bakura looked at the group in shock,

"I-I would really like to play with you but…Karita's right." Bakura muttered sadly. "You see I did have a lot of friends for a while and we played a lot but weird things started to happen. They would all end up in comas-they're still in the hospital-and it kept happening and people avoided me. That's why I keep moving and transferring. I live alone in an apartment away from my father." Bakura said sadly, "I made a vow not to get too close to anyone! I'm sorry." Bakura finished and then he darted off.

Kim and the rest of the group stood around looking at Bakura's retreating figure. Yugi had called out to him but to no avail.

The five friends stood there a little stunned until a text message woke them up. It was Kim's phone.

"Ug sorry guys but my mom needs me home." She sighed as she sent a reply.

"I'll walk ya home Kim." Jounouchi said. Kim smiled at him,

"Thanks Jounouchi, see you tomorrow guys." She said to the rest as she and Jounouchi headed to the bus station.

So there you go! I sort of made up the giggly girls names because it would be annoying to say Girl 1 and Girl 2 or something like that. I watched the Japanese version of season 0 (the forbidden season lol) and Ryou called Miho Nosaka-san so I got the idea from there, I'm trying to keep it original to both the show and the manga. I also made Ryou play the clarinet cuz it's true not many guys play clarinet and I think that instrument is good for him, Well please review I'm really excited for this new fic.

A/N about the bright orange jacket i have decided i want to keep it orginal to the series and if any of you have seen season 0 (the forbidden season *gasp*) they have orange colored jackets and green skirts, which is odd but don't fret.