17th January, 2006
"Ron, stop being such a baby. You'll be fine." Hermione said exasperated. Ron pouted like a two year old at her before grinning and giving her a kiss on the cheek as she left the house. He then ran full pelt to the fireplace and threw a handful of Floo powder into the flames yelling "Harry and Ginny's" and sticking his head into the emerald flames.
"Gin, you're gonna blow them away. You'll be fine." Harry smiled at his pregnant wife as she prepared to disapparate to the Daily Prophet for her job interview. He briefly kissed her and patted her baby bump as she turned to leave.
"Daddy!" a small voice yelled and Harry looked round to see his two year old son James sitting grumpily in his highchair and squirming to be set free. "Wanna get down!" he cried indignantly.
"Have you eaten all of the banana Mummy gave you?" Harry asked him doubtfully.
"Yes!" James said defensively. He then leaned over his chair to stare at the floor where Harry glanced down to see five slices of banana lying on the floor. His son giggled innocently and Harry picked him up out of the highchair.
"I don't blame you mate." He muttered as he carried James upstairs to get him ready for the day.
Ginny was going to the Daily Prophet that morning to be interviewed for the position of sports columnist. She had retired from her Quidditch career after having James but still wanted to remain in the field. Harry had suggested that maybe she should wait to have their second child before going for the job which he highly regretted halfway through saying it aloud as he was then lectured about feminine empowerment and 'a woman's right to choose'.
Just as Harry was about to place James down on the first step of the staircase, the fireplace expelled emerald flames, signalling that someone was trying to Floo in. A second later, Ron's head appeared looking very panicked.
"Harry! You have to help me, I can't do it on my own. Mione's crazy fo-"
"Woah Ron, slow down. I can't understand a word you're saying. What does Hermione want you to do?" Little James had stopped in awe, gazing at the green flames but the novelty had obviously worn off as he now started forward with his hand out stretched trying to catch the fire.
"No, James." Harry said quickly, grabbing his son round the waist and pulling him onto his lap. James looked up at his father sulkily.
"That's what she wants me to do!" Ron said as though it were now obvious.
"Look Daddy, it's Uncle Ron!" James announced.
"That's right James." Harry smiled at his son. "Ron I still have no idea what you're talking about. Do you mean Hermione wants you to stop James from touching the fire?" he asked sarcastically.
"James!" James cried when he heard his name.
"She's gone out and left me to look after Rosie! Me, Harry! Me looking after a four month old baby! She must be crazy..." he trailed off into another rant about Hermione's sanity.
"Yeah Ron, what the hell was Hermione thinking expecting you to look after your own daughter for a morning." Harry looked at him sarcastically. "You've taken care of Rose loads of times, Ron. What's the problem?"
"The problem is that I have to do it on my own today! What if she starts crying or something? I never know what she wants to make her happy again. Hermione always deals with that."
"It's sort of parent's instinct. I remember feeling the same when James was first born but you kind of get to know what to do." Harry told him, still holding James tightly so he couldn't go rushing into the fire. Ron looked at them and his face lit up.
"Harry you can come and help me! You know what you're doing with babies and stuff." He gestured to James who was giggling as Harry tickled him.
"Really? You want my help? I'd have to bring James too." Harry said. A look of relief passed over Ron's features.
"Anything's fine. Just please come and help me!"
A faint sound of wailing could be heard and Ron's face paled. "I think she's waking up now Ron." Harry told him unnecessarily. "That means you need to go and see to her." He added when Ron didn't move.
"Right, yes, of course." Ron said looking distracted and giving Harry a pleading look.
"We'll be over in ten minutes ok?" he said exasperated.
"Thanks Harry! You're the best." He smiled, looking relieved and backing his head out of the fire.
Harry looked down at James. "Looks like we're going to Uncle Ron's today Bud." He swung James onto his hip and started up the stairs with him.
"Uncle Ron!" James cried happily. "And Aunty Miney?" he asked, looking at Harry with wide eyes.
"Nope, just Uncle Ron and your baby cousin Rosie." Harry told him. James' mouth turned into a little o of wonder.
"I have baby cousin? James have baby cousin?" James looked amazed at the idea as Harry set him down on his bedroom floor.
"She's your newest cousin. Do you remember visiting her before?" Harry said as he opened the doors to James' wardrobe.
"She my cousin. She mine?" James asked innocently.
Harry laughed. "No James, she belongs to Uncle Ron and Aunty Hermione. She's your little cousin. Her name's Rose."
"Rose." James said, testing the name out loud. Harry dressed him in the first outfit he could find which turned out to be jean dungarees and a tiny t-shirt of the Holyhead Harpies; his mother's old team.
James was too young to be taken by Side-Along Apparation or Floo powder so Harry had to do things the muggle way and strap him into his car seat. Unlike Ron, Harry had successfully passed a driving test first time without the need for a confunding charm.
Fifteen short minutes later, Harry pulled up outside the small house owned by Ron and Hermione. They were in the process of trying to sell it as they wanted to live somewhere bigger now they had Rose and were planning on having more children in the future. Hermione had suggested they try and move close by to Harry and Ginny though, while not totally against the idea, Ron wasn't over keen on living next door to his little sister again.
When Harry and James were only halfway up Ron's garden path, the door flew open revealing a harassed Ron holding a tiny baby somewhat awkwardly. She appeared to be gurgling happily in her father's arms but Ron didn't look at all happy.
"Thank God you're here!" he cried, though quietly so as not to startle Rose.
"That my Rose!" James shouted, pointing fiercely at the baby. Unfortunately he didn't know about being quiet (Ron blames Ginny) and baby Rose started to wail loudly causing Ron to panic considerably.
He uncertainly jiggled Rose about a bit with no luck and looked up at Harry with a defeated look on his face. "Earlier I just waited for her to stop."
"Let me try." Harry offered, gently removing his niece from Ron's arms and cradling her in his own. James ran towards Ron instantly demanding to be picked up so Ron obliged, still watching his crying daughter and his best friend.
"Come on Rosie." Harry said soothingly as he held her close to his chest and rocked her gently. Gradually her wails turned into little sobs and finally the sound of breathing.
"You make it look really easy Harry." Ron said grumpily.
"You just have to rock her until she falls asleep Ron. It's not rocket science." Harry laughed. "You'll get used to it though, I was completely clueless when James was first born and I had to look after him on my own." He added when Ron looked disheartened.
Little James squirmed to be put down so Ron lowered him gently to the floor where he stood, unsure of what he was allowed to do in his Uncle's house.
"Go back to your Daddy, Rosie." Harry said quietly as he placed the sleeping baby into Ron's arms who had a determined look on his face and tucked her into the crook of his arm. She stirred and started whimpering again as Ron's face fell while he rocked her awkwardly.
"You'll pick it up, honestly. I did." Harry told him encouragingly.
"Yeah, good point. I remember you were terrified of looking after James at first and now you're all like a Superdad or something." Ron said, watching Harry pick up James and swing him onto his hip as Rose continued to cry.
"Definitely not a 'superdad'" Harry laughed and James laughed too because he was copying his dad. "Do you not remember what happened that time I took James to the toy shop?"
"You know Harry I don't think you've ever told me that story." Harry laughed.
"Well it'll make you feel better." So Ron settled Rose into his arm as he sat on the sofa and Harry balanced James on his lap to tell him the story.
Ginny sneezed loudly and blinked up at Harry. "I think I'm sick." She told him in a groggy voice.
"I think you're right there Gin." He said, handing her a steaming cup of coffee. A faint wail sounded in the distance and Ginny went to pull herself out of bed.
"Stay where you are; I'll see to James." Harry commanded and Ginny relaxed.
"Sounds like someone's awake." Said Harry as he entered his son's room and scooped the toddler up into his arms. "Looks like it's just me and you today Bud." James had stopped crying and was gazing up at his dad happily.
"Bud." He repeated in a proud voice. James was just learning to speak and he liked to announce the newest words he had learnt very loudly and very frequently.
"Bud, bud, bud!" little James yelled and Ginny appeared in the doorway holding her head.
"Want me to take him out of the house?" he asked her sympathetically.
"That would be great." She replied looking relieved. "Where are you gonna go though? Ron and Hermione's?"
Harry thought for a second. "I think I'll take him to the t-o-y shop." He knew James could recognise the word 'toy' and would get very over excited at the mention.
"Bud Mummy, bud!" James insisted, indignant that his mother wasn't paying him enough attention.
"Did Daddy teach you a new word James?" James grinned at Ginny but she threw Harry an annoyed look.
"Look, just get some rest today ok? I'll pick up some medi-potion while I'm out with James." James laughed happily from Harry's hip.
Ginny nodded in agreement as Harry escorted her back to bed assuring her that he and James would be fine without her. After all, Harry had taken care of James alone plenty of times.
Harry precariously held James' hand tightly in his own as they walked down the cobbled street towards where the muggle toy shop was. James' little face was alive with excitement even though he still didn't know where they were going.
"James look!" Harry announced and stopped in front of the large window of the toy shop. It contained an impressive display of giant teddy bears which were waving their paws and moving around. Harry looked down to where James stood to see what he thought only to see his son frozen on the pavement, his eyes fixed on the largest bear and an expression of terror in his eyes.
"Don't like!" he wailed as tears formed in his small brown eyes and he clutched onto Harry's leg, burying his face into his trousers. Harry bent down to his level.
"James what's wrong? They're just like your teddy bear at home." He attempted to soothe the child; James was resolutely staring in the opposite direction of the shop window.
"Shall we go inside and look at the toys?" Harry offered, sure this would cheer James up.
"No! No, no, no, no!" James shouted loudly looking fearfully once again at the shop window before turning away again and demanding to be picked up. Harry obliged, feeling bad that his supposed treat for his son had scared him.
"Ok James, where would you like to go?"
James thought hard and looked around at the nearby shops.
"Home please." Harry sighed.
"See Ron, I'm definitely not a Superdad." Harry ended the story and Ron looked amused.
"Note to self, do not try and impress Rose with oversized bears." He laughed softly.
James smiled happily from where he sat on Harry's lap clutching a cushion he had picked up from Ron and Hermione's sofa.
"Ron." Harry said and Ron gave him a questioning look. "Look." He nodded to baby Rose in Ron's arms and Ron followed his gaze.
"She's asleep. Harry I got her to go to sleep!" he whispered.
"See, told you you could do it." Harry said simply as the doorbell sounded and Ron looked immediately worried that Rose would wake up. She slept on however.
"I'll answer it shall I?" Harry offered as Ron seemed unwilling to move too much in case he woke Rose up. "Come on James."
James trailed after Harry, still clutching the cushion from the sofa. The door opened to reveal Hermione.
"Harry!" she had quite a rushed, harassed look about her. "You weren't at home so I guessed you might be here and thank God you are!"
"Why? What's happened?" he immediately felt worried as the worse possibilities ran rapidly through his mind.
"Ginny was halfway through her interview when her water broke!"
Harry gaped at her. "What? But the baby's not due for another three weeks!"
Hermione shrugged. " She's on the way to St Mungo's right now, you need to go quickly!
"Did I just hear that right?" Ron asked excitedly, appearing in the hallway still holding baby Rose. "Ginny's having the baby now?"
Hermione nodded fiercely and Harry just stared blankly at him.
"Me and Ron'll watch James for you and bring him on later with Rose as well." Hermione said in an efficient voice as if this had been planned all along.
Harry nodded slowly, trying to take everything in. He bent down to James' height.
"James, how would you like to stay here with Uncle Ron and Aunty Hermione and Rose for a little bit while Daddy goes to see Mummy?"
James hugged his newly adopted cushion and glanced up at where Hermione was smiling encouragingly at him. He nodded at Harry and stretched his arms up towards Hermione to be picked up. She did so and he rested his head on her shoulder.
"I reckon he'll be asleep in a minute." Harry told her as he pulled his coat on in an instant and exited the house. "Bye James." He smiled at his half asleep toddler.
Hermione watched him walk up the garden path before apparating at the gate with a faint pop sound, an expression on his face which ranged from excitement to fear.
Ron simply smiled at Hermione as he held their sleeping baby daughter, silently expressing how proud of himself he was.
Author's Note
Thanks everyone who's put this on their favourites list! Seriously, it means loads to me how many people have :) Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter... let me know what you thought in a review and anything you'd like to see in future chapters! Til next time...