Yah! Last Chapter! Sorry if anywhere in here I called Gray, Grey. Or if anywhere in here I said mission and job in different parts. They mean the same thing it's just I didn't remember what it was called, my internet was down so I couldn't look it up, and my mind slipped. Also sorry for all the bad grammar. I never re-read it to do a grammar check cause I'm lazy. I know, I know, I should but I don't...

Gray POV

As soon as I got back to the guild everything went blurry and suddenly I was falling forward. I don't remember much after that except that. Everything was all black.

Lucy POV

"Ugh, where am I?"

I looked around the room and recognized it to be mine. Back in my apartment. I got up slowly for I had a huge headache.

"But how did I get here?"

"Last thing I remember is that I was in the forest. Fighting Beck. And he..."

I shuddered as I remember him walking towards me. Crazed look in his eyes.

I looked around the room again, and decided that I'll ask questions later. I was just happy to be here. So I went into my bathroom to get myself a nice hot shower.

"Ah. That made me feel so much better."

After having my shower I went into my room to get dressed and made a decision to go down to Fairy Tail. I needed to know how I had gotten back here after I was in the road from Glidesburgh. I was going to go down there and ask someone how I had gotten back home.

I walked down the familiar road to the guild. Thinking over and over how I got back home.

"It was just me. No one else came with me."

"So how!"


Thinking about this too much is just making my headache worse. The rest of the walk to the guild I massaged my temples trying to ease the pain. And as most of the pain was gone I was at the front door to the guild.

I pulled open the door and was bombarded with the smell of sweat and alcohol. Along with loud laughter and clinking of glasses. It felt so familiar and safe to be here. I walked in and smiled.

Then I remember that I came here to ask questions. So of course I got to the person who would know everything about anything in the guild.

"Hey, Mira."

"Oh! Lucy! It's good to see you here. How are you feeling?"

"Well... I'm good. But the thing is Mira. How did I get here. Not here here but back in town?"

"You don't remember Lucy?"

Mira looked at her with a shocked expression.

"Yo-You really don't remember?"

I shook my head at her.

"I don't remember a thing."

She looked at me with another shocked expression.

"Well Gray carried you back. It did seem that you blacked out but for sure you had to have seen Gray."

"G-Gray! Gray carried me here?"

This time I gave her a shocked expression.

"Yeah. He left right after you left for your mission. So you must have been with him right?"

"No... No I didn't even see him."

"Oh. Oh my."

I left to go in search of Gray since Mira seemed to insist that Gray went after me and he was the one to bring me back. But the only place that I could think that Gray would be is the guild and after a quick sweep of the room I didn't see him there.

After that I tried a couple of other places but I didn't find him.

Sighing I kept walking aimlessly thought the town.

"Maybe I should just give up for today. It's not like I won't see him tomorrow."

"May as well do something relaxing while I can."

So I walked down to the beach to lay on the sand for awhile. The timing was just right to go and relax at the beach. When there wasn't that many people around because the sun was about to start to set in about 20 minutes. But the sun was just that it was warm on my skin but not too hot that it would be uncomfortable.

So I go onto the sand, take off my shoes, and let the sand between them.

"Ahh. It's been so long since I've been to the beach."

I chose a nice spot and lay down to absorb the last of the sun's warm rays. It was so nice that I could feel my eye lids getting heavy and refusing to stay open much longer.

I was just on the brink of sleep when I heard some one approach and stand much too close to my head. I opened one eye to see who had intruded in on my relaxation.

"Hey Lucy."

It was Gray. Standing above me, smiling down.

I quickly flipped myself around and onto my stomach and stood up so that I could properly look at him.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you."

I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Hey, hey. I was just here. Well not here exactly I was on the other side of the beach, but I came over because I thought I saw you over here and thought I would come say 'hello'."

"Ah. Well okay. Sit down with me."

We both sat down and got comfortable on the sand. Thinking I should sit down if we were going to talk. I wanted to know why Gray had followed me on my mission.

"So Gray. I heard from Mira that you were the one that brought me all the way back here from Glidesburgh."

His cheeks had a bit of a pink tint to them now. And he wouldn't look me in the eyes, he looked a little higher up. At my hair.


"Y-yeah I did."
"But that must have meant that you fought Beck."

I stared unbelieving at him. Beck was so strong and all.

"Yeah. I did."

I was getting frustrated by his three word answers.

"Tell me why you did all that. In twenty words or more?"

This time he looked me in the eye and I saw a bit of humour in there. As is he thought what I said was funny.

"I followed you because I knew that guy from the past. And it is a none too happy memory at that."

I counted twenty-one words including the small two letter or less ones. I felt satisfied about getting more words out of him. I also felt touched that he came after me because of Beck and brought me back home. I decided to get more bold.

"G-Gray. Back when we went on the mission, and in the tent."

My face was steadily going more red as I continued to speak.

"U-um well, I think there shouldn't be any more accidents."

He eyes turned dark and he looked away.

"I understand Lucy."

I stared at him in horror as I saw what he thought I meant.

"No! No you don't understand."

"Lucy I think I under-"

I cut him off and moved a little closer to him.

"No. What I meant was that all kisses from now on are on purpose."

Gray quickly looked up, his eyes widening in surprise.

We stared at each other for a few moments.

"Well aren't you going to kiss me?"

"No. I did last time."


I moved forwards and kissed him on the cheek. It was awfully awkward.

He laughed, and my cheeks turned a bright red.

He reached down and put his hand on my cheek. This time he leaned down and kissed me. It was a soft kiss. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum, a kiss isn't a kiss, without some tongue, so open your mouth, close your eyes,and give

your tongue some exercise.