This is my story for Final Fantasy VII, so please read and review ^^.
I don't own anything! If I did, I wouldn't be writing this fanfic.
'Telepathic thoughts'
lines are either time skips or a change of POV
Cherry Death
The boiling sun hit on me as I run through the desert on my stormy gray motorcycle. Me, being dressed in black and red and is unaffected by heat, didn't feel the heat that would scorch the living daylights out of somebody else. My trench coat flapped in the wind as I seemingly flew through the landscape.
I should really tell you who I am before you get confused any further.
Well, my name is Katie, a seemingly happy name for a broody personality. I always wear black except for my pure white choker that had a silver moon and howling wolf symbol that was my good luck charm. Yeah, I'm just a bundle of joy riding a motorcycle with a huge smile on my face.
Yeah right.
At the moment I'm going to visit my cousin, Vincent Valentine, to actually just talk for a bit and catch up. I haven't seen him since the Lucrecia accident. She was a total bitch to Vincent, but I would never say that to Vincent because he loved her very much.
I shook my head at the reasoning of Vincent loving such a bitch. Why he did I'll never know.
I suddenly heard shots being fired toward me. I swerved and avoided the shots. I looked back and saw three silver-haired teens riding motorcycles and firing shots at me. I smiled a bit.
My boring day just got a little bit exciting.
An apartment in the side of my motorcycle opened up to reveal my precious hand gun, Luna. She was a black beauty, that was for sure. I trusted her with my life and never has she let me down once.
I shot back at the front of the motorcycles, hoping to blast there front tires and let them skid off in this wasteland. Unfortunately, I only hit one tire and he seemed to be the leader. He jumped off of his and jumped to another one of the others. I rolled my eyes and shot again, except I only heard a clicking sound. "Dammit." I hissed. Why did I have to run out of bullets now?
"Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit!" I chanted to myself over and over again. I turned around and started going faster. Another shot was heard and I swerved, trying to miss the bullet, but it already hit my back tire. My tire swerved and crashed, me along with it. It hurt like Hell, let me tell you that. I got up after I was sure that the crashing stopped and then I was knocked out by one of the silver-haired idiots.
Oh, this can't be good.
Yeah, I know I have enough stories, but I decided to do this one anyway.
Can't wait to hear opinions ^^