Bailey, Woody, and London stared at Cody in shock as they heard that a life-threatening tsunami was heading towards them.

"Oh no …" Bailey whispered to herself. "We've must tell everyone! We've must warn Mr. Moseby! We've g-,"

Cody interrupted her with his hand on her lips. "Sweetie calm down, it's not even close yet."

All of a sudden, if on cue, the lights started flickering and the loud sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. Cody started screaming his oddly girlish scream.

"Wow, way to calm down." London mumbled sarcastically.

Woody started panicking as well. "Does anyone have any popcorn? I eat popcorn when I'm nervous."

"Do you like need a certain food that corresponds with your mood?" Bailey asked.

"Read the pamphlet!" Woody ordered handing her a seventy-four paged pamphlet that looked more like a Harry Potter novel.

London read over Bailey's shoulder. "Hotdogs: confused, Popcorn: nervous, Churros: in love, Pizza: relaxed, Pretzels: stressed, every food: every mood?"

"Well, what happens when I don't have a mood?" Woody asked in reference to his pamphlet.

"You stop eating." Cody pointed out the obvious. Another loud boom of thunder silenced them as they realized they had to get to safety. "Okay, Bailey go warn everyone! I'll tell Mr. Moseby! London, go to yours and Bailey's cabin! Because it's in the middle, it's interior is safest! And get Woody in there too!" Cody demanded as everyone ran off.

"Wait! How do I get him up? He weighs as much as his mood-food book!" London yelled running after Cody.

"It's a pamphlet! Which only weighs as much as Addison!"

Meanwhile Maya was in her room, her head buried in her pillow. She had cried out all her tears out long ago, already ashamed of being humiliated in front of Zack. What was she going to do now, just pretend she didn't like someone who she had developed feelings for? Deny everything Addison said which would be lying to everyone? Why'd she even go to this boat if she hated water? Maya mentally kicked herself. She would just have to wait and see if he was the one. Suddenly, Bailey barged into the room.

"Maya! There's a tsunami heading this way, you have to meet everyone in my cabin ASAP!"

Maya immediately stood up wiping her eyes to hide any evidence. "A tsunami!"

"Yeah it's very close! You need to come with me!" Bailey said grabbing her hand.

"W-w-wait!" Maya stuttered. "I'll meet you there, I have to get some things."

Bailey sighed. "Okay but hurry up!" she said running out as well as she could on her sprained ankle.

Maya found her bag and packed up all her stuff one by one. She decided once this tsunami was over she would go back to New York and hopefully forget about Zack once and for all. Unfortunately, she accidentally knocked over her desk lamp she was using and it broke, the spark getting caught on her blanket.

She was afraid that one of her best friends would burn.

"Where's Maya?" Zack asked running in and seeing all his friends gathered in the cabin waiting for the wave of terror.

"I don't know, she said she would be here shortly." Bailey said.

"Well I'm going after her …" Zack whispered running out of the room as everyone tried to stop him. Six seconds later, the boat lurched, and was overtaken with water.

The fire started on Addison's bed and Maya just noticed it, screaming, backing up by the bathroom door. By then the fire had spread cutting the room half in half till Zack barged through the door. Shouting 'Maya' before the huge wave over took the ship.

Maya got up and saw that the water rushing into the room had successfully put out the fire. Zack lay by Maya's bed unconscious. Maya ran over to him and lifted his head before the water drowned him.

"No Zack! Zack don't leave me!" Maya started sobbing just as hard as she did at 911. "I didn't mean what I said! I do love you I was just scared."

She was afraid someone else she loved would drown.

Zack started fluttering his eyes open at the sound of her voice. "Maya…"

"Yes Zack," She answered with more tears running down her cheeks. "It' me."

"Maya, we have to go see if everyone's okay." Zack stood up; the water was up to his knees and was getting higher really fast. Maya tried to stand up too but her leg got caught on something and the water pulled her under.

"Maya!" Zack screamed the water now up to his waist.

In the other cabin, the water came in slower because it was interior but it was still filling up quickly. After Zack left, Cody jumped up and tried to go after him as soon as the boat shook. He ended up falling but told everyone he was okay. It was thunder storming as the tsunami came; it almost seemed like a hurricane more than a tsunami. More like a combination of both. The tsunami wasn't strong enough to tip over the boat, but the lower decks were flooded and some of the upper decks were getting there. No one knew what to do.

"This is terrible!" London cried.

"Don't worry London, I'm sure everyone's okay." Bailey said patting her shoulder.

"No! I mean my jewelry is probably all rusted by now!" She whined as everyone rolled their eyes.

"Yeah I'm sure Zack and Maya are fine. We should see what's going on and if everyone else is okay." Addison suggested.

"Good idea, alright guys! Lets go!" Cody said as he grabbed Bailey's hand and they all took off.

"Wait does anyone have a churro?" Woody asked as he looked at Addison.

x. . .x.x

"Maya!" Zack had screamed as he dived in the pool deep water. He tried his best to open his eyes underwater despite the stinging saltwater. He found an electrical circuit cord had wrapped around her ankle. It was luckily unplugged so she wasn't electrocuted. Coming up moments for air, he managed to untie the knot it formed and brought Maya up. She was breathing but unconscious, and the water was freezing. He carried her while trying to open the door. When the door opened, all the water drained out to the hallway, which spilled over the railing and went back out to the ocean.

"Maya! Maya, can you hear me?" Zack asked stroking her face.

Maya stirred and opened her eyes. "Zack, you saved my life." She whispered smiling.

"Maya I-," Zack was interrupted by her lips on his.

"Don't think I was gonna let you get away after that." She smiled as Zack sat there with dopey faced. Oh yeah, he definitely was the one.