Teenage Dream


I had never thought it would be possible, but here I was, living the impossible. I knew I couldn't just walk away, he meant too much to me. My love for him scared me. I had always thought he was the biggest jerk that ever existed, but he's got a kind heart. I was absolutely unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him…

Chapter 1: Bad Boy

Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy, but understand
That I don't need you in my life again

Bad Boy, Cascada

Bella Swan you are such a pushover...

My thoughts were all but kind as I stared at Jessica who was currently pouting, her hands clasped in front of her chest. No, absolutely not. I wouldn't allow it. It's time I start standing up for myself; I couldn't stand so many people taking advantage of me, the little albino. I wasn't stupid, I knew what they said behind my back, and they weren't very good things.

"For the last time Jessica, I said no. Charlie would kill me," I said

Her pout deepened even more and she slowly sank to her knees, "Please Bella, please, please, please."

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest, "No, I am not allowing you to host a party at my house. If Charlie found out-which he probably will-I'll be grounded for the rest of my life and I'm not taking that chance. Go ask somebody else."

She sighed, "But Bella, Mike is gonna be out of town, Angela's parents are at home sick and Lauren has a date."

"Then just change the date and have the party at her house," I said exasperated.

"I can't, she's booked for the whole week."

"Well, too bad," I said

Tears started to stream down her pale cheeks, "Please Bella, I'll do anything. Just please do this for me. Please, for me."

Just as I was about to give in the sound of an engine roared across the parking lot and I turned just in time to see a sleek black motorcycle pull in and park. The driver wasn't wearing a helmet, just a pair of flashy sunglasses. As he dismounted the bike and smoothed his jacket, I instantly recognized him. Glossy black cropped hair, high cheekbones, russet skin, bulging muscles and taut ass-yep it was definitely him. Jacob Black, player extraordinaire.

He was transferred from the reservation school after a pretty bloody fight he got into. The kid was sent to the hospital with a broken nose and jaw, multiple bruises and internal bleeding. It was pretty serious but Jacob was just left with a busted lip and a black eye. The kid's mother pressed charges but they were dropped for no reason. My father still won't tell me what happened. Everyone tended to stray away from him. The air around him seemed to scream danger.

Supposedly, to Lauren, he was the hottest guy in school. I didn't really agree with her on that. Personally I think my boyfriend, Edward Anthony Masen, was the best-looking guy here, but it seemed most of the female population, and some male, went for the bulky bad boy type. I preferred the emotional, romantic guys and some people called me a freak because of it. Like I cared, they have no right to judge me. I had good taste in men and Edward was truly the one for me. He was caring, sweet, protective and ultimately the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.

Sensing my heated gaze, Jacob peered over his shoulder. He lifted up his tinted glasses and placed them atop of his dark head. His mouth stretched out into a sexy smirk and he winked at me, those dark eyes twinkling. Mentally it didn't affect me, but my body betrayed me by shivering and my face immediately flushed. He threw his head back-revealing that strong, firm neck-and laughed. His laugh was deep and scratchy but seductive in ways I didn't even understand. He slipped his backpack on and headed threw the school doors without another glance and disappeared in the crowd of students.

I heard Jessica giggle from behind me and I turned back to give her a look.

She held up her hands defensively, "I'm sorry, I just can't help it. He is too hot to be true." A dreamy look clouded her features as she twirled a peace of her hair, still kneeling on the floor, staring out into space.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and took the front stairs two at a time. As I was about to push the door open a pale hand beat me to it. I followed it to a thin arm and finally to the gorgeous face of my boyfriend. His green eyes sparkled and that wispy copper hair was disheveled as always. He gave me a crooked grin and my heart did somersaults.

"Good morning love," he said in that soft velvet voice that always makes me melt.

"Morning Edward," I leaned forward for a kiss and he met me halfway, chuckling.

As our lips met and I sighed, his lips were so soft and a bit chapped but that was okay with me. The kiss was chaste and only lasted a couple of seconds, but it was still enough to make me turn into pudding.

"Come on love, we have to go or we'll be late for class," Edward said.

"Sure, I just got to get something. I'll meet you there," I said.

"Alright love," he kissed my forehead and vanished around the corner.

I exhaled and strode over to my locker. I entered my combination and grabbed my Biology book as soon as I opened it. I closed my locker and instantly jumped, a shriek bubbling in my throat. Jacob grinned, his eyes twinkling again. He was leaning against the locker next to mine, his ankles cross, arms crossed over that massive chest. I could practically make out his muscular abdominals through the thin white t-shirt he was wearing.

"Someone's jumpy," he commented.

I glared, "What do you want?"

He gave me an innocent look that made him look way younger than his 17 years, "Oh nothing, just wanted to see your pretty face."

Despite how irritated I felt, his words made me soften inside. I never really thought I was pretty. I was average, dull brown hair, heart-shaped face and big chocolate brown eyes. I was the picture of ordinary but I couldn't say the same for Jacob. He was extraordinary with his silky skin, chiseled jaw, wide nose and pearl white teeth that were the whitest that I've ever seen in my life. They contrasted beautifully against his dark skin tone. Jacob deserved to be on the front cover of a male model magazine. He'd break hearts all over the world.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem, would you like me to escort you to class," he offered me his arm.

I giggled and quickly accepted it. He was so warm and strong. It was hard not to look at him.

Maybe he isn't that bad after all...

Snap out of it Bella! He is not good, he is bad news and the biggest player the world has ever seen. But no matter how hard I tried to convince myself, I couldn't pull away. Jacob's arm tightened around mine and he suddenly got a dark look on his face.

We started to slow down and came to a complete halt. I followed his gaze and nearly gasped. Edward stood, his features formed into a glower as he gazed at where mine and Jacob's arms intertwined.

"What's going on here love?" he asked

"Uh-um...nothing, absolutely nothing. Jacob was just walking me to class, nothing happened," I stammered and flushed at how stupid I sounded right now.

Edward acted as if I hadn't spoken and seemed to be sizing up Jacob's 6'2 muscular frame. He calculated any spot of weakness and decided which areas to go at first. And if you're asking how I knew this, I just know Edward that well. Every expression, every feeling, the different gleams in his eyes, I knew him like the back of my hand.

The classroom door opened and Mr. Mason's head popped out.

"Is there anything wrong going on here? Why aren't you guys in class?" he asked.

Edward put on a fake smile, "No worries, Sir. Jacob was just dropping Bella off." He spat Jacob's name like it was a curse.

Jacob gave him a death glare.

"Alright then, I'll let you three off with a warning. Please head to class Mr. Black," Mr. Mason said

Jacob nodded and turned to me, "I guess I'll see you later."

He winked at me and left in a casual stride.

Let's just say Biology wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Edward kept glancing at me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him writing something down a piece of paper before sliding it over to me. I sighed and opened it up, gazing at his neat handwriting.

I thought you said you were going to get something out of your locker, not flirt shamelessly with Black.

I bit my lip as the truth of his words crash into me like a two ton truck. Jacob and I were flirting but it was nothing. Plus, he's probably already making out with Lauren in the supply closet right now. I picked up my pen and wrote down my response.

I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

As he read it, I watched as he let out a deep breath, seeming visibly relaxed and relieved. The bell rang just then and I gathered my stuff, heading out the doors to my next class. I was randomly flipping through my Calculus book when I collided with something warm and hard. It knocked me back on the cold, linoleum floor.

"Watch it, Swan," I heard Lauren sneer and looked up.

I was shocked to see her hanging on to the arm of no other than Jacob. Lauren smirked and kicked all of my papers and books just as I was about to reach for them. They scattered all across the floor and I gasped as dozens of students trampled over them. I felt tears prickle in my eyes as I watched student after student step over my dog-eared copy of Wuthering Heights. It was a present I had gotten from my mother for my 14th birthday. It was my absolute favorite book and the only copy I owned. The hallway began to clear and I lunged for my book, but not before a stiletto-clad foot beat me to it. Lauren reached down and plucked up the book with her fingers and stood back up. I scrambled up and adjusted my backpack over my shoulder.

"Wuthering Heights? Are you serious Swan? Could you get any more cheesy?" Lauren flipped through the pages until she came to the last, blank page. In her scrawly handwriting, my mother wished me a happy birthday and signed with a heart and her first name.

"Aw, a birthday present from your mommy, how cute," Lauren made kissy faces at me and I blushed.

Jacob stayed quiet, watching the scene unfold before him. As he reached for the book, I feared he was going to the job done before Lauren could, but was surprised when he grabbed it out of her hands and handed it back to me. I sent him a small thank you with my eyes and he nodded, giving me a small smile. I tucked the book back inside my bag and proceeded to pick up all of my papers.

"What was that for Jakie?" Lauren screeched.

I giggled at her stupid nickname for him. Jakie definitely didn't suit him. Jake, yeah that fit perfectly.

"I told you never to call me that," Jacob growled.

"But Jakie, I always call you that," whined Lauren.

"God you are such a pussy," Jacob said and I could help the laugh that burst through my lips.

Lauren turned to me with a glare and Jacob just smiled.

"Stay out of this, bitch," Lauren said

Now it was my turn to glare. How dare she call me a bitch!

Just as I was about to respond with a witty remark of my own, she raised her hand and slapped me right across the face. My head snapped to the side on impact and my cheek began to throb with red-hot pain. It stung and hurt like hell. I felt something wet ooze down my cheek; I brought my hand up to touch it and the salty smell of blood wafted up to my nose. That little bitch cut me with her acrylic nails. I ground my teeth together as my vision went red.

Yo, yo, yo! What's up my people! Haha, sorry about that, I just always wanted to say that. So, Amy here! I know I've been gone for a while; the pregnancy's been a real bitch along with the morning sickness. Danielle has gone on a quick trip to Puerto Rico to visit some family and will be back in two weeks tops. I actually find it unfair that she gets to skip school for so long, but oh well. This story was her idea and I'm writing it for her while she's gone. Before I go I just want to say that there's a poll up on our profile, go check it out and until next time, see ya!

Oh, I almost forgot! Special thanks to our beta xxtaylorlovesyouuxx!