I would like to give credit to my follower,Leto for this idea. Also people,I am still open to ideas. Enjoy the story.

Fang stood infront of her mirror;her hair up in a messy bun,while in a black evening gown that hugged her curves in all the right ways. She applied a bit of eyeshadow to add to her already neck breaking beauty. The woman grabbed her matching purse as she inhaled a deep breath before exhaling. She laughed in spite of herself,for she had so many suitors fawn over her,confess their love,wine and dine her...yet here she was,nervous over one date with the woman she had been crushing on since childhood.

"This is no problem,Fang. Keep it together!" during her peptalk,she jumped at the sudden ring of the doorbell. Quickly fixing herself up one last time,she headed for the door,taking a deep breath before putting on the facade of confidience to open the door."Hey S-" Fang's voice stopped working as soon as she laid eyes upon her date. Lightning's attire was simple,but it surely was super effective on her. The sargent wore a black suit,her dress shirt underneath the blazer was a silvery-grey color that had the top two buttons undone. To further make Fang speechless was the fact that the azure eyed woman has straightened her hair and had it in a ponytail drapped over her shoulder where her usual curls would be,her usual bang was there accompained by hair that had escaped the hairtie to hang loosely on the otherside of Light's face.

"You ready?" Light's eyes did a quick once over of Fang's attire,as she arched her eyebrow in silent approval

"...Take me now" When the exotic woman said this in her daze a confused expression appeared on her date's face "Y-yes,I'm ready. 'Take me now' means let's go now." The sargent offered her arm for Fang,who took it with no hesitation as they proceeded to her car.

After a while of driving they arrived infront of what looked to be a five star classy resturant. Stepping out of the car as the valet held open the car door for them. Lightning turned to hand the keys to the young man who was the valet while holding out her arm for Fang to take once again.

As they both entered they were met with a welcoming smile from the hostess "Welcome to Taste of culture! Just you two today?" When they both nodded the woman grabbed two menus before leading them to a table "Here you are. My name is Dalia,please let me know if you should need anything"

Lightning quickly grabbed the woman's arm,taking her notepad to write something down,and handing it back to her. As Dalia read over what was written,an strawberry blonde eyebrow was arched to recieve a nod in return as the hostess giggled. All this made Fang tilt her head in curiosity,but nothing more. Fang was a slave to her own thoughts. The only thing keeping her calm was the soothing classical music that started playing in the background. The restaurant itself was lovely,and the music only made it even more mystifying. A water fountain was near the entrance to the restaurant,it's marble matching with the light red and white of the walls. The music seemed to get louder as the live band on the stage off to their right proceeded to play for the others in the area as the low lights oozed a romantic heir. She felt eyes on her,she slowly turned her head for her green eyes to meet with azure ones gazing back into hers which made her blush out of embarrassment.

"Is this place not to your liking?" Lightning asked nonchalantly

"No,it's wonderful,Claire..." she couldn't seem to keep eye contact with the sargent who tilted her head. Once Fang realized she had used her dates name,she blushed a tad bit more going as far as to place a hand to her face "Sorry Ligh-"

The other woman only gave a slight smirk"Say it again"

"What?" When her hand was taken from her face,and held gently all of her braincells seemed to switch to stupid. Was this really happening right now? She couldn't really believe it,she was expecting some type of prank,or mindtrick like earlier. "S-say what again?"

"My name..." At the look on her date's face Lightning could only mentally laugh,she thought the woman was cute at rare moments like this,but she would never say it since she would rather leave the woman in the dark as to what she was doing,and what would be the fun if the other woman knew everything.

Fang took her hand back slowly,held up a finger,and then proceeded to give herself a tiny pinch "Oh, this isn't a dream..." she grabbed one of the glasses of water from the table,taking a gulp of it before setting it back down. She got her braincells working right again,and oh no she was not going to be tricked by her date again. The woman gave Lightning a coy smile "I think you hearing it once was good enough,Sargent Farron"

An eyebrow was arched at the silent challenge presented to her by the dark haired beauty who had a smile plastered on her lips. 'Oh,she is actually making it fun this time.' A smirk threatened to appear on Lightning's face,but she kept her composure well "Ah,understood. Then i suppose i shall hear it as many times as i wish in my bed later on" She then leaned on the table lightly as she ran a hand through her hair.

Fang was not ready for that,nearly choking on the water that she was sipping on as red instantly rose to her cheeks. She grabbed the menu as calmly as she could,and fanned herself. "Hot in here,is it not?"

The Sargent smirked mentally 'One to Zero' Before she could reply verbally to continue their banter,the hostess returned with their plates of food,setting them gently infront of the women along with a bottle of champagne as she popped the cork to pour a bit into the two empty glasses upon the elegant darkwood table.

"Miss,we didn't order yet...you-" Fang noticed what was on the plate infront of her'Aw..chicken alfredo pasta. She must have ordered for us when she wrote on the pad' She was brought back from her thoughts when she received a envelope "What...?

"It is from one of our other guests here,miss." Dalia looked around to point the person out "Um...seems as though they have left. Well,have a pleasent time. Don't hesitate to call me for anything else"

As Fang was confused yet again,Lightning took the oppurtunity to grab Dalia's notebook again,quickly writing in it before handing it back to see her run off. "What,what?" The sargent asked as she proceeded to eat the pasta upon her plate.

"She gave me a card from another guest who left" She lifted the item,holding it up to the light to try to see what was in it,before finally just taking the card out to read it. 'We know who you are! HOT PICKLE GANG NEVER GIVES UP! We have planted a gift for you in the building. Here is a clue on how to find it" At the end of the poorly written statement,an arrow pointed to Lightning,who was eating a fork full of food.

Noticing the grim look on her date's face the Sargent put down her fork " What is it?"

"Read this." As she extended her hand to pass the note,she looked around to see if she could spot any of the gang

Azure eyes quickly scanned over the card before she gave a scoff "This prank is absurd"

"Claire,what if it is serious. Innocent people could get hurt..." The strawberry blonde figured that Fang had conspired with Serah at some point in time to learn how to get her to do things against her will. She gave a sigh,eating another fork full of pasta,and moving a hand to signal for her to continue talking "Ok,so remember when we were kids,and someone kidnapped my moogle?!"

The other woman choked on the champagne that she was drinking in a surge of laughter at the memory of the woman all pouty over that stuffed animal.

The school was having a special day for the students since it was close to a holiday,hence the little carnival that was set up for the day. There was booths lining the playground area of the school,full with little games along with food for the students to buy with any tickets they won along the way.

"HEY KIDS! COME GIVE IT A TRY! HIT THREE BALLOONS,AND GET ANY PRIZE YOU WANT!" A man shouted as their little group was passing by

Hope scrunched up his face as he ran over "So,mister...What you are saying is that if i win,I can take any prize I want? All of them?"

"That's right young man!" the man even went as far as to motion his hand over all the prizes as if they were magic

"GIMME A DART! I'M GOING TO GET EVERYTHING!" He yelled this as he moved his tiny hands rapidly for the item only to lose them as quickly as he recieved them. "This game sucks! YOU CHEATED!" he went as far as stomping his little foot in anger where he stood

"It's ok,boy! Maybe next time! " The man gave Hope a mocking smile as he counted the tickets in his hand before noticing that he was recieving a glare "Well,little lady...How about you try?" Lightning began to walk off at this suggestion "Aw,little lady is scared" This made the girl do an about face,holding out a hand for the darts "THAT'S THE SPIRIT! HIT THREE BALLOONS"

The teen quickly threw the darts hitting more than the required three,leaving the man with his mouth agape "Give me the best prize" as she said this the man frowned reaching up to grab a big plush toy

"A moogle. No one has ever won it..." he then proceeded to further rig his booth up to prevent anymore wins in such a way

When she recieved the item she held it up to look it over "Aw,Sunshine you have a bed buddy now." Fang said this as she pat the huge moogle before having it shoved into her arms

"You can have it" Lightning gave the moogle a bored look before she proceeded to walk around her dark haired friend,and down the path to get to their home. Fang stood for a moment looking the moogle over then looking around before giving it a hug. Not many people knew she liked cute things,but the few who did included the elder Farron. She instantly loved the item even more due to who gave it to her.

Fang sat infront of the TV with her new moogle in hand,watching a show called Right is the Price. She laughed at how excited people got when they were called to the stage. Snow entered,standing infront of the television in wha he deemed a manly pose.

"You want to play tag with us,Fang?" when she shook her head,and motioned a hand for him to move,he scrunched his face up in confusion "Why don't you play with us anymore? It's been three days,and all you do is watch TV with that stupid,big nosed toy!"

These words caused the girl to give a sound of annoyance as she reached forward to push him out of the way "Move Snow!"

The blonde haired boy frowned at being dismissed in such a way "Fine...but I'm taking the stupid moogle with me!" he quickly reached to snatch the plush toy away from the girl before running off as fast as he could

Fang wasted no time pursuing him while yelling a bunch of promises to come if her precious moogle was harmed. She lost sight of him,and had a deep frown come across her face only to feel something hit her head. As she looked up she saw her moogle tied to a tree branch "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SNOW!?"

"Killing the evil item! You've changed since it came,so I'm sacrificing it to Nimfarg!" he pointed down at what was a deep puddle of mud as he went to try to untie the moogle, so it would fall. He soon realized he could not get it loose. "It's evil magic forbids me from untieing the knot! I'll just cut it then! Hope throw me a rock!"

Hope nodded,for he too was sick of the moogle taking Fang from them. He bent down,lifting a rock to throw,only to see it go nowhere close to where it needed to be. "The rocks are under it's spell too!"

"NO,YOU JUST CAN'T THROW! USE YOUR INNER MAN!" The blonde boy yelled to see Hope get angry,and toss another which hit Snow in the forehead "OW!"

While Snow was already disoriented,Fang took the oppurtunity to take a branch from the ground,climbing the tree a bit,before lashing the boy with it relentlessly to see him tumble into the puddle of mud. "That will teach you!" she then untied her moogle,hugging it as she went back to her show.

"Hey Fang! Want to come with me and Serah to collect shells at the beach?" Vanille asked this with a big grin,sure that the older girl would say yes.

The dark haired teen smiled "Sure" she then reached for the plush toy to see both of her friends give a awkward look"What?"

"Uh...Moogle can stay here.."As Vanille said this ,she played with one of her pigtails.

"Why?" The teen saw no reason that her moogle couldnt enjoy such a wonderful day as well

Serah stepped between them "Because we wouldn't want moogle to get dirty. Right Vanille?"

"Well,my reason was...I'm tired of seeing it,but that is another reason too,Serah" this caused the younger Farron to place a palm to her head,rubbing it a bit in thought.

This all caused Fang to frown "Don't worry then,we won't come!"

Vanille gave a frown while puffing her cheeks out "Fine! Stay with your stupid moogle!" As if to drive her point further,the red head walked over kicking the moogle across the room with all of her might before she grabbed Serah to run "Fatty!"

"Don't listen to them moogle. We both are stylish,ey!" she then held the toy to her chest,rocking from side to side

Lightning laid in her bed comfortable,and easily relaxed to close her eyes. She slipped into a slumber only to wake up hours later,instantly realizing something was wrong "I...I had a good rest..." she stood up from her bed,walking out to see her little group sitting at the dinner table clearly angry about something. As she walked over they all gave her a hug,which alarmed her for two reasons. One,she was so relaxed,and well rested that she didn't mind their hugs. Two,they all were not acting themselves. They all would each greet her in their own way.

"Stay away from Fang,she is being stupid!" Hope said this,loud enough to let surrounding kids hear,as well as Fang who was sitting with her moogle next to her. "She replaced us all with the moogle!"

"Fine by me! More great rest!" After a few nights,naps,and mornings went by even the elder Farron felt like something was missing from her routine "She is a bit obsessed with that thing..." To test her theory,she walked past Fang a few times to see her just hug on the moogle "Should've never gave her that thing..." She observed the teen to see her place a kiss on the moogle's head. This was enough to make her turn to leave the room.

"WHERE IS IT?!" Fang practically woke the dead with this loud shout,as she ran around the house tearing apart everything while searching for something,going as far as trying to turn on the light,only to see that the stom knocked out the power. Lightning glared lazers at the loud girl for interrupting her precious sleep "WHAT ARE YOU YELLING FOR!?"

"MY MOOGLE IS GONE! IT WAS RIGHT HERE NEXT TO ME,NOW IT'S GONE!" she pointed to the spot where it had been as if a dead body were there.

"...You woke us all up for a moogle?" as Lightning asked this,the exotic girl made a face as if everyone should be as upset as she was "GO BACK TO SLEEP!"

"NO,ALL OF YOU GET UP!" NO ONE RESTS UNTIL MY MOOGLE IS FOUND!" when she yelled this a bunch of groans were heard along with the rumble of thunder from outside

Everyone sat in the middle of the TV room,looking at Fang with murderous intent since she came,waking them all out of a good slumber for a moogle of all things." One of you dirty theives has my moogle! No one will rest until-" mostly everyone got up to leave,except Snow,Vanille,Hope,Serah,and Lightning who all just went to sleep in a pile on the strawberry blonde teen's back while Fang ranted "YOU GUYS WAKE UP!"

They groaned like zombies while opening an eye in annoyance "Fang...will you let us go back to sleep if we help you find the moogle?" Vanille asked through grumbles

"Ofcourse!" As she replied,they all picked themselves up from the ground

Hope wrapped his blanket around his shoulders,and ran back to search through his things for a hat,and a pipe that bubbles came out when he blew on it "Now to begin this investigation"

"Where do we start?"The little red haired girl asked as she went up to him with a look of question.

The boy held up a finger as Lightning flashed outside the window behind him. "We start with the kitchen. Most crimes start there,and we can make a snack " The sound of a snack gave them a bit of energy to proceed to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen the group saw it wa a mess. The lightning flashed to reveal a body on the floor,and bloody handprints on the counter.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They all gave a start before slowly moving around the counter to see Sazh in a puddle of his own blood

"SAZH!" They ran over to him shaking him to hear a groan "He's still alive!" They tapped him again to see him wave an arm,pointing to a nearby sandwich on the floor

Snow went over to the food,looking at it" The thief who took your moogle tried to take out Sazh,and make a sandwich to watch him die before he heard us coming! Maybe Sazh knows who did it,and they tried to kill him to make him hush"

They all stood in suspense,looking at each other slowly before Vanille went over to the sandwich to examine it "Judging by this sandwich,the killer is still around...lurking in the shadows"

Lightning rolled her azure orbs since she thought it was utterly foolish that someone would go such lengths for a stuffed toy. Fang gave a look of determination,planning on hurting anyone who dared to hurt her stood by Snow,who was still looking at the sandwich as were Vanille,and Hope.

"We have to find the culprit,and bring them to justice!" Hope turned as he said this with a nod from every one but Light,who felt it foolish but tagged along. "I think i know who the culprit might be..." the boy said as they were walking out of the kitchen

"Who!?"Vanille asked ready to go take them down

"Just follow me...I'm sure he thinks no one knows" the boy gave a blow on his pipe,forming the bubbles. The group followed him to where the boys slept,and over to the foot of a bed with the person under the covers. "Snow,grab him" the blonde boy nodded to this,quickly going over ,yanking the covers back to reveal Cid crying.

Hope pulled out his Alexander action figure,shinning the light upon the pale boy's face "Oh,the guilt kicking in now,you fiend!? Those tears won't save you now! Why did you do it?! You took Fang's moogle,and then you try to take out Sazh because he was onto you,huh!"

Cid shook his head from side to side rapidly before the sound of a lightning strike was heard making him jump "I-I'm afraid of the lightning"

"HAHA! LIGHTNING,COME INTERROGATE HIM!" Snow said this as he held the boy who was babbling down. The teen shook her head slowly as she walked over ,slapping him aside the head "OW! HIM NOT ME!"

"Snow,he is afraid of the storm...not me. I doubt he did anything,he has been in here the whole time,under his blanket crying. Everytime there is a storm he is in here under his blanket" she replied this in a bored tone

"O-oh..." the huge boy turned back to Cid who had tears pooling out of his eyes before Hope came over,hoping on his bed and shining the light in his face again

"Just know...WE ARE WATCHING YOU! Any slip up you make...WE WILL BE THERE!" he then hopped down "Now to continue with our investigation." he blew on his pipe again as Snow released Cid letting him return under his covers.

The storm kicked up,rain pouring viciously upon their home,making the group walk closely to each other as not to split up in an type of way. They all wondered who the killer could be,and why would they do it all for Fang's moogle. They stopped suddenly at the sound of breathing as they arrived at the center of one of the house's hallways. The breathing became heavier,and louder. As footsteps were heard it seemed to cue lightning from outside to flash,revealing a glimpse of a face with it's mouth open,tongue hanging out,and its eyes wide.

"IT'S THE KILLER! RAHHHHH!" Vanille quickly took her shoes off tossing them at the person with ninja like aim since after she did they heard the sound of a body hitting the floor.

"GRAB HIM BEFORE HE GETS AWAY!" Snow yelled as he leaped where he thought the culprit was,proceeding to beat him more "THIS IS FOR SAZH!"

Fang jumped in as well,diving like a wrathful panther upon the person "GIVE ME MY MOOGLE!"

Lightning shook her head as she walked over,tugging the two off of the person. As she lifted them up weeping was heard "Hope,turn on your light..." The boy quickly searched his person,pulling out Alexander,and pressing the button to give a bit of light. Once the teen saw who it was she swiftly shoved them away with disgust on her face"It's just the little fat one..."

"I-I'm telling the principal on you a-again!" he got this out through sobs,which made Light turn around on perfect cue with the lightning flashing through the windows,showing her face to look very evil as she leaned in towards him.

"I'll see to it that you won't make it to see school tomorrow" As this was said,he quickly shook his head "Keep your fat mouth shut then. Come on,let's go find this person so i can go back to sleep."

The fat boy grabbed Light's leg "C-Can I come too? I'm Scared!"

She gave a sigh,placing a hand to her head "Just don't get in the way" As she said this,they all walked past,or stepped over him which made him quickly run to catch up. Hope ran infront of the aggitated teen to light the path with Alexander's light. They all walked for a while,before an muffled yell was heard,along with dragging sounds. Hope quickly turned with a start,shining light on them all.

"W-where is Snow!?" At the realization of their friend missing,Hope,Vanille,and Serah all huddled closely to Lightning and Fang. "They tried to kill Sazh,and now they got Snow! JUST LET THEM HAVE THE MOOGLE FANG!" the boy shouted this,a bit paniced until he felt his head patted.

"Keep a cool head. Chaos will only make the person have a easy time picking us off. Just stay close." They all nodded at her words "Take the hem of Fang,and my shirt so we don't lose each other. Hope,I need you to be brave,and lead since you know how to work the light" He sniffled,but nodded as he got infront of her before feeling the hem of his shirt tugged gently "Let's go."

They noticed light coming from the door at the end of the hallway "It's Lele's room. She can help us!" The pudgy boy pushed passed the group,and ran ahead

"WAIT!" Serah yelled this out,but it was too late as the boy tripped over a wire that dropped a cage upon him "The culprit is clever...I'm glad he ran first now"

"Get me out! Get me out!" The boy yelled clearly panicked

"We tried to warn you..."The group said this as they went around the cage

"A-Aren't you guys going to help me?" he yelled as he wrapped his pudgy hands around the bars of the cage to rattle it.

Hope shined the light on the trapped boy's face "THAT'S WHY YOU STICK WITH THE PLAN!" he replied this in fustration,clearly in no mood to be nice since his friend had gone missing

Lightning patted the boy's head so he would calm himself. They then proceeded along to Amelia's room,Lightning taking the lead to reach her hand out with caution to open the door. "Lele...Are you in here?" They saw nothing of the woman,but heard a beep before noticing a red light flashing from the nearby phone "Her phone..." Before proceeding to the phone,the girl checked her surroundings for any traps. As she grabbed the phone the others came to huddle around her "There is a message. Let's listen to it for clues" They nodded as she pressed play on the voicemail.

There was a sound of thunder,and rain before russling was heard "I'm coming..." It was a man's voice that sounded as though he had to speak with rocks in his throat "I'm coming over to get what is mine. So,ready or not...here i come" As the message ended,they all looked at each other.

"What are we going to do? What if he got Lele?" Vanille asked frantically as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

Hope shook his head "No way! Lele is the best! No way they took her!...No way..." he repeated his words a few times in disbelief. He didn't want to see all of his friend die at the hands of some maniac who wanted a stuffed toy of all things. He turned to Light who looked as though she was in thought "Light! We have to do something!"

The azure eyed girl looked at him,nodding since she too realized that shit has hit the fan "We need to make a plan to trap ths guy. It's clear that he is already here,so we all have to stay level headed" They all nodded at her words "Serah,what areas of the house have we not been to?"

The younger Farron put a finger to her lips in thought "The playground,bathrooms,and the meet to greet room"

"Ok,here is what will happen. We will not split up for anything. Before we enter any room the leader must say clear,and the most valuable rule...No man left behind" They all nodded to these orders with grim expressions upon their faces. The killer got two of their friends already,the would make sure it would not happen again "We can get weapons from the TV room...and becareful,all of you" Even though she did not show it,Lightning cared about her handful of friends,and would hate to see them harmed.

They got into their formation with Hope in the front,and Fang in the back. Hope shone his light on the cage that was now empty "Pudgy is gone..." they pondered how he got out,or if the man from the call came and got him. This only made them move quickly to the big area where the TV was. Hope peaked around the corner,shining Alexander across the room to see no one there "Clear" The boy whispered as he set foot in the room with the others.

The group looked around as best as they could in the dark,trying to find the chest of toys to soon be used as weapons. "Hey,Hey! I found it! " Serah said this in a loud whisper to alert them "There is nothing in it..."

Fang gave a nervous chuckle that drew looks from everyone "I...Uh..."

"You what?" Lightning asked,her gaze slowly turning cold,expecting the other teen to say something stupid.

"I may have tossed all of these outside in the playground while looking for my moogle" They all stared at her in silence,clearly angry about the news "I was upset"

They all placed their hands to their forehead to shake their head. Suddenly a noise was heard which made them all turn to witness the front door open,revealing the silhouette of a man as rain poured down behind him. The man's head turned as to scan over the dark room,the water dripping from his figure as he did so.

"It's the killer!" Vanille whispered,clearly shaken as she huddled into the closest person to her,which was Hope who held her head to his little chest.

"Light,what should we do?" As the boy asked this,she sat in silence for a while since she was also afraid. She didn't want anyone hurt,and they all were relying on her. She was shaken from her thoughts by the boy "LIGHT!"

She blinked back her thoughts,taking a couple of slow breaths as she remembered what her father would say to her 'Don't fear the enemy,for they have weaknesses as well as you. Use your surroundings for an enemy bigger than you,as well as one smaller than you' she nodded as if to say she understood to the man who was not there "The opponent is bigger...we need the weapons,as well as a plan... Fang,take them with you. I will create a diversion"

"What?!" Fang looked at her friend in utter shock "You are gonna get yourself killed!"

The strawberry blonde girl placed a hand over her friend's mouth as they heard the intruder take a few steps into the house. She peaked over their hiding spot to look ,seeing that the man was now nowhere in her field of vision. Something told her to turn around,and once she listened to that something,she saw the intruder gazing back at them with beady onix eyes.

"Hey there kids..." he reached a hand forward as he said this in his rough voice

"GO!" Lightning shouted,as she kicked the man's hand away. Watching as he leaned back in pain before they fled the room. During their process of fleeing ,they all got seperated.

Fang grabbed the closest person she could,tugging them into the first door that was open,shutting it behind herself,and sitting quietly. When she heard nothing more,she looked down to see Serah struggling to get free from her hold. She released the girl to see her take some deep breaths of air,clearly still in shock.

"Fang,what are we going to do?! Sis is still out there" Serah said all of this in a rushed panic "We have to go help!"

"No,No,No! You stay here,I'll go help Sunshine...I got us into this mess. I have to. I hope that Vanille and Hope are ok...Maybe they are with Light" she looked down feeling guilty that she was the cause of this.

"This let's go together. Sis said no seperating" since this was fact,Fang could no longer protest as she gave the girl the hem of her shirt to take before taking a deep breath to calm her nerves as she opened the door to set foot out.

Vanille and Hope had ran out to the treehouse,getting soaked on the way there,but figured it was better than dying. "We have to go back and help them Hope. We can't just hide!" Vanille cried,ashamed that she left her friends behind. The boy was looking around the tree house for something,lifting and tossing things out of the way while doing so "What are you doing? Hope!"

"I'M THINKING! STOP YELLING AT ME!" He turned,tears of panic coming down his face while he was searching,before lifting up a scope,much like the pirates used. He went to the window,looking out around the rainy area to search for the toys that Fang said she threw about "There! we can get the weapons,and go help them,come on!" They climbed out of the tree house,searching for the weapons. The rain,plus Hope not using the light as not to be found made it a bit hard,but they were able to do so in a matter of time.

Lightning stood very still behind the door that lead to the kitchen, Sazh's body along with the mess had been cleaned up. She wondered what would make a person go through so much trouble for a moogle,or did this person want more than they thought. She was brought from her thoughts as she heard heavy footsteps slowly approaching. Her eyes quickly scanned the area for something that could help her in the predicument she was in before landing upon the nearby broom,only problem was the broom was on the other side of the room. The intruder walked in slowly,his head slowly moving to scan the room as her had before. There was a bit of space to squeeze through behind him,so she took the oppurtunity to escape the room. She pressed herself up against the wall,silently stepping behind the unknown man,her face merely an inch from his back as she held her breath. Cold sweat began to run down her face as she got half of her body out of the door,then the rest. She quickly slid to stand on the otherside of the wall behind the door ,peaking to see the man turn his gaze to where she had been moments ago before moving away.

"Hey Vanille...look it's Light!" The red head ran over to look out the scope. They both agreed it would be better if they knew the person's position before they went to try to help,and kept watch. Lucky they did or they would have missed Light,who was dealing with the man currently in the kitchen. "We have to get her attention..." the girl thought for a moment before grabbing Alexander from the boy "How do you work this light?" Once shown how to work the actionfigure,Vanille flickered it at the strawberry blonde teen,hoping she would see it

Lightning noticed something shining at the corner of her eye,turning her head to glance and see what it was,she saw the two children safe. This made her give a sigh of relief before geturing into the room next to her,letting them know where the man was. They gave a signal to let her know they undertood before climbing down from their perch slowly,and into the back door as silent as they could with the weapons along with extra weight from the water that now clung to them. As they approached the teen,she put a finger to her lips for them to remain nodded as he crawled,sticking to the shadows of the furniture around them before extending a toy gun to her to take. She nodded her thanks,before motioning for him to come closer. The boy looked around,making sure it was safe before he moved to see what the girl wanted.

"You and Vanille go to the other entrance of the kitchen. Lele always leaved the vacuum cleaner there. Use the cord to trip him when he is about to exit,then we can end this" He nodded and immidiately grabbed Vanille so they could get vengence for their fallen friends

Fang peaked around the corner to the meet and greet room,noticing that everything now looked eerie thanks to her being afraid for her and Serah's life. She was continusly mentally kicking herself due to the problems that she caused.

"Clear" They both walked in slowly,searching silently to see if the others were in the room

"They aren't in here,Fang" Serah squatted,holding herself in a effort to stop herself from the panic soon to come.

The dark haired teen saw this and immidiately went over to comfort her "Ey now Serah,it will all be fine. You know they all are too tough to go down easy. So let's just keep looking, ok?" The door suddenly closed behind them,which made the jolt up and turn to see the shadowy silhouette standing infront of them. They quickly got into a fighting stance. "You may have gotten our friends,but we won't go down so easy!" As Fang yelled this,she ran forward to attack only to have it dodged and herself grabbed. "Let me go!" Serah grabbed the nearest thing,going in to try to save her friend only to have the object kicked away,and also have herself be grabbed "DO YOUR WORST THEN!"

The person laughed "Is this a game that you kids are playing? It's late,you should be resting" They gave a confused sound,before being released to see the person turn on a little lantern.

"Lele! So glad to see you! We though the killer got you! "Serah said this,relief coming over her as she clung to the woman,who now had a puzzled look on her face.

"Killer? What killer?" She asked as she moved along with the girls following behind her to check the house,making sure it was just their imagination getting the best of them.

"A man that called your phone! He killed Sazh,and got Snow!" This made the woman move faster as realization came upon her face

Vanille and Hope did as told,moving to the other entrance to the kitchen silent but quickly. Vanille found the cord,unwrapping it quietly,and handing the other end to Hope,who crawled on his belling to make himself as invisible as possible while moving to the other side of the door way. He tugged the cord tightly as the man finally moved to leave the room,tripping over the cord. They quickly tied up his ankles when he landed. This sent Lightning into action as she sprinted over,jumping on the intruders back,gunbutting him in the back of the head until he stopped resisting.

"Quick,get something to tie up his hands!" the man groaned,only to suffer a strike from Hope's tiny foot

"WHERE IS SNOW?!" The boy then proceeded to beat the man more.

Vanille ran over,tying the man's hands up with some tape that she found in the kitchen drawer. She then got her own vengence hit in by slapping the man aside the head "WHERE IS OUR FRIEND?!"

"I-I DON'T KNOW!" the man yelled this as he tried to get free

"LIAR!" Before they could continue their onslaught,they saw light quickly heading their way.

"Children! Are you ok?!" Amelia asked as she ran forward,to see them get off of the person on the floor to reunite with Fang and Serah.

Lightning took the latern from the woman,revealing who the person was before scrunching her face up when she saw who it was "...it's"


(.^ o ^./''') Popcorn? Snack? Pee break? Drop a deuce?~

(.~ o ~./'') Maybe you need to go get something for the author,ey?

~(.* o *.)~ Dance with me?! PLAY YOUR FAV SONG AND WE CAN GET DOWN!

(.u c u.) Ok,I'll stop fuckin with you.


"The cop from the store" The group all looked at him with a look of shock mixed with disdain

Amelia covered her face with a hand "Why are you here,you idiot!"

"To get what is rightfully mine...Your heart,Amelia! Like in Romeo and Juliet" As he said this she rolled her blue orbs

"Why do you sound like that? Also,I don't recall Romeo getting his ass handed to him by kids,or breaking into someones house for that matter,TOMHAS! Plus, I already told you no. I don't want you,especially now that you startled my kids! Get out of here!" At these words,the man tried to pick himself up,but only fell over once again "Untie him please,so he can go"

Tomhas turned with a pout,clear knots forming on his head "I love you,Amelia" Once he was untied the woman grabbed him by the collar of his shirt,shoving him towards the door.

"Get your ass out of here!" she growled this through clentched teeth as she forced him out the door before slamming it. She turned to see the kids giving a group hug.

Serah turned to her,a look of confusion on her face"If that was a cop...What happened to Snow and Sazh?"

"I put them in their beds. I was walking around,wondering why you kids were up,and running away from me" she responded to get another look from Fang.

"But,you ran when we said that they got Sazh,and Snow..." The dark haired girl stated,clearly confused as Serah.

"Oh,i was running because when you said my phone i knew that idiot had done something stupid. I'm sorry for the scare children" Amelia replied,noticing that they all looked like they had quite the night.

Hope gave a puzzled look "B-But Sazh was really hurt bad..."

Amelia covered her mouth to give a giggle "No,I assure you he is fine. Just a bump on his noggin. Good thing his afro cushioned his fall" The group needing to see proof of their friends being ok,went to look in Snow's bed to see the boy sleeping soundly. They then rushed to Sazh's room to see the man rubbing the spot on his head that was hit.

"Sazh,you are still alive! We saw you on the floor!" Vanille shouted this as she hugged the man who chuckled.

"Well,i went to make a sandwich..."

Sazh awoke at the rumble of thunder outside his window. He rubbed his head,and looked to see Chocolina resting as though nothing were wrong "Wish i could sleep like that...through a storm like this"

He slowly got out of bed,deciding to go get something to snack on to calm his nerves. As he reached the kitchen he pulled open the fridge,tugging out strawberry jam along with peanut butter,turning to reach for the bread. When he had all ingredients to put his snack together he made his sandwich, and returned everything to it's rightful spot. As he did such, he knocked down some ketchup in the process. He leaned down to try to pick the bottle up only to hit his head on a counter edge,slipping on the ketchup bottle which squirted out a huge puddle that he fell in before passing out.

They all tried to hold back their laughs before exiting the room to go to their own beds. Fang hung her head as she returned to her bed with Vanille. Lightning gave a sigh,walking over with her hands holding something behind her back "Here..." she then presented the moogle which made her friend give a grin "Just don't be all obsessed with it like before...it was weird"

Fang gave a nod,and a happy grin before hugging Lightning tightly "Thanks Sunshine" she then took a quick step back,turning to get to her bed.

The Sargent shook her head as they danced to the band's tune,she watched her date's eyes shift from place to place around the restaurant. She took the woman's face in her hands. "Would you relax? Nothing happened when we were kids,and nothing will happen now." Fang couldn't help but melt as the woman's surprisingly soft hands carressed her cheeks. She finally gave a nod,leaning against the Sargent while they danced until the current song ended. "I'll be back. I have to use the bathroom from all the drinks"

"Oh..ok. Hurry back. No one told you to try to out drink the fish" A few minutes went by,and that soon made Fang worry. The hostess came back to the table with another card,making the woman's heart drop to her stomach as she opened it 'We warned you!' The sound of yelling,along with a struggle went through the quiet restaurant before gunshots were heard,startling everyone who ran out of the place. This made the darkhaired woman get up,run to the bathroom only to be met with a face full of pink roses,along with Lightning who had an amused smirk upon her face.

"Why do you look so startled? I said i would bring flowers for your 'friend' did i not?"The strawberry blonde lifted up a small remote,pressing a button to hear the same sounds play from before "Just a bit of a mystery it seems. Oh,I also got you something since I didn't know what your 'friend' liked" she proceeded to pull out a slender black box,handing it to Fang who gave a pout,hitting the Sargent with the roses gently.

"You are evil..." She snatched the box,opening it to have her eyes go wide. In the box was a charm bracelet with a variety of cute things that were her favorite hanging from it "You are so sadistically sweet! I don't know if i should hit you or hug you!"

This only caused the other woman to chuckle "Let's just enjoy the rest of the evening" Fang nodded in agreement to that,even though all the rest of the night she hit her date from time to time,while dancing in the empty restaurant still angry about the prank.

"Aw...they are so cute!" Dalia said quietly to her co-worker who agreed

"...So,You think boss will be mad?" the other girl asked as she held the menu to her face while looking around the empty restaurant. Dalia pulled out a check showing it to her co-worker while blinking slowly "HOLY SHIT!" Lightning and Fang looked over at the two hostesses who waved "Don't mind us...we heard a new song,you know? Hoooooly shit! Enjoy your evening" The two women gave a chuckle and continued dancing.

(.u c u.) Hate it? (.^ c ^.) Love it? (.= o =/'')Review and tell me.