Hey peeps its me again (O u O), im happy you guys liked my first story so it inspired me to keep writing. This story your about to read it popped in my head like how did the Lightning squad (yes i call them that) act when they were little and what if they didnt have parents so i typed this out to test to waters go on read and review plz and thank you.

As the black car pulled up in front of the orphanage,Claire gave a scowl that made the driver give a cringe as the man quickly got out to go around and open the door. Ever since her father passed away everything was changing at high speed,and it finally came to them being pulled from their home. Since they had no other relatives they had to come to this place,that the girl was already beginning to despise every second she looked at it. Claire looked down as she felt her arm being held tightly,and soften her expression once she saw her sister looking around a bit scared but more confused. Serah turned her head when she felt a hand touch her shoulder and saw it was a lady.

"Everything will be fine now girls this will be a good home for you. I asur-" she felt cold all of a sudden and looked up to see the older sister with a glare that felt like it was stopping her breathing.

"We couldve taken care of ourselves ,we didnt need your so called help" the pink haired girl detested the woman before her for taking them from their home. Even if she was her fathers friend she hated the woman so much that she hoped the glare she was giving would kill her. Sadly the gods didnt grant her that power.

"One of you have to be at least eighteen to receive inheritance, so we brought you here until then" the women got out of the car and held the door open for the girls to get out.

Claire gave a sigh getting out then helping her sister out of the car "Claire,where are we?" Serah asked to see the woman smile at her.

"This is Bodhum's orphanage,you girls will be fine here"

"Pass me the scalpel" a blonde boy said out of the three that were hovering over something on a cardboard box.

A small hand passed him a butter knife "Beep,Beep,Beep. Life readings are stable doctor, beep" the hand then went back to holding a string that was connected to whatever was on the box.

"Dont kill it this time,Snow" an accented voice said this time amused. The blonde boy dubbed Snow was twelve, a tall boy for his age who had wild hair with an trench coat that was hanging off his body a bit with black baggy pants and a shirt that was half way open with no shoes on.

"Just hold the patient down ,Fang. They only die because you never hold them down right!" he growled at the girl. Fang was a girl who was fourteen and had untamed hair herself but it just seemed to fit her. she wore a black shirt that clung to her slender form with some jean short that came to her knees.

"Whatever hero" she rolled her green eyes

"BEEP,BEEP,BEEP,BEEP!" the boy holding onto a string yelled loudly "Hes going into shock"

"Hope,give him some...uh...whats that stuff?" he scratched his head" Just hit it with something!" The boy quickly grabbed a toy mallet and hit the patient with it to hear a squawk of protest.

Hope was the youngest of the trio at the age of eight, he had silver almost white hair and had on green cargo shorts with an yellow shirt( i dunno why they gave that boy capris in the game) "Patient stable,Snow" he gave a grin before they hear fast paced footsteps

"Hey guys there are some new kids here!"

"Really Vaniller?" Snow asked with a smirk that made the girl toss her shoe at him

"I told you my name is Vanille!" her eleven year old face turned as red as her pigtailed hair when she yelled bunching up her tanned skirt in her small hands.

The blonde boy gave a grin and stood walking over and leaning down with a smirk "But it sounds better if its Vanilla,because people love ice cream and Vanilla is my favorite flavor."

"GRRR,THATS NOT THE NAME I WAS GIVEN!" she went as far as to shake her tiny fist in a threatening gesture towards the tall boy.

"Well your mommy obviously was hungry when she named you!" as soon as he said it he regretted it since he saw tears welling up in the small girls eyes "I'm sorry Vanille"

Fang shook her head and punched the boy in the back of the head,making him swat down rubbing his head in a way to try to sooth the pain. He may have been tall for a twelve year old but she still was taller,and he was the right height for her to hit him from any angle.

"Come on vanille,no tears ok? Lets go meet the new kids, i bet they would like a friend like you" this instantly got the girl to cheer up

"Yeah! Come on Fang!" she grabbed the taller girls hand and dragged her out

Claire looked around with a permanent scowl on her face that unknown to her made the woman escorting her and Serah,gravitate slowly away from her. She noticed the place wasnt as horrible as she expected it to be,it looked rather nice with things that could entertain children of all ages around the orphanage,but she still would rather be home.

Fang,Vanile,Snow, and Hope peaked around the corner to see the two sisters that could be twins if they were the same height. Serah saw the group and gave a gentle smile at them happy to see that there were kids her age around. Snow saw the girl give a smile and grinned back with a shy wave which got a small giggle in return. Fang noticed this and nudged him in the side.

"Aw Snow has a crush on the new girl already" she smirked noticing the taller girl next to snow's new crush. The tall girl stood with body language that pretty much screamed that she was pissed and even if you couldnt see that,her face told the whole story.

"Well snow you might die young if you try going after her sister" the boy gave a confused look before he too noticed the taller girls face expression making him gulp

Vanille grinned "I'm sure she just needs a friend and she will warm up to us"

Hope gave a nod "And chocolate too,everyone loves chocolate" he said taking a bite out of the chocolate bar he had in his hand.

The woman turned to the two children and smiled despite the cold aura she felt from the elder sister"Well girls this is where you will be,you can make all sorts of friends. We will come check on you from time to time,be good"

The woman was about to turn before she felt her coat tugged and looked back to see Serah looking up at her " What is your name, you never told us,you are our fathers friend right?"

"Right, I'm Mona any thing else?" she asked

"Yeah,how long do we have to be here lady?" Claire asked

Mona cringed at the cruel tone and wondered how a young teen could make such a voice "Until one of you is old enough to inherit"

The girl bit the inside of her cheek. She hoped that if she asked again the answer would change but it was to no avail 'Four damn years,Great!' " Thats all,you can leave now"

The woman did just that with a little contempt for being dismissed by a child. As soon as the woman was gone, Claire noticed a pigtailed girl walk towards them and arched an eyebrow in half curiosity and half annoyance

"Hi,I'm Vanille. I hope we can be good friends" Serah gave a warm smile

"Serah Farron, i hope we can be good friends too" she then nudged her sister who grunted

Vanille wouldnt be ignored "Whats your name?" she gave her best smile to see the taller girl give a blank look before turning her head the other way.

Serah once again nudged her sister who grunted" Fine,Lightning is my name" this made the younger Farron give a look of curiosity but it was ignored.

Vanille smiled in victory and grabbed both of them by the hand "Come meet some of the others"

"Gah! Chocobo what did they do to you now ?" the red haired girl looked to the young man with an afro who had a little mustache growing on his nineteen year old face,and watched as he unstrapped the baby chocobo from the cardboard box.

"Thats Sazh,he is the oldest of us and also helps out around. Hey Sazh! This is Serah and Lightning!" he waved with a smile as she continued tugging the girls onward.

When they got to an area where there were most of the kids which was a wide open space with a playground to the right and to the left was a small garden where witnessed a group of kids playing hide and seek. She almost laughed at a boy being tackled into the bushes by a girl who only wanted her plush toy back, but her bad mood killed that small moment.

"Hey guys come meet Lightning and Serah!" the group ran from their hiding spots and over to welcome the new comers in no time.

Serah gave a smile to everyone while her sister stood with an annoyed look and her eye twitching at too many people surrounding her. Vanille introduced them to everybody with a smile.

Lightning gave a small frown,silently going off to a small bench and sat down happy to see that she could watch over her sister where she was. She was still seething over the fact that she had to wait four years just to get out of the dreadful place and back to her home. The girl was sure she could take care of herself and her sister without anyones damned so called help.

She didnt realize her face was exposing her thoughts until she scared away some children who were trying to get to know her. "You sure frown alot,whats wrong?"

Light turned her head to see the boy called Hope beside her chewing on chocolate with it smeared all over his face "Want some?" he offered to her seeing her quickly decline.

"Leave me alone" she then stood walking elsewhere which made the boy tear up before she felt a hand on his head.

"Fang, she doesnt like chocolate" this made the girl chuckle

"Dont worry give her time, some dont do well with change" she replied her eyes still fixed on the girl who isolated herself from everyone while watching over her sister.

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