
I don't own anything but plot and if I did Hell would freezes over Im guessing.

Moyashi a Neko? Huh?

"Owie" Said a male voice as a other male tugged on his ear.

"Komui Why are you pulling on my ear I don't mean to look at Lenalee I swear!" The red head said whining about his ear.

"Lavi I don't know what your talking about but if you ever look at Lenalee again your a goner!" Komui said with a smile on his face.


Komui took the silence as the good opportune to drag the red head in one of his secret rooms. Shutting the door He told Lavi to find a sit. Looking around Lavi saw that the room was like a mad scientist lab which scared him deeply. I mean why would Komui randomly come up to you drag you by the ear and put you in a creepy room if you didn't do a thing? Lavi gulped he was a goner and he know or that's what he thought.

Komui on the other hand was looking for something. Which made the red head more nervous. The bunny boy wasn't scared of a lot of things but Komui was one of the thing he feared the most. Finally after a while Komui came out of know where with a vile of purple liquid. The red had started sweating. Is this he's punishment for slapping Lenalee accidentally today?

"Lavi I need you help to get this in Allen-kun's drink!" Komui said turning around to see a blue Lavi.

" You want me to do what to?" Lavi said he wasn't sure if he heard right.

Komui shook his head than repeated the quest he ask of Lavi with a creepy smile.

"I want you to slip this purple liquid in Allen-kun's drink for me!" He held up the vile with purple liquid.

"Umm Why? What did Allen do?" Lavi said nervously. Think of what could Allen have done to the evil man.

" Oh he did nothing I just want to use him for an experiment and he's prefect to me in it!" Komui smile and than laughed.

" And what is this said experiment?" Lavi really cruise said wait for the answer.

" It's a formula that turn you in to and animal that mostly represent you!" Komui said in a cheerful tone

" So why Allen a good tester then?" The red head asked raising a brow

" Well one thing is he wouldn't notice that it in his food an another is I made a bet with Cross, and that bet is that if Allen turn in to the animal I thinking then Cross has to come back and do his work and if it the animal Cross chose then we well let him do what ever he wants to the BO."

The Chinese man said with a sigh. The red head on the other hand was trying so hard not to laugh. He really thought it was funny to place a stupid bet like this on his best friend? Yes he did. Very funny indeed!

" Sure I'll help get moyashi-chan to take it." Lavi said with a smirk. Then went to grab the vile out of Komui hand till the man stopped him.

" Lavi you got to promise me that you wouldn't give this to anyone but Allen-kun OK." The man said seriously.

"I promise." Lavi said with a goofy smile.

The Chinese man then gave him the vile after that and sent Lavi on his way to look for said moyashi. Which wasn't very hard for him because he found him in the cafeteria eating. 'This is going be easy.' Lavi thought to himself.

" Yo moyashi-chaaaannn" Lavi said in a sing-song voice walked over to hug the small boy.

" My names Allen Lavi!" The boy said in response while trying to get away from the death grip the older had now put him in.

"So Allen guess what!"

"What Lavi?"

"THERES A HUGE DANGO OVER THERE!" Lavi pointed to the opposite side of the wall to distract Allen while he put the liquid in his mango soda.

"What?" Allen said as he turn back "I didn't see anything?"

"Really are you sure? The red head rubbed the back of his head.

"I am sure?" Allen stared at Lavi he was acting weird for Lavi. But he push it off and started drinking his soda.

The red head was starring intensely at Allen wondering if the vile worked. A few minutes pasted and still nothing. Lavi was begging to doubt Komui. Allen on the other had felt funny. He got up but then bam he hit the floor!

"Allen!" The red head bent over to pick him up. Worried he when straight to Komui office. Running in out of breath he yelled

"Komui Allen fanited!" Komui who was under his desk look up to quickly and hurt his head (Ha ha that's what you get!) Rubbing his hurting head he hurried to where Lavi was with the unconscious moyashi.

"Hmm... He'll be ok just take him to his bedroom and when he wakes up will see if it worked!" Komui said while inspecting the boy.

" Komui are you sure he going be ok?" Lavi ask worried.

" Yes he'll be fine when he wakes up!" The older man said slipping the coffee he had in his hands.

"Ok then." The red head then walked out of the office and started to go to the sleeping boys room. It was really easy to carry Allen. He was lighter then he except and the way he was in his arms made the red blush the shade of his hair. He hurried after awhile to Allen's room so no one could see what happen to the boy that was till he bump in to a pissed Yu.

"OH Hey Yu sorry bout that ."

He the turn and ran which the pissed Yu didn't want to know why so he left-ed at that. Finally coming to Allen's room the bunny boy kicked open the door and went straight to Allen's bed to lay down the cute sleeping figure in his arm's. As he laid him down his arms became cold missing the warmth of the small at the boy L;avi covered him up and then kissed him on the forehead hoping that it might help it didn't.

After a while Lavi lefted. He need to make sure no would need Allen the rest of the day. Also he lefted he failed to notice that Allen had cat ear or the tail hanging out of the bed.

A new story no way! Yes way! Anyway I will if I get a good feeling aka reviews continue this story. Im not making any promise but this will maybe be updated by the time Friday and that going be when it comes out ! Yes I am Finally going start setting dates to update!

Also this will be kind of like The Rape Moyashi story just no rape I think I don't really know and I have yet to deside a pairing for this one so I'll just wing it till I do! Also I realized this and that is I like writing stuff threatening you guy to review it's fun!

So review or I'll not give you a cookie! (no cookie promise too damn!) ;)