Eternity not Forever

I wonder if i told you would you laugh? Would you hate me? Would are friendship be over?" thought Atticus. "Would you tell Alexis?" "Its obvious that you love her not me" Atticus sighed and thought on. "It is invetable I guess, you and her together, it hurts though, my own sister and im jealous of her? I guess maybe its time for me to fade into the background...and..THUD!"

Atticus was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud thud on his desk. "Come on Atty!" Zane Truesdale smilled while sitting next to him. "Your my partner for the task" Atticus shifted his head up and gave Zane a weak smile.

"Oh umm ok" Atticus replied.

"Are you ok Atty?" asked a worried Zane. "What's wrong?

"Nothings wrong im just thinking thats all"

"Well something is definatley wrong if you're thinking" smirked Zane.

Atticus gave him a glare and slumped back his head on the desk.

"Atty something is wrong, you can tell me im your best friend" Zane said softly.

Atticus looked up at Zane, tears starting to form against his chocolate brown orbs. "I can't tell you" sighed Atticus. " would hate me a..and laugh!" at this Atticus got up and swiftly walked out of the class.

You stuiped stuiped idiot! Atticus thought to himself. You almost dug yourself a grave then!

Atticus sighed as he walked towards a lighthouse looking over the vast blue sea.

He sat down with his back against the lighthouse and looked over the sea as the sun sunk into the marine ocean creating colours of yellow and red against the teal coloured ocean.

"If only i could tell you Zane, tell you that i love you i realy do too much for words to be honest." Atticus smiled and looked over the beatuiful colours created by the friction of the sun and sea.

"W..wait you do?" asked a voice that Atticus was painfuly familiar with.

Atty's eyes wentwide and he gulped, He wished the ground would swallow him up right now.

"Z..Zane?" He asked while slowly getting up. "W..What are you doing here?"

"I followed you here and you said you loved me?" replied Zane.

"I umm well you see uhh..." Atticus sighed he couldn't keep it from him no more. "Yes Zane I do I love you and i understand if you hate me a..and you probably like Alexis so it doesnt you anyway.." Atticus walked past Zane and headed to the Blue dorms.

He kept walking until he felt arms wrap around his waist and pressed against someone's chest. Atticus was shocked by this and his eyes went wide with shock and suprise, he could feel hot breath tickling his ear.

"I love you too Atticus" Zane mumbled into Atticus's brown hair. Zane turned him around and locked his teal orbs into brown, he leaned forward but stopped when his lips were almost touching Atticus's, he then leaned forward and kissed him.

Once the two boys needed air they pulled back and looked at each other.

Atticus then buried his head in Zane's chest and smilled. "I love you Zane, love you forever."

Zane's facial expression changed and looked at Atticus. "No Atticus not forever" replied Zane. Atticus looked up from Zane's chest and looked gutted. "Not forever but eternity" smilled this point Atticus was very confused "You see forever is only as long as you make it but eternity never ends, not even if one of us dies."

Atticus grinned and Zane smilled.

"We better get going Atty, its getting dark" Zane said while looking at the sky, a droplet of rain fell on his nose. "And its gonna rain"

Atticus smiled amd took Zane's hand as they walked off to there dorms.