Hi, er, you probably don't know me since I don't read very many Vocaloid fics, so I don't review on many either. This is also my first Vocaloid fic, so, umm, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: Vocaloid isn't mine.

NOTE: If you can't see the first letter of the title, it's a backwards 'R'. Like Toys "Я" Us (don't own).



The chamber was white. Like any other space, it had four walls. A mirror occupied one side. From within the room, the mirror did not look suspicious in any way. From the outside, however, it was evident that it was a two-way mirror. The room had previously been empty. Since just recently, however, despite the usual absence of any presence, it had become the room of a girl. It was rare for a child of her age to occupy the space; the room often held older users. The room wasn't a residence; rather, it was something like a prison.

And the inhabitant of the asylum knew that.

"She's at it again."

"Already? This early in the morning?"

A man sighed. "She'll never get better at this rate. And it took so long to create her, too."

"Hey, we have to give it some time. She's just a kid, we can't give up so easily," a brunette clad in red said empathetically.

"She hasn't had much time to live, it would be cruel to end it now," the woman's pink-haired companion added sagely.

"Have you even tried to look into the problem?" a blue-haired man asked, uncharacteristically turning away from his frozen dessert.

"But it's so absurd, we just see her reflection!" the first man said, exasperated.

"You're not even trying; we can tell, we come to see her every day," a girl with teal hair said, looking inside the room through the two-way mirror.

"Besides," she pointed out, "we don't know what kind of a person Rin is yet."

"Good morning!" Rin said happily to the pane of glass. "How was your sleep?"

Her reflection in the mirror nodded sleepily, and stared at Rin.

"Eh, me? It was okay, I had a nice dream."

Her image tilted its head as if to ask, What was it about?

"It was the best!" she sighed wistfully. "I dreamed that we got out of this stupid place and were playing and having fun and everything. Those people that visited us yesterday also came." Rin smiled. "I've remembered their names for when we can play together. Meiko, Luka, Kaito, and Miku," she recited.

The figure in the mirror smiled.

"But you still won't tell me your name!" Rin pouted.

Her copy looked to the right and then left, as if embarrassed, then mouthed, Len.

"'Len'?" she guessed. She pondered over it for a moment.

"You don't ever move in front of the others, it kind of makes me sad. Even when we're together, it's like you can't move too much without me moving; just your eyes, mouth, and head. At least I know your name. I like it," she said kindly, smiling.

'Len' blushed and averted his eyes. They sat in silence for a moment until a sound broke the silence.


'Len' looked back in surprise as tears cascaded down Rin's face. When she realized that 'Len' had noticed, she forced a smile onto her face, though her eyebrows were still upturned in a frown.

'Len' moved as close to Rin as his body allowed and mouthed, What is it?

"You know why they're keeping us here, don't you?" Rin asked quietly, her smile gone.

'Len' shook his head frantically.

"It's because they think I'm insane, crazy, mad. And since their only way of knowing that I'm not crazy is if I confess that I am, they don't know I'm not," Rin said bitterly.

'Len' looked momentarily confused. He tilted his head and mouthed, Why do they think you're crazy?

She laughed hollowly. "It's not normal for people, even robots, to have reflections that can think and move on their own," Rin said quietly. "When I told them about you, they just laughed. But I kept telling them until they got worried and now we're stuck here."

Her reflection bowed its head in shame.

Rin's eyes widening in horror, she said, "Wait, I don't blame you! If I wanted, I could just tell them I'm crazy, and then we'd be free." Her expression hardened, and then she said fiercely, "I'd never do that. You're my only friend right now, and you're the only one that knows the truth, Len!"

All the while, on the other side of the mirror, people stood looking into the room, listening.

"This is pointless! We're just wasting our time!" the man said in frustration, "We should just trash her!"

Miku finally looked away from the room. "What did you say?" she asked softly, her face nonchalant.

"It's ridiculous how hard we're trying, we should just start over!" the man replied.

"A bit louder this time," Miku said, anger licking at her words.

"You heard me! This is useless! She's useless! We should just scrap—," he cut off, a ringing slap echoing off the walls.

The man clutched his cheek and fell to the floor as Miku towered over him. "Never say that again," she whispered into his ear.

"I—," the man started.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Miku yelled uncharacteristically, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.

He staggered out of the room, his workmates running after him.

Miku wiped her tears away angrily as she turned back to her fellow Vocaloids. She looked at them all in turn, until finally, she burst into tears. It was Luka who ran to her side and gently patted her back as she continued to cry.

When she looked up at Meiko, Kaito, and Luka, she realized she wasn't the only one trying to hold back tears.

"Hey, Len, do you remember when we first met?" Rin asked, facing the mirror.

He shook his head.

"Eh? It was pretty recently. Come on, it was the most important day of my life!" Rin pouted.

'Len' laughed soundlessly in the glass.

"Yeah, I know it was the first day of my life, but still! I remember it all. Gah, still can't remember? Fine, I'll remind you.

"Well, you don't know this part. And, actually, I don't know this part either. They told me yesterday. Since we went away from this side of the room, you couldn't really hear. But when I was activated, I didn't really have any emotions; like something was missing. Or someone," Rin added, laughing. "Anyways, I met everyone, but back then I guess I couldn't really take in all the information, or something. And then … I met you. You were just looking out of the metal on one of the machines in my birth room, and everything just clicked into place.

"I was wired up to some other machine, too, and they saw how I was actually starting to 'work' properly and ran over and asked what happened. And then everything started to go downhill …," Rin trailed off, her eyes glazing over.

"Len?" Rin asked tentatively, coming out of her reverie. 'Len' tilted his head.

"I was just wondering. Next time they come to visit, can you try to move? They seemed like nice people, and I think if they saw you move, they might believe me," Rin said.

'Len' thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"Thank you!" Rin smiled whole-heartedly.

'Len' blushed again and looked down.

In truth, I didn't think Len would even attempt to move in front of the others. I could tell from the way he said 'yes'. Either he actually couldn't, or he just didn't want to do anything in front of anyone except me.

There was a creak and I spun around to see the other Vocaloids coming through a door.

"Hi, Rin! It's Miku from yesterday, with Luka, Meiko, and Kaito," the teal-haired girl said in a falsely cheery voice. Her eyes were red and her voice was hoarse. Looking at the others, their eyes also held a red tint.

"Hi, umm, did something happen?" I asked. They all looked like they had just cried.

"Huh? Oh, no, nothing happened!" Miku said, a hollow smile on her face. "We just came here today to see—"

I finished her sentence, "—Len?"

"Right," Luka said, walking over to the mirror with the others. Len stared out of it with the same anticipated expression on my face. We waited for a few seconds, but Len wouldn't move.

I guess I expected he wouldn't and said to the others, "I know he's not moving, but I can prove that he exists." I had thought about this for a long time.

"What is it?" Miku asked with anticipation.

I smiled grimly.

"His hair is parted on the wrong side."

Done chapter 1! This was originally a one-shot, but … yeah. I'm still deciding what genres this story should have; I'm not too sure if I want to write angst, or something.

Constructive criticism and reviews are very much appreciated!