A/N: This love story has finally come to an end. I had originally planned on writing a couple of chapters about Eric and Sookie being attracted to each other in high school, but never having the guts to do anything about it. I wanted them to hook up at their "10 Year High School Reunion" and live happily ever after. Since the reunion takes place in 2000, I saw an opportunity to advance their love, marriage and family. Now it's time for their "20th High School Reunion" and the theme is "Vahalla", the prom that both Eric and Sookie missed in high school. Thank you all for sticking with this fic and I appreciate each of your reviews.

Chapter 17: The 20th Reunion/Prom


Not only are Sookie and I attending our 20th Reunion, the entire Northman family has returned for a family reunion of sorts. Pam and Amelia have returned from their European vacation and Stefan and Claudine have returned from their motor home quest. The Penthouse is a little crowded, but getting ready for our first prom is a big deal to our entire family. Father, Michael and I are in the guest bedroom and they are giving me their expert opinions about how I should go about getting ready.

I'm not sure if I could say that Sookie is more fortunate that she has Malena, Pam, Amelia and Claudine as her helpers because every female assistant she has, has their own very distinct opinions about style. I am sure Sookie will have to show much more tolerance than I.

From the moment I met her she has been in my thoughts. It is strange how time and space cannot change the way one's heart feels. I see how Pam's mother's memories have been lost to her. I cannot imagine losing my memories of Sookie and our children. If I am asked what I wish to take with me when I die, there is no question that my memories above all of my possessions and money will be my request.

My memories of high school should be important to me, because I was considered a popular guy. I should be remembering all the football games we won or my highest scoring basketball game. I should be remembering all the school dances or dates I had. There are so many people and events I should be remembering, but the only thing I chose to remember was the first and last days I saw Sookie. Her beauty and personality was what I compared others to and no one ever made the grade. As I get ready I thank God that I have her and the beautiful children we made.

Because Sookie nor I attended our prom in high school, when the Committee once again approached me to use the hotel I said yes under one condition. I think they all thought I was crazy when I suggested an adult prom, but when you think about it, I'm sure Sookie and I weren't the only students in high school who missed their prom. This time in our lives I look at it more as a formal dance. There are no teenage prom etiquette rules to follow and there is no need to rent a limo or take your nervous date out to dinner.

Sometimes being in the power seat is beneficial, especially when it comes to occasions such as this. The High School Reunions have come to mean so much to Sookie and I that I felt the 20th should be a special event with a special theme. I moved away from Sweden when I was ten years old, but my heritage always stayed with me. I had often dreamed of being a Viking warrior when I was younger and I was always visited by the Goddess Freyja. The dreams were usually very innocent and it took me many years to come to the realization that Freyja and Sookie were actually the same person. Even before I met Sookie, dream Freyja was the epitome of what I wanted in a woman. I never made the connection until I saw Sookie at our 10th Reunion in all her glory. She was the goddess I had been dreaming of all my life and that was why letting her leave again could not happen.

In Norse religion, Asgard is one of the Nine Worlds and is the country or capital city of the Norse Gods. Valhalla is located within Asgard and Odin and his wife Frigg are the rulers of Asgard. Since I have always been fascinated by Norse mythology it seemed only fitting that our Prom/Reunion should have a Norse theme. It was our event planners job to decorate the ball room and she did a wonderful job. She divided the room up into areas with each one being named Aesir and Vanir. Between the two areas is a huge potted Ash tree, called the Yggsdrasil which is a gigantic tree considered the tree of life in Norse mythology and is thought to connect all the nine worlds of Norse cosmology. I am sure the Norse mythology is way beyond the thought processes of my classmates, but it's my choice and at this time in my life I want to honor my heritage.

There were pictures of various Norse gods and goddesses hanging on the walls explaining what powers each one possessed. I insisted she decorate with wild flowers and scattered around the room were vases of Common Milkwort flower. The significance of this flower is that in Scandinavia the flowers were called Freyja's Hair. Even though they are now called Virgin Mary, I still prefer the Norse name. The ball room was decorated, the food was ready and the "1990 Senior Class of Bon Temps High School" should be arriving. It's time to go and get my goddess and escort her to our prom.


Eric had always called me his goddess Freyja. At first I had a hard time accepting his compliments just because of the way I was raised. I was just a shy country girl and being called anything other than that seemed strange. Eric persisted and through the years he has made me feel like a goddess. He has given me his heart and soul and together we have created two beautiful children. Two should be enough…..right? That's what I thought but you know how these reunions affect us? This time I haven't been sick and since it will be our last I want to surprise the entire family before we go downstairs to our prom.

Malena was such a little helper when Michael came along and she still insists that she wants me to have another baby. Even though Michael is a handful, he has been more fun than we could ever have imagined a child to be. I am assuming he is similar to the way Eric was when he was a child, because Stefan gets such a proud smile on his face whenever Michael pulls one of his stunts. It's a smile of recognition and he doesn't have to say a thing because I know that he sees Eric every time he looks at Michael. Sure Michael is the spitting image of his father, but the personality is there too. He is definitely his father's son. I don't care what this baby is, but three is a good number. That is how many Reunions we will have attended, so it seems fitting that we have that many babies!

Pam, Amelia and Malena are driving me crazy with the way the three of them are arguing about the way I should put on my make-up or how I should wear my hair. Claudine is the only one that has kept her cool the entire night. I love her more than I ever thought I could love another woman in my life. She has been the mother I never got to have and the best friend that I lost when Pam deserted me. It will be a sad day in the lives of the Northman clan if we ever lose this woman.

I had a hard time at first figuring out what kind of dress to buy for this prom. I knew that a 38 year old woman cannot dress the same as an 18 year old high school girl. I'm not one to spend a lot of money on clothes, even though Eric and I have more money than we know what to do with. I recalled the way Eric asked me to this special event and I realized that he had gone to a tremendous amount of trouble to plan it. Then the awesome way he asked me still makes my lady parts wet. After almost ten years of marriage and two and a half children I sometimes still feel like that innocent high school girl that Eric says he fell in love with. To think we have come this far from that first reunion, just floors me.

I decided to go with a floor length goddess style ivory gown with a V neckline; halter string with an elegant ruched bodice and a very sexy open back. The ivory made my tan stand out and the entire bodice is fitted which shows off my curves more than I actually want to show off in public. I just thought what the heck; this is Eric's and my night. We've made it a point to have alone time once in awhile, but in the past 10 years we have not gone to any formal events. I knew that Eric loved my hair down so that he could touch it as we danced. He loves it up too, but staying in the goddess mode, I am wearing my hair down in waves. The only jewelry I am wearing are diamond earrings that Eric bought me for our first anniversary. I turn around to model in front of my entourage as Malena says, "Mommy, I agree with Daddy, I think you are a goddess too."

That was it; my beautiful daughter thinks I look like a goddess. That is all the approval I needed, so I am ready to see my handsome, sexy as hell prom date. As I open the master bedroom door I see my three men standing in a row. Eric is so beautiful in a black tux. He looks good in whatever he wears, but tonight the title of the 'sexiest man alive' comes to mind.


Be still my heart. My goddess is just that. Even though I have always thought that she looks like an angel with a little bit of devil in her eyes, tonight she is Freyja and if we live to be 100, the vision of my lover tonight will have to be another memory that I wish to take with me after this life is over. Although it is a very good word and the feeling is beyond anything a human has the right to feel, Love still does not encompass the way I feel for Sookie. I never thought I was such a romantic man until I met her and even after two children, romance is all I have on my mind.

We pose for pictures together and of course Michael and Malena have to get in a number of them. As we head to the elevator Sookie turns around and first gives me a very romantic kiss, which makes me of course not want to go downstairs.

She begins by, "I want you all to know that everyone of you means the world to me. Pam I love you so much and since you came back into my life words can't express how my heart feels. Amelia, you have been the most remarkable addition to our family. Not only have you won the heart of my best friend, you have become my sister. Claudine, without you our family would not be what it is today. You have been there for Stefan, Eric and I and the children love you more than you know. Stefan I never really knew my father, but I am sure he could never compare to the father you have been to me. I love you all so much. My two babies are the result of the powerful love that Eric and I have for each other, so I want you all to know," Sookie turns and looks straight into my eyes, "Eric, Malena, Michael and I are going to have another baby!"

Link to Sookie's Prom dress is on my profile...hope it works!

A/N: That's it. I didn't want to get into them going to the prom. The significance of this chapter was that they finally had made to their 20th Reunion and that each reunion had brought them not only each other, but their children. Also I wanted to show the love that grew between Eric and Sookie before the 10th reunion and how far they have come by the time the 20th arrived. Thank you all for reviewing and alerting. I also thank you new readers that have chosen to go ahead and read my other stories.