W/N: All I have to say is: I totally love how this one turned out :) Read for yourself. Maybe a little OOCnes here and there...
Song used: What if, by Kate Winslet (yep, she can sing)
Disclaimer: Hey there, my Name is Greed and I wish that Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was mine... but sadly it isnt. Now I need to figure out something to make it MINE!
Robin Sparrow is the awesomeness herself!
23 What If...
"I want ice-cream... it's so hot!" Winry whined, joining Ed in the living room, on the couch.
"Are you serious? You had a lot to eat today... and now you want ice-cream?" Ed wondered at his fiancée's new and improved (and enlarged) appetite. She was very pregnant, and he knew it was this that was the cause, but he had never in his life seen her eat so much before...
Winry rolled her eyes. "I'm pregnant, you idiot... I'm eating for two here! And from what I've been told, it's perfectly normal to have these random cravings!"
If Ed had fully realized the consequences of his actions, he was pretty sure he would have been much more careful regarding the whole sex thing. It wasn't just the mood swings, which were wild and unpredictable enough to make anyone go crazy: even the smallest and most inconsequential thing could set her off. No, more than that, what was really getting to him was that everything, no matter what it was, somehow was always his fault.
Once, she'd even blamed him for having sex with her and getting her pregnant. As if she'd had nothing whatsoever to do with it!
He should've taken Al's advice literally about not fucking around. (He still couldn't believe his little brother had actually used that word.)
He could've at least warned me about all this...
Out of the two of them, Al had always been the smarter one when it came to girls and their feelings, but it had been his belief that Ed was better off learning by experience, rather than example. Al still held out hope that one day Ed would (finally) grow up and become a real man.
"What now, Winry?"
"I still want some ice-cream!"
He heaved a sigh, and got up to fetch the box of ice-cream from the fridge. "I'm on it, okay?" He returned quickly, handing her a spoon and a bowful of dessert. He watched a look of deep satisfaction cross her face as she took the first bite.
"You know, Ed," she said around a mouthful of ice-cream, "I have so much time to myself lately, so I've been thinking a lot..."
"'Bout what?"
"Oh, well, you know: you, me, our illegitimate unborn child..." she said sarcastically. "I was wondering where and with who you would be right now, if you weren't here with me."
And now we're diving right into a thunderstorm of moodswings... Fantastic.
Winry cast a sidelong glance at her fiancé. "You'd probably be with Rose right now, right? Or maybe you'd be like Jean Havoc, finding yourself another new girlfriend every other day..."
"You can't be serious, Winry!" Ed was beginning to feel more than a little annoyed now. "Do I look like the kind of guy who would treat woman like matresses?"
She burst into tears. "You're the Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed! You can have any freakin' girl in the country! In the world! And look at me... I'm fat... and I can't really blame those other women if they look at you because you're so sexy shirtless..."
He all but sighed.
"I hate you!" she sobbed. "It's all your fault! You made me fat!"
Edward really didn't know what else he should do or say. He had already told her that she was the girl he'd wanted all along, and yet she doubted it every time. He just didn't get pregnant women and their hormones...
"You really need to stop this, Winry." He looked down at her. "If you keep this stuff up... I can't guarantee anything. You're driving me insane!"
Of course, that only made her cry harder. "I c-can't help it, you m-moron!"
Shit... "Stop crying already, will ya?"
"I c-can't," Winry blubbered. "All this being pregnant stuff sucks! I r-really hate Scar for taking away my parents from me... If M-Mom was here right now, sh-she could give me some advice..."
Ed's expression softened, along with his tone. "Hey... what about Granny? Didn't she warn you about all this stuff?"
"No, she didn't."
Again, Ed sighed. At moments like this, he was truly grateful that he was a guy. He walked over, sat down next to her, and slid his arm around her.
"Can we just sit here like this for a little while?" she asked softly, wiping away her tears. Ed nodded. She managed a smile for him. "Hunh. Seems like the little boy can tell when his daddy is near."
"How do you know?" Ed asked.
Winry gently knocked him over the head. "Because he's not kicking anymore." She placed a hand tenderly over her stomach, and added, "You should pick the name."
He didn't take long to think about it. Edward had known the name he wanted almost from the moment he had found out he was a father. "Adam. How about Adam?"
"Adam Elric..." Winry repeated to herself. "Sounds perfect." Beaming, she took Ed's hand in her own and placed it on top of her stomach; beneath their entwined fingers, they felt the baby give a gentle kick.
Okay well, I know Winry is kinda annoying in this one but thats because I used a good friend of mine as an example. She wanted icecream all the Time so yeah... About the Baby's name: Ever since I've read the last manga chapter I wanted to write something about them and their Kids and I will I promise but I needed a name for the kids and trust me... I tried every freakin name! Nothing sounded fitting for the boy. After a long journey of research on Names (haha) I finally choose Adam, it had to fit with the last name and I thought this is it! Maybe I will give him a middle name as well who knows :) Wont tell you the girly babies name yet, I'm sorry!
More chapters re cooming soon! Need some free time for writing so please be patient!
Review please!