A/N: Well, Byakuya-Renji, here is the sequel you asked so much for...I'm really surprised to what you peoples said, so, thanks! Here, I hope this is satisfactory, if not, I will try and make a story which will make you people happy! :D

Pairings: Ikkaku/Yumichika - Ichigo/Hitsugaya and Byakuya/Renji!

Warnings: M for a reason peoples. And probably similliar to the last one.

Kailee: Well, you guys made me happy with all the responces. So I hope to make you happy with another chapter! And so do Byakuya and Renji! Right guys?

Renji: Definitely, and this time, for those of you who wanted to see ME topping, ye all get your wish! *grins*

Byakuya: *bows respectfully* Thank you very much, she doesn't own anything Bleach related.

Renji: Yeah, thank kami! If she did we'd be toa-...Hi?

Kailee: *glaring at Renji* Oh haha! Very funny, thanks, but that is really obvious! Baka! ...Oh...I got an idea! *grins evilly*

Renji:...I should have kept my fat mouth shut.

Byakuya: *Sigh* Yes, if you learned how to do that, we'd all be at peace.

Renji: HEY!

Kailee: We will now begin the second chapter of...'A Problem!'

"It's too bad that this trip is over...Really, I liked spending so much time with ya!" Renji grinned brightly, Byakuya looked at him expectantly, "Oh but you do, we get to spend quality time catching up on all the paperwork that is awaiting our return." Byakuya stated.

Renji shivered, "Man, 'Kuya-kun! That just ain't fair! No time to relax after the long trip back?" Renji complained, "And besides, that would be enough work to take us a week!" he further complained, "Exactly why we must complete it all upon our return. Did you think that if we fucked that you'd be off the hook for paperwork?" Byakuya asked, "Well, I was hoping that we both would take a break from it." Renji grinned.

"Well then, allow me to diminish any hope you could possibly have on that then, you do not get any until you complete all your paperwork. No it's, and's or but's. Do you understand me? Abarai-Fukotaichou." Byakuya stated, using the tone that assured Renji that if he tried ANYTHING, he'd

get chopped to pieces, or atleast, denyed even more. Shoot!

(A/N: That is what you get for insulting the author, Renji. :3)

He was pouting as Byakuya opened the gate, the two entered the white lights and soon were back in Soul Society. "Kuchiki-sama, would you like me to take your luggage?" one of the butlers asked, "Please, and also take the Lieutenants. We will be taking to the office immeditely." Byakuya stated, they were back in uniform as their gigai's had already been returned to Urahara's shop.

"Of course sir." the butlers said, immeditely taking their luggage, "Come now, Abarai-fukotaichou." Byakuya flash-stepped away. Renji groaned, also flash-stepping towards the barracks, 'Well, maybe it won't be too bad!' he reassured himself. But as he got to their office, he decided he would be crying soon. There weren't just a few stacks. There were PILES of work scattered throughout the entire room, he decided that no, it wouldn't take a week, it would take a month!

Maybe if he tried to sneak away...But then he remembered what Byakuya said.

"You do not get ANY until you complete ALL your paperwork.'

Shit! This was gonna kill him! What was the guy THINKING? Renji sighed as he walked into the office. "Well, let's get started." he muttered. Three hours later, they weren't even half way through, and then the man who almost got him killed showed up, "3rd seat Madarame Ikkaku, 5 seat Yumichika Ayesagawa. May I ask as to the reason for your visit?" Byakuya asked.

"Yeah, we were hoping you would let us borrow Renji for a little while!" Ikkaku stated, taking little note to all the paperwork in need to be done. Renji glanced up, "Sorry guys, but I'm really busy, and I have to finish this otherwise I'm stuck with it for the rest of the month, with all my other paperwork.." he muttered, "Just for a minute?" Yumichika begged, "If it will get you out of my office...Abarai! Go and talk to them for a few minutes, that is an order! Be back in ten minutes." Byakuya commanded, it was his if you don't do it now, you will find yourself in pieces in the next minute! tone. "Yes sir!" Renji scrambled up and ran towards the two, they exited and took to the 6th barracks lounge room. "Ah...Now, how did it go?" Yumichika asked with a smile.

"...How did it go? Well besides the fact that I realized, that if Byakuya didn't have the same feelings and figured out the shameless touchs and words, then I was going to be killed? It went...Great!" Renji grinned, Ikkaku and Yumichika looked at each other, and grinned, "That's great! All problems solved, but then, why didn't you come tell us? And why not come drinking with us?" Ikkaku asked. Renji's grin dropped and a sigh left him, "Because, I had a fit over doing paperwork and suggested we do something more fun, right?" "Sounds like something an idiot like you would say." Yumichika sighed, already seeing where this was going. "Shut it! Well, he demanded that I get ALL my paperwork done before we do anything of the sort again!" Renji whined, Yumichika chuckled. "Really now? Well then we're keepin you up..But...check by your room when you have a chance, I left you and Byakuya a...gift." Yumichika grinned before standing. "Come on, Kaku!" Yumichika smiled and winked at Renji, "Have fun!" he stated and dragged Ikkaku away, leaving Renji to himself.

"A...Gift?" Renji was almost scared to find out what those 'gifts' were. "Ah well, better get back to work.." Renji sighed.

Renji finally finished all his paperwork, "Yes! Done!" he cried out happily, looking at the clock and his grin fell, two in the freaking morning? "'Kuya!" Renji whined, "Yes?" Byakuya asked, "I'm done." he stated. "Good, go home and get some rest then." Byakuya stated, "But I'd rather WE went home." Renji stated, standing and walking over to the others desk, leaning against it, craning his neck to look at Byakuya and the paper. He was on his last few. Nothing he couldn't just leave behind for awhile.."Renji, let me finish. We need to rest before tomorrow as well." he added, Renji sighed, "Fine, see you tomorrow baby." Renji stated and leaned forward, kissing Byakuya deeply, pulling back, leaving them both with a need for more before he left and went to his room.

"This SUCKS! I really want him and-" he growled as he entered his home, but stopped himself as he saw a gift on his bed, in a box with red wrapping and black ribbion...It was sitting there oh so innocently. "Well, why not figure out what it is..." he muttered and walked over, he carefully undid the ribbon and...Ohh, now that's a good gift, lube, condoms and a few...toys. He'd stick them up for later, but..How the hell did he know BEFORE Renji even told Yumi that he had succeeded! He knew for a fact that Yumichika could not use telepathy. So either A- he guessed. Or B- he followed them..Which would also explain that knowing look.."I wouldn't put it past that romantic idiot. Who was he calling an idiot again? Gah! Everythings against him today...

Next Morning:

His plan had, at first, been to go and confront Yumi about his 'gift' after work, but that had changed, and rather quickly. Why? Well...:

"K-kuchiki-Taichou, I was wondering if maybe you could go over some forms with me."

"Kuckiki-Taichou, could I discuss some things with you over a cup of tea."

One of his personal faves:

"Kuckiki-Taichou, wanna go out with me some time? Y'know for captain-officer bonding time?"

That was only three of the MANY pick-up lines used in only the first hour. By the time they were finished...There were too many to count, and his lover still couldn't see when someone freakin' hit on him, damnit! Well, then, he'll just have to take action.

Byakuya had just dismissed everyone, and Renji wrapped his arms around his lover and boss, kissing him in the fashion that would bring him to his knees. Almost, "Let's go." Renji murmered against his lips after pulling away, but only slightly. Taking a glance at all of the squad members, he smirked and gave them a possessive look, wrapping an arm around Byakuya possessively as they walked down the hall. The look on everyones faces amused him dearly. "Renji? Why did you do that?" Byakuya asked once he found his voice, "So they knew, that you were taken." Renji stated simply, though, he didn't realize that it wasn't just squad six members who had seen that kiss, "You idiot, Shuuhei has been given captain duties due to how long he's been running the squad! He's been watching all day. Captain Ukitake and Shunsui were just around the co-" Byakuya was cut off by another kiss, "Ya don't get it, I don't care who was there, I was showing them, that you. Are. Mine." Renji said possessively. Byakuya glared, "Stop interuptting me, Ren-" and...telling him to stop was NOT working. Because he was now being pushed against a wall and being kissed so hard that the only thing keeping him upright was the wall and Renji, WHY did he keep doing that? Wait, this is Renji...He's doing it because he can.

"I let ya take me last time, not this time, I wanna hear ya screaming my name, beginning me for more and for me to take you. This time, you'll be the one so over-whelmed with pleasure that you won't be able to move, breathe or talk." Renji grinned and kissed him again, picking him up princess style and carrying him inside their office, closing the door. Byakuya, not having much a choice, unable to speak through the ferocious kiss. He pushed everything aside, one of the desks, too much in pleasure to tell who's. He put Byakuya on it before he began ravishing the others neck and littering it with marks.

Byakuya moaned, "Ah, Ren...ji." he moaned, he glanced up, what..what was that on the ceiling? That flashing thing? Then he realized, his eyes widening, "Ren-ji..." he tried, but Renji gripped his crotch to keep him from saying another word, he didn't give a damn that they were doing it in the barracks, where anyone could walk in or something. Oh little did he know.

He pushed the Shinigami robes down, released Renji's hair from it's confines, getting rid of anything in his way. He started to turn his attention to the perk nipples on his lovers chest. "Ah-Renji.." he rolled his head back, all thoughts disappearing from his mind. Shoot, Renji needed to quit, but he couldn't remember the reason now, how very unlike him..So this is what Renji could do to him? He's in trouble then. "You say I talk too much?" Renji teased, moving further and further down before stopping. He ran a couple fingers down Byakuya's crotch. Finally completely removing both their clothing. Byakuya was laying all the way back, his eyes closed, his hair fanned around him, lips parted and releasing deep breaths. "Damn, your are so damn sexy." Renji grinned, "W-who talks...to-too much-! AH! Renji!" he cried out as the other fisted him and began to massage. "Say that your mine, 'Kuya!" Renji grinned, "Ah-! R-renji!" Byakuya growled before he felt himself being fisted even harder, even if he wanted to come, he wouldn't be able to due to the harsh grip, "Mn, baby, your getting wet." Renji stated. "I-I'm..yours.. Ren-jAH! Ju-just as much...As you...ohhh are-Ren..-mine.." Byakuya moaned, rocking his hips into that hand, which released it's grip and massaged lightly, causing his come to cover both their stomachs, and even reaching their hair. "I love ya, 'Kuya." Renji grinned, kissing him. He stuck his fingers in Byakuya's mouth.

"Suck." Renji commanded, Byakuya obeyed wrapping his tongue around the three fingers in his mouth sucking on them, and in a absolutely sexy way. Renji had been ignoring his own growing need, but he couldn't for much longer. As soon as Byakuya finished, he began preping the other. One finger, causing the other to wince, but just slightly, not too much pain, the second caused a little more, but again, not too much. And a third, when he finally finished, he pulled them out, grabbing the bottle of lube Yumi had given them, watermelon? Yum. He spread some on his impatient cock, "You ready, Byakuya?" Renji asked with a gentle smile, "Y-yeah." he stated, mentally cursing himself for stuttering so much. And then, he was holding back a cry as Renji slowly entered him, crap, it hurt a lot!

Renji soon was all the way in and gave him a minute before slowly starting a pace, and soon, he was thrusting him so far that the drawers of the desk were nearly falling out, moaning, he started thrusting into his lover, but avoiding his sweet spot, "Re-Renji!" Byakuya moaned, "Beg for it, cry out my name." Renji growled, Byakuya looked uncertain but gave in, "Renji! Please, I'm /begging/ you! Harder, faster!" he blushed a shade that could almost put Renji's hair to shame. When Renji grinned and started hitting that spot over and over, "RENJI!" he cried out as he came, clamping down so hard on Renji, that Renji nearly growled and released string after string. "Your mine, don't forget it.." Renji muttered, laying ontop of him, "And you to me, Renji." Byakuya muttered. Both panting and resting.

An hour later they were cleaned up and they left the office, they began walking, stopping by a door, that had blood seeping out from under it, they blinked, looking at each other, they opened the door, to find Shunsui, Shuuhei, Izuru, Yumichika, Ikkaku and Ukitake. All five passed out and had blood dripping from their noses, they rose an eyebrow as they looked at the camaera, before realizing.."That's our office..." Byakuya muttered, "Well...Damn, they were spying? And...playing along?" Renji stated as he noticed the mess..."Damn. Think we should wake them up?" Renji asked, "No, send the fourth division, it will serve them right for spying." Byakuya stated. And Renji made a note to himself:

-Never spy on Byakuya.

Still, as they left the barracks, no one dared flirt with Byakuya.

Problem solved.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it!