#55-The End

Chapter 1

My name is Tobias.

I am a boy. I am also a hawk. A freak of nature, a misfit, fill in your own word. It's hard to describe it. My natural body is that of a red-tail hawk. For two hours at a time, I can become my human self, the body I was born with.

I was born as a human. If you saw me, you wouldn't find anything extraordinary about me. I was tall for my age, had wavy blond hair, and my eyes were brown. They always had this dreamy look, like I was somewhere else, far away.

I never liked my life. I had been told that my mother had run away, and my father had died. I was shuffled between a drunk uncle and an aunt who didn't care for me. The bullies picked on me every day in school. I was deathly scared of first period gym class.

Then my life changed forever.

One night, I was heading home from the mall. I hooked up with Jake and Marco. They weren't really my friends. Jake had saved me from getting my head flushed down the toilet once, so I hung around him. Marco didn't seem to know I was there. They were arguing over some video game, anything normal kids would talk about.

Outside of the mall, we hooked up with Rachel and Cassie. Rachel was Jake's cousin. She looked like your typical mall rat, until she broke both of your arms. There was this fierce warrior inside her that was about to be unlocked. Cassie was Rachel's best friend. I didn't know much about her then, either.

There was an abandoned construction site outside of the mall. We could walk around it, which would have taken us longer to get home. Or we could take the shortcut, through the site, and hope no ax murderers would get us.

We went through the construction site.

Then we saw it.

I spotted it first. A spaceship was flying towards the construction site. It crash-landed a few feet from where we stood. And it was there that we first learned of the Yeerk invasion of Earth.

An Andalite prince named Elfangor was in the spacecraft. He was mortally wounded, and he was going to die. Nothing could change that.

He told us about the Yeerks. He told what Yeerks were, and what their mission was. He told us about how the Andalites fought the Yeerks. And he gave us the power to morph.

A very powerful and dangerous weapon that only the Andalites possessed. By touching an animal, we would 'acquire' its DNA. And then we could 'morph' that animal.

There was one drawback: you can only stay in morph for two hours. Otherwise, you're trapped in that morph forever. Permanently.

Like me.

Elfangor told us to use the technology to fight the Yeerks. Then the Yeerks came, and killed him. While he was dying, Elfangor told us of his killer, then Visser Three.

Visser Three was the only Yeerk to ever take control of an Andalite body. That Andalite had the power to morph, so Visser Three could morph as well. Elfangor said he would be our greatest enemy.

Then we hid, scared to death, as Visser Three morphed a monstrous alien and kill Elfangor.

Yeerks, in their natural form, are no more than gray slugs. A snail without its shell. In that state, they are utterly helpless, blind and deaf to the surroundings around them. But they are parasites. They have the ability to take control of a body.

The Yeerk crawls in through the ear. It burrows its way through the ear canal. Some painkiller is applied by the Yeerk as it tunnels through the soft tissue, and into you brain. There, it wraps itself like a blanket over your brain. The Yeerk seeps into every crevice and convolution. It ties itself into your neurons, and controls your body.

A person controlled by a Yeerk is helpless. The Yeerk does your homework. It moves your fingers as you change the channel on TV. It moves your legs, forcing you to walk. Your mouth is moved by the Yeerk, telling your family lies, maybe even betraying them. And you can do nothing.

Being a Controller is worse than death. I believe it.

The Yeerks first enslaved the Gedds, a clumsy species found on their home planet. But there weren't enough Gedds to give every Yeerk a host. So they expanded.

They enslaved the Hork-Bajir, a peaceful species. They are covered with blades, which are meant to be used to cut bark from trees. But the Yeerks saw an entire planet of host bodies that were walking killing machines. They enslaved the entire Hork-Bajir race. By the time the Andalites showed up, it was too late.

The Yeerks allied themselves with the Taxxons. Taxxons look like giant yellow centipedes. They have an uncontrollable hunger. The Yeerks knew this. Even a Yeerk could not control the eternal hunger of a Taxxon. So they offered the Taxxons promises of exotic new foods, if they accepted control under the Yeerks. The Taxxons accepted. They will eat anything, even themselves.

We fought the Yeerks. After the first battle, I was trapped in hawk morph. I had been a hawk for longer than two hours. The Andalite word for me is nothlit-a person trapped in morph.

I sometimes wonder whether it was the right choice. No longer did I have to worry about getting beat up at the bus stop. I didn't have to worry about doing homework. That life was behind me.

My new life consisted of eating mice for breakfast, and worrying about owls and golden eagles eyeing me for dinner. I didn't completely rid myself of problems.

Nevertheless, we continued to fight the Yeerks. For three years, we battled them. They thought we were Andalites, because we had the power to morph. For a long time, they never suspected we were human.

We did damage to the Yeerks. We were able to free some Hork-Bajir, and created a free Hork-Bajir colony. For the first time in years, there were Hork-Bajir that weren't enslaved to the Yeerks.

It was then I regained my power to morph. The powerful being known as the Ellimist gave it back to me, in exchange for helping the free Hork-Bajir. My natural body was still a hawk. But I could morph again.

We were later joined by Ax, Elfangor's brother. The five of us, with Ax, fought the Yeerks. We did an incredible job of holding back the Yeerks, considering we were outnumbered six to a zillion.

Eventually, they realized we were actually humans. Those of us that were still human had to abandon their homes and live in the valley of the free Hork-Bajir.

The final battle was fought after we blew up their ground-based Yeerk pool. We were able to get aboard the Yeerk Pool ship, with the help of Jake's brother, Tom.

He was a Controller.

We managed to capture the Pool ship, but Jake knew he would betray us. Tom was aboard the Blade ship of Visser One, formerly Visser Three. He was going to destroy the Pool ship.

Jake had sent Rachel with Tom. He knew what Tom would do. And he sent her without telling any of us.

It was the right decision, probably. I hated Jake for it. I never would have let Rachel go by herself. But she didn't tell me, either. Obviously, she trusted Jake.

Just as Tom was about to blow up the Pool ship, Rachel attacked. She had morphed grizzly bear, and her job was to kill Tom.

She was able to do that. While Tom was in cobra morph, she killed him. But the other members of Tom's crew, also morph-capable, had damaged the bear greatly. Rachel had no choice. She had to demorph. And in her human form, she stood no chance. A Yeerk in polar bear morph killed her with a single swipe of his paw.

In all those three years, there were a million times we should have died, and yet we managed to all get out alive. I guess Rachel's luck ran out.

Her death was hard on me. Rachel was the only person that really cared deeply for me. Before I became a nothlit, I was alone. I had no family. No friends. Rachel was my only good friend. More than a friend, really.

And she was dead.

After the war, I ran away. Ran away from the complexities of life, ran away from the past. It seemed as though the world never was fair to me. I was alone again, and I didn't want to be near people. Whenever I saw two people in love, I thought about me and Rachel.

Pathetic, isn't it? But I didn't want to be tortured by something I knew I would never have.

I had a nice meadow in a section of Yellowstone National Park. Only Cassie knew I lived there, and of course, I swore her to secrecy. I spent my days hunting and flying. The Hork-Bajir, now freed from their Yeerk overlords, now lived in Yellowstone. Their leader, Toby, also knew where I lived.

I visited the Hork-Bajir sometimes. It made me happy to know that I had done something that changed the world.

I was happy with my life. Well, as happy as I would ever be. I was alone, and I was used to that. I was going to live out my days eating mice and wondering what my life might have been. But I knew that sooner or later, I would be called back into society. There was no way avoiding it.

It happened while I was watching some campers. They were obviously in love, and again, I was torturing myself by thinking what might have been. Suddenly, Toby came swinging up to me, and a wolf trotted behind her.

Toby was named after me. The Hork-Bajir see me as their liberator, and her parents were the first free Hork-Bajir. It was an honor.

Who is it? I demanded angrily, knowing there was no way it was an ordinary wolf. Had to be Cassie, yet I had an unsettling feeling it was someone else…

It's me, Tobias, Jake said.

He started demorphing. The two campers began taking pictures like mad and that didn't make me any happier. Hey, Ken and Barbie, knock it off! This is my meadow. If you want to stay, sit down and be quiet! I yelled at the campers in thought-speak.

I didn't mean to sound harsh. But I was troubled by Jake's appearance. It had been a long time since I had seen him. I thought I still hated him. I hadn't seen him since Rachel…

Jake had finished demorphing. He was a little taller now. The boy general I remembered from the war days had disappeared. He was now a man, a young man, but with the eyes of someone who had seen better days. It had been a long time since I'd seen him.

The campers were staring at Jake. Of course they would know who he was. Everyone on the planet did. And unless they were stupider than I thought, they would figure out who I was. Even though Earth had changed a lot during the years after the war, not many birds yelled at people.

Well, Jake, what's up with you? I asked as steadily as I could.

"I'm doing good," he replied. He wanted to tell me something. Jake never was good at concealing his feelings.

You're older.

"So are you."

Well, it was fun catching up. Bye. I spread my wings, ready to fly off. I didn't feel like talking to Jake.

"It's about Ax," Jake said.

At that moment, I wished I had immediately flown off. I really did. But Ax said I was his shorm, a word for someone who is closer than a friend. Later, we found out that we were actually related. Amazing, isn't it.

What about Ax? I asked.