A Coveted Gift.
AN: Hi everyone! You're reading the very first chapter of my first fanfic, and I hope you'll stick around to read some more . I know the first chapter may seem a bit rushed, but I had to explain a lot and I promise it will get better after this one. The chapters will be longer, too. I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Twilight- or Vampire Diaries-related. It all belongs to Stephenie Meyer and L.J. Smith
Starts at the beginning of 'The Awakening'. When Elena comes back from France, she discovers she has a special talent for knowing people. At the same time, Eleazar wants to leave the Volturi. On Aro's demand, he looks for a replacement and sees Elena. When Elena is taken away by the Volturi, Stefan will do anything in his power to get her back.
Some information on the characters:
In my head, Elena looks like the one in the TV-series. So if I ever describe her, she has brown hair. I think her character is a bit of a mix between book-Elena and TV-Elena. Bonnie looks like Bonnie in the books, and obviously, so does Meredith.
Katherine really is dead, she's not coming back. And Stefan still loves her, of course, but she doesn't control his life anymore. He's over it, it has been a really long time since she died, so I think that's understandable.
I have an idea about where I'm going with this story, and for now, the Cullens aren't in it. I'm sorry..
I'm probably boring you all to dead, so let's get on with the story!
It all started when Elena came back from France. When she got back home, the first thing she did was making plans to see Bonnie and Meredith. She had been on vacation for more than a month and had really missed her two best friends. Normally, she would have returned on time to start the new school year, but there had been a problem with papers and passports and they had to wait a week before they could go home.
When she saw them waiting for her by her house, she was overwhelmed by a strong feeling she couldn't really identify. The most she could say was that it was really good. Not exactly like it was good to see her friends, more like it were her friends who were really good. She didn't understand it. At all.
"Elena? Are you okay? Elena!"
Elena realized the feeling had stopped her right in her tracks and she was standing in the middle of the pavement, staring at Bonnie and Meredith. She snapped out of it and walked over to them.
It was Meredith who had called, and she was still looking worried at Elena's face. Bonnie, on the other hand, was looking at Elena with eyes as big as plates and her mouth formed a little 'O'.
"Bonnie? What's wrong?" Elena asked. She was thinking Bonnie's expression had something to do with the weird feeling, and she didn't like that thought. How would Bonnie know that she was feeling strange?
Meredith pushed Bonnie's elbow and rolled her eyes and said: "Bonnie learned she's psychic, and now she's having a premonition every five seconds. They're pretty accurate, though… I wonder how she does it." Elena could tell Meredith was joking, but Meredith's face said that there was more, that she wasn't sure if it was something to joke about.
Bonnie looked up at Meredith, stubbornly crossed her arms and said:
"It's true, you wait and see."
Elena wasn't liking this conversation and tried to change the subject by saying:
"Let's talk about this later, okay? I want to know what I missed when I was gone. Any new guys for Matt to compete with?"
It was the first thing that popped up in her mind, but when she said it she realized she hadn't talked to Matt for a really long time, and she didn't like the reason. It was because she didn't know what to say. Matt was her boyfriend, so he must've expected at least a phone call, since he knew she came home the day before. She decided she would figure out what to say to him later that evening, and to walk to school with him the next morning.
School, another thing she didn't want to think about. The year had already started and she thought that if you wanted to be queen of the school, you should at least be there from the beginning. Now she would be –well, not exactly the 'new girl' because everybody knew her –but it wouldn't feel good. She focused on Bonnie who was about to answer her earlier question.
"Oh Elena, you should see him! Really, I know you love Matt and all, but he is special, and handsome, and…"
"What Bonnie is trying to say," Meredith said, interrupting Bonnie's list of adjectives,
"is that there is a new guy at school, Stefan Salvatore, he came from Italy and lives in the boarding house. And as for how he looks, I suggest you listen to Bonnie."
She said it as if she didn't care, but a smile was playing around her lips, as if she knew Elena would be interested.
And Elena was interested, she liked new challenges, but she was still with Matt, and even if that could soon be over, she didn't want to hurt him.
"I know what you're doing" she said, pointing at Bonnie,
"you want me to forget Matt so you can have him."
Elena was only kidding, but Bonnie blushed and said:
"I'm not saying I wouldn't like that, but that's really not what I was thinking about."
Bonnie and Meredith began talking about other things that had happened and told Elena the latest gossip. She was glad they didn't have to talk about Matt anymore, it made her feel bad.
After they had gone to lunch somewhere, Elena felt much better. She drove to Bonnie's house after she had dropped Meredith off. When she stopped the car in front of bonnie's home, Bonnie just stayed in the car.
"we're there, you know." Elena said when she saw Bonnie wasn't paying attention.
"I know" Bonnie replied "I'm just waiting until you start talking about it."
"I don't know what you mean." Elena said, but she was quite sure she did.
"Of course you do. Elena, I know it sounds stupid, but I really think I can see things, sometimes. Like this morning."
"What kind of things?" Elena didn't have good feeling about this.
"You're going to laugh."
"I'm not." She assured Bonnie.
"I know something happened Elena. This morning, when you stared at us, I felt it."
"What did you feel?" was it possible Bonnie had felt the same thing?
"I don't know, this is going to sound weird, but… It felt like you were testing us, like you wanted to see if we could be trusted."
"where would you get that, Bonnie? Of course you can be trusted, I wouldn't have to test that. And even if I did, how would I do that and how would you be able to feel it?"
Elena tried not to make it sound that way, but actually, she really wanted to hear the answer. In some way, it had felt exactly like that. She hadn't understand it at that moment, but when Bonnie described it like this… She felt a chill run down her spine.
"Meredith told you: I'm psychic. My cousin said so. And no one believes me but it's true, sometimes I see people's auras or I get weird dreams. Most of the time I really don't like it. Maybe you can do something special, too."
"But I didn't do anything!" Elena didn't know how she felt about this. She never really believed in stuff like that and Bonnie could have let her imagination run wild.
"Look, Bonnie, it's true that I felt something weird this morning, but it was probably nothing at all. But if it makes you feel better, you can always tell me when you see or feel something weird. And I'll tell you immediately if I do, too. I won't ever laugh at you, okay?" She only said this to make Bonnie feel better, but she had to admit she herself felt better, too.
Bonnie nodded and smiled. She got out of the car and Elena went home.
Elena was lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. She had decided she would break up with Matt. She loved Matt, and he was her best friend. And just that was what she realized he had always been: a best friend.
She was waiting for sleep to come, but it didn't. She listened to music, read a few chapters in her favourite book, walked circles in her bedroom and even did some gym exercises to get tired. Nothing helped.
She decided to go for a walk outside. It was September, but the air was warm on her skin and a light breeze ran through her hair. She would only walk in her own street, Fell's Church wasn't a dangerous place to live, but it was the middle of the night and was quite dark. Her aunt wouldn't approve of her sneaking out at night, let alone walk all over town.
Elena was still in her nightgown but in the dark it almost looked like a normal dress. When she was a hundred metres far from her house, she heard something and listened. It was just some leaves cracking, so she was sure it was only an animal. But when she walked on, she saw a figure coming out of the trees on the right.
Elena went completely rigid. Maybe if she was really quiet, the guy –he was too big to be a girl –wouldn't notice her. He stood a couple metres away, she stood in the dark and even though he stood in a beam of moonlight, she couldn't see him very clearly. Elena was sure he wouldn't see her. He's walking the other way, she thought, if I just wait long enough, he'll be out of sight and I can go home.
But that was before the feeling hit her. It was bad, really, really bad. It hit her with such force she couldn't stop herself from gasping. The guy heard her and turned around. Elena felt nauseous, the feeling was screaming at her to turn away and run. It was as if she had been under water for so long she just had to go look for air. Without thinking, she turned and ran.
When she heard footsteps pick up behind her, she pushed her legs harder. Soon the steps behind her faltered and while she felt relieved, she knew it would be unbelievably stupid to slow down now.
When she reached her home, she yanked the door open and only after locking it with every lock she could find, did she stand still to listen if she had woken anyone up. She didn't hear anything, so she walked back to her room and thought about what to do.
She would call Bonnie. Bonnie would be asleep now, but Elena had promised to tell her immediately if anything happened, and she just really needed to talk to someone. Bonnie would understand. She picked up after the first ring, which surprised Elena.
"Bonnie! Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"Shouldn't you? Why are you calling in the middle of the night? Not that I don't want to talk, I was thinking about calling you, actually. But I didn't want to wake you for something that's probably nothing." Bonnie was talking very fast and sounded nervous.
"What are you talking about?" Elena was confused.
"I know this will sound weird, but I had a dream about you and you were in trouble and it just felt so real, I was thinking that maybe I should warn you or something."
"Bonnie" Elena said slowly "what exactly did you dream?"
"Well, I don't know the details, you were outside and it was dark, and then I saw that one guy who's always making trouble. He used to be in our school and he always got in fights and then he was kicked out because he bothered girls. Remember him?"
"Then I saw you running, so I figured he was after you. And I was worried. Why did you want to know, is it important?"
"You're freaking me out Bonnie. How did you know this?"
"You mean it's true? Are you okay? What were you doing outside?"
"I'm okay. I just couldn't sleep so I went outside for a walk."
"You know that's a stupid idea! So what did he do?"
"Nothing, I ran away. He started to follow me but gave up."
"So why didn't you call Meredith? I mean, she's always so grown up and calm and smart, I figure you would want to talk to her."
"You're my best friend, too, you know." But it was true, normally she would have called Meredith. "But I needed to tell you something…"
"What is it?"
Elena hesitated, now that she was safe up in her room, it all seemed stupid. Of course she had felt bad and scared. That's just how you feel when you're alone and in the dark and there's someone coming after you. She shouldn't make that big of a deal out of it.
"Nothing, it's nothing. I overreacted, that's all."
"Elena, I know there is something you want to say, or you wouldn't have called at this hour. I thought I overreacted as well, and see how true it turned out to be."
"You're right, I know you right, but I still feel stupid. I had that feeling again."
"Like with me and Meredith? That wouldn't make sense."
"No, not at all! The exact opposite, it made me sick with fear."
Elena didn't like that. If the stupid feeling had stayed away, she would have been completely calm and just would've waited for the guy to be out of sight. Instead it had made her run, she wouldn't let anything do that to her.
"So it told you he couldn't be trusted?"
"It didn't really tell me anything specific. Only that I had to get away as quickly as possible."
"It probably tells you if a person has good intentions or not."
"Well, it can tell me all it wants, I don't want it. I can decide for myself who I want to trust."
"I understand, really. I think my mom heard me talking, she's waking up. Do you want me to walk with you tomorrow?"
"No, but tell Meredith everything. I want to see Matt first."
"Okay, we'll wait at the turn before school."
Elena hung up and suddenly felt very tired. The walk outside had done it's job, she fell asleep almost immediately.
AN: So, that was it :) Please review! It would make my day if you liked it, and it would only make the next chapters better if you told me what was wrong.