Hey! So, I know I have two other stories, in different fandoms that need finishing, but I wrote this for my new years blog, and felt like it needed to be posted here as well.

Characters may be slightly out of character, but bear with me, I tried my best to at least keep personalities intact.

I don't own any of this, so.. yeah.


Haruhi woke with a smile on her face. She always did, it was hard not to be happy waking up in this room. Their bedroom. Kyoya let her decorate it when they first moved in, so it was different from the rest of the house. The sun shone in through lace curtains and tossed dappled shadows on the barely yellow walls. The white furniture was more country then modern, making the room a little softer then, say, the dining room. Haruhi couldn't help but be completely happy with how her life had turned out. She rolled over, and was greeted with a note, left on her husband's pillow

"Come down to breakfast" She giggled. Kyoya's handwriting was terrible. It was to be expected, he was a doctor, and a guy, but he tried so hard to make his writing as neat as her own. Haruhi could feel her grin getting bigger. They'd been married for a while now, yet he never failed to leave her a note if he was up before she opened her eyes.

But it wasn't breakfast that got Haruhi out of bed that morning. As soon as she pictured breakfast, a tidal wave of nausea crashed down upon her, sending her racing towards the bathroom, again.

"You're up later then usual."Kyoya commented, pouring a fresh cup of coffee for the both of them. Haruhi hesitated in the doorway. Should she tell him she was sick? She didn't feel sick, at least, not any more, but she definitely wasn't hungry, and Kyoya would notice if she didn't eat.

"Good morning to you too." She said jokingly, taking her seat at Kyoya's right, and picking up the warm cup. "Sleep well?"Kyoya nodded.

"You didn't though. Is everything alright?" Haruhi was always surprised at how observant her husband was, She wasn't even sure she had bad night. Haruhi forced herself to finish the sip of coffee, lest she spit it all over the table in a fashion completely unbefitting that of an Ootori wife.

"I-I'm fine." She answered shakily, avoiding looking at Kyoya. He could always tell when she was lying.

"All right then."Kyoya said, after a moment. "I'll be working late tonight, so I wouldn't be hurt if you don't wait up for me." Haruhi nodded, standing as he did, not really interested in breakfast anymore. They walked to the front door in amicable silence, Haruhi's smaller hand clasped in Kyoya's larger one. He opened the door to the garage and turned to Haruhi.

"See you tonight." She smiled, tiptoeing up to kiss him goodbye.

Haruhi watched Kyoya from the doorway as he walked across the garage to the car that was waiting to take him to work. They exchanged waves and Haruhi waited until the rolling door shut behind the car before she closed the door and went back up to her room to change for the day.

Haruhi opened the wardrobe, in her walk in closet. It was the one part of the house she couldn't get used to if she tried. Even having an elevator in the hall didn't bother her as much as this room, the size of her old apartment, that was dedicated solely to clothes. After living out of six drawers for her entire life, it didn't sit right,

She rifled through the racks of dresses idly, nothing in the entire room catching her attention. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Kyoya's rack of 'casual clothes' was calling to her like a siren, but she ignored it as best as she could. Her days of cross dressing were far behind her. But ten minutes and six outfits later, they still held the same charm.

Haruhi ended up in a giant white button up that nearly dwarfed her, and a pair of her own jeans, with a belt to take in the excess shirt.

She cast about for something to do after she hung up the rejected items of clothing in the closet. She seemed to run into this problem a lot. Since she only worked part time (that was all she could get as a just-graduated law student) there were too many hours in the day that needed filling, and too little to fill them with.

Fortunately, the ringing of a telephone interrupted her musings.

"Mrs. Ootori, a Kaoru Hitachiin is on the phone for you." Haruhi practically bowled the poor maid over in her eagerness to talk to her friend.

"Hello Kaoru." She greeted cheerfully, tucking the phone under one ear as she shut the closet door.

"Hey Haruhi, are you home right now? Wanna go do something?"

"Sure!" She could feel herself light up at the idea of something to do.

"Awesome, I'm, uh, outside the gate. Your guard won't let me in, says he doesn't recognize the car." Haruhi giggled at Kaoru's predicament. She understood the need for security, but it was too funny when it backfired.

"I'll be right out, don't worry." She said, grabbing the bag she had taken out the night before as she hung up the phone. Kaoru would have a fit, it definitely didn't match, but she didn't want to have to pack a new one and keep him waiting.

It wasn't too far from the house to the main gate, surely you couldn't see the building from the street, but for some reason, Haruhi found herself unusually winded when she made it to the car.

"I can understand why they wouldn't let you in." Haruhi said, hopping into the bright green convertible. "Nobody reputable drives this sort of car." She joked, giving Kaoru an awkward, one armed hug. He returned the hug with a kiss on the cheek, before speeding off in the direction of town. The two friends were blissfully unaware of the rumor mill that was just starting up.

"So, where are we going?" Haruhi asked, as they sped down the street.

"Sheesh, demanding woman. Not even a real hello, or 'how was Milan, Kaoru?'" He was joking, of course, and Haruhi laughed aloud, before turning to him with the girliest, most un Haruhi like expression on her face.

"Oh, Kaoru, you simply must tell me all about you're fabulous doings in Milan darling." They both burst into laughter at her simpering. Haruhi didn't simper.

"Kaoru." Her tone changed suddenly, "Kaoru, pull over, now."

"Haruhi, are you okay?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Now! Kaoru!" Kaoru looked around, easily pulling over to the side of the road. Haruhi had the door open, and was out of the car before the lime green monstrosity had even properly stopped.

"Haruhi!" Kaoru put the car in park, and raced to his friend. Haruhi was on her hands and knees, quietly vomiting her meager breakfast. Kaoru fumbled around his pockets, looking for a tissue, or a handkerchief, something he could offer her so she could clean up, finally finding a square of material in his back pocket.

"Here, Haruhi." He offered, once she was done.

"Thanks." She took the offered material, and wiped her mouth.

"Are you sick? Should I take you home?" He panicked, but Haruhi's calm demeanor helped him relax, if only for a moment.

"I'm not sick Kaoru. Let's just keep going, okay? That is, if you don't mind."

"Are you sure? We could at least call Kyoya." Kaoru suggested, already pulling his cellphone out.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine. We don't need to worry anyone about something so silly." Haruhi said. Her tone was light but her meaning was firm, and Kaoru knew that was the last they'd be saying on the matter.

The day seemed to go by in a whirlwind, though the pair did surprisingly little. Kaoru was still a little leery of Haruhi's condition so the two stayed in at the Hitachiin house. Haruhi looked over the newest line, able to appreciate all the pretty clothes, even if she'd never wear them.

"You designed all these?" She asked in awe, fingering a more ornate evening gown.

"Yup, They're great, aren't they? But you should see the ones Hikaru created." He trailed off, but the admiration Kaoru still held for his brother was evident.

"Actually that one was designed for you, specifically." Kaoru added as an after thought, before turning red. "And it was supposed to be a surprise."

"That's okay. I can keep a secret." Haruhi said, giggling and dropping the dress back on the rack.

They ended up doing a movie marathon in the home theater.

"Haruhi, it's kind of late, do you want me to take you home, or?" Kaoru trailed off, seeing that his friend was already mostly asleep.

"Where's phone?" She murmured, not opening her eyes, "I'll call." Kaoru picked up the cell phone, and handed it to her. Her eyes opened just as much as they needed to to dial.

"'Yoya? 'M staying here tonight. See you tomorrow." Her words were almost unintelligible, and Kaoru would have laughed if he weren't being careful not to wake her up. The phone slipped from Haruhi's fingers as she fell asleep again, and hit the floor.

Kaoru slipped an arm under her shoulders and knees and carried her down the hall to the nearest bed room.

Kyoya unlocked his front door and stepped into the dark entryway before shutting it, and hitting the three separate deadbolts. Despite all the fancy electronic security devices they had, the deadbolts made him feel the safest.

He sighed, shuffling through the dark halls. He had expected the house to be dark, it was, after all, nearly two a.m., but he hated coming home to a dark house.

"Haruhi?" He asked quietly, stepping into their bedroom. There was no answer, so he slipped into the closet and changed into pajamas quickly, his head nodding with sleep as he did.

He didn't even notice anything amiss until he slid between the sheets, and realized he was alone.

Before we get into the review-whoring, I would like to share this video with all of you, youtube. com/ watch?v=OLuNiBHpjiw

It's pretty gorgeous.

So anyways, What do you think? should I put up the rest of the story?

Let me know!