Hey people! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time! All of you who reviewed my last chapter just want to thank you! I've been busy with school but that's no excuse. I'll try to update sooner!

SO SORRY! I'm haven't updated in weeks maybe even months! School has gotten ten times harder and I've been staying after school since school started but now we're doing play's and I've been getting home at 7 or later. But I will try to update as soon as I can!

Now you can tell I put this off for a LONG, LONG, LONG time! So sorry! And if I still have fans for this story, Thank You and sorry for the wait!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own BTR… And probably never will

Logan peered to his left; he saw Carlos laying on the hospital bed the hospital's sheets pulled all the way reaching his chin. His breathing was the only thing making a sound occasionally Carlos would stir his eyes would open slightly then close again. Logan just smiled as he watched the sleeping boy; the nurse who brought him to the room told him what Carlos did when he found out he was awake.

"Carlos!" Daniela yelled she dropped her clipboard and ran over to Carlos. She grabbed the bottle of water next to his bed and threw it on his lap she then began hitting his back, after a few minutes of hitting his back the coughing stopped.

Breathing heavily Carlos looked down to his lap seeing the water bottle he quickly got a hold of it and opened it; he began chugging down the water, some of the water not making it to his mouth landed on the sheets. Daniela let out a sigh then started walking to the cabinet she pulled out a cloth and made her way back to the boy. As she approached Carlos dropped the bottle, threw the sheets away from him and ran to the nurse placing his hands on her shoulder.

"Did you say, Logan?" He asked his eyes wide, excitement evident in his voice.

"Yes. Doctor Steven is with a Logan Mitchell" She starts explaining "He just regain consciousness-"

Carlos pulled his arms away from Daniela and began running to the door. "Where are you going? She asked him; Carlos faced the nurse with a determine look in his eyes.

"I have to find Logan" Carlos put his hand on the door he turned the knob clockwise and opened the door slightly. Daniela ran as fast as she could to the door and with both of her hands she pushed the door closed, she turned leaning her back towards the door. Carlos shocked stepped away from the door and looked at the girl he let out a frustrated groan as he paced around the room his hand on his head, his fingers curling over his hair and started pulling at it.

"You have to rest Carlos, Doctor Steven is checking to see if Logan's okay but you have to wait here" Daniela explained she took a step away from the door and continued talking "Carlos once Doctor Steven is done checking Logan I'll tell you how he's doing" she saw Carlos's shoulders relax, she let out a sigh of relief and walked to the cabinet again she opened it and saw a small bottle of clear liquid and a needle. She grabbed both of them and placed them on top of the cabinet 'I thought I was going to have to use this' she was glad it didn't resort to that. She turned quickly when she heard the sound of footsteps in the room she saw the young boy running to the door and pulling it open.

"I can't wait I have to see Logan now!" was the last thing she heard before the door slammed shut, she rushed over to the bed and pressed the red button on top of it. She had to inform the doctors about Carlos and how he should be resting instead of walking around. She was deep in thought only to have it broken by a small creaking sound she looked up and saw a slightly pink Carlos walk back into the room.

"What room number is Logan in? Carlos asked, the nurse seeing this chance walked to the cabinet.

"Let me look it up for you" She said trying to stall the boy. She grabbed the needle and stuck it inside the bottle and started filling it with the liquid. Carlos was still a little pink walked closer to the nurse he winced a bit as he got closer, the pain was finally catching up with him. Daniela hearing Carlos approaching grabbed her clipboard and needle and turned; Carlos was a couple of feet away Daniela took the remaining steps to get closer to the boy she shoved the clipboard to his face blocking his view, while Carlos was distracted by this she quickly inserted the needle into his arm and emptied the liquid inside.

"Ouch… that hurt, wait did you just give me a shot?" Carlos asked swaying a bit as he tried making eye contact with her.

"I'm so sorry Carlos" Daniela said "You have to rest now or you're not going to recover quickly. I'm so sorry" She watched as Carlos swayed more and more and watched as he fell to the ground. The door opened, a doctor wearing a white coat and a male nurse dressed in green scrubs entered the room at that moment.

"Did you call us, Daniela?" The doctor asked her. He looked at her noticing that the girl was looking at the ground were the Hispanic boy was lying.

"Wha-" the doctor said before he was cut off by the nurse

"I had to give him anesthesia, he was in pain but he still tried to leave and…" the nurse stopped talking as she watched Carlos.

"It had to be done" the doctor nodded, understanding the nurses action. The doctor and the male nurse grabbed one end of the boy and lifted him onto the bed.

"I'm so sorry, Carlos" Daniela disposed the needle and bottle in the waste disposal. She walked to the cabinet near the boy, pulling out a key out of her pocket she inserted the key and turned it. She grabbed a new blanket out of the cabinet and placed it over the unconscious boy.

"All of that happened yesterday, huh?" Logan continued watching Carlos sleeping. He looked around the room; Doctor Steven put him in this room late last night after telling him about the accident.

"Only, Carlos would do that" Logan laughed, then winced as he grabbed his ribs "Owww still in pain, I see."

'So we were in an accident, Carlos is okay…' Logan turned to look at the still sleeping Carlos. 'But what about Kendall and James?'

A soft groan startled Logan from his train of thought he turned to the only other person in the room with him. He watched the young Latino boy turn in his bed muttering incoherent words "Who says…I can't marry…a corndog? The boys muttered. Logan felt a smirk tug at his lips; of course Carlos would dream that. The said boy eyes fluttered open and closed, he repeated the process a couple of times more finally choosing to have them open.

"Hey, Carlos" Logan greeted his now conscious friend. Carlos yawned and stretched from his bed as he went through his waking up ritual.

"Hey, Logan!" Carlos greeted back cheerfully, he let out another yawn and started stretching again stopping mid-stretch. He whipped his head to the person next to him "Loga-" Carlos leaned too close to the bed causing him to fall out of it. "Owww…"

"Carlos!" Logan hit the red button; he took off his blanket and climbed out of his bed he slowly kneeled down to help his friend.

Carlos felt his eyes watering but he didn't care as long as he had Logan by his side everything was going to get better soon. The door was thrown open as a couple of doctors rushed into the room to help the two boys.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time! I just got busy, but no excuses I will update as soon as I can. I just had really bad writers block and well it took some time, but here I am. I've read all of my past reviews and honestly that's what made me update again. Hope I still have some fans! And hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave reviews! :D
