Yay! I finely got this finished. My Desk top died, so I lost my previous copy of this chapter. Thank god I saved an old version onto my aunt's hard drive. =)
Anyways, enjoy Chapter 3 Sweet Freedom…
Kurt's P.O.V
I fell heavily on to the double bed face first, a muffled "Erruff" escaping my lips. Never before had I been so tired, of course I'd never run away from home before.
With all the stress of packing secretly, leaving the house at 3am, and driving nearly ten hours to New York City, I was surprised I didn't pass out in the elevator. That would have been interesting considering I would have smushed the little old lady who was in the lift with me. I giggled, imagining the headline on the front page of the New York Times, "Runaway Gay Crushes Vacationing Grandma."
That's one way of getting famous, I thought.
I rolled over on to my back kicking off my Gucci sneakers; intent on having a short nap before my adventures began. It had been a very long day. After I was officially out of Lima, thoughts of what I was doing had started to buzz in my head. I had just run away from home, leaving my friends and family back in Lima with no warning what so ever of my departure, and stolen a car, - granted it was technically my car, even if it was under my father's name – all in all, I was a certified juvenile delinquent.
The thought was oddly satisfying, I found a strange pleasure in the idea of doing anything I wanted and not being punished…okay so there were traffic laws and underage drinking and stuff that still applied, but all the same, I was free!
I hummed contently, unable to fall asleep. I suspected that the rather impressive collection of paper coffee cups I had accumulated throughout my trip, had something to do with that. Or maybe it was the fact I was in NEW YORK F*ING CITY! I couldn't just nap! I hopped off the bed and scurried over to my fairly large pile of suitcases and began un-packing.
Truth be known, I had been packing secretly for quite some time, getting the important stuff into the car first. I'd store a little of my closet into my suite cases every day until it was almost empty, leaving only one lonesome - but fabulous - outfit hanging inside to wear when I escaped.
Since my closet was off limits to all on pain of death, I had no problem hiding its diminishing population. Though I did come close when Finn wanted to know where my scarves were.
The dresser on the other hand was a different matter entirely. It was not off limits, in fact it was shared, and Finn often confused my side of drawers with his. I had to leave several of my old sweaters in them so as not to arouse suspission.
Needless to say, it worked. Finn remained unaware of my plot.
Thinking of Finn was a bitter sweet experience for me. I still loved him, as sad as it was I couldn't find it in my heart to stay mad at him for any extended period of time. As soon as he'd turn those puppy dog eyes on me I'd melt onto a puddle of mindless goo…and I hated every second of it.
I knew in my head that it was completely and utterly stupid of me to pine after someone I could never have. Finn was straighter then strait and I was…well I was Gayer then gay. But my heart felt that it would work out somehow, that Finn would one day discover that he was hopelessly in love with me and we would live happily ever after, like in a fairy tale.
But that's all it was, a fairy tale, a fantasy. Nothing would ever come of my devotion and I knew it. Anyways he had Rachel…
I shuttered, the thought of the two of them together always made me an emotional hurricane. I felt angry that Finn chose Rachel and not me, I felt vulnerable, because I must have been doing something drastically wrong for Finn feel so repulsed by my sexuality. Sometimes I even felt self hatred, thinking that if I had been born a girl Finn would want me and everything would be so much simpler.
But most of all I felt abandoned. Because of stupid "Finchel" I was completely alone. Not only relationship wise, but emotionally as well. At least Rachel had understood what it felt like to have your feeling unrequited. Now she was causing a portion of my pain. I had no one to look at anymore and think At least I'm not the only one.
Not that she could have ever understood what it was like for me in Lima. Being the only gay teenager within a 20 mile radius of the town tends to make one feel a tad lost.
Of course it didn't help that I was always shoved from the spotlight in favor of Finn or Rachel when I had as much if not more talent as them.
I was born to be a celebrity. A fact that Mr. Shuester continuously over looked and I was downright sick of it. I was tired of being someone I wasn't, tired of being the dotting best friend, the backup, the second choice. I was Kurt Hummel, and Hummel's never back down. We find away to get what we need whatever the cost….as long as it wasn't anything drastic.
My running away was not at all drastic, it was perfectly justifiable! I wasn't getting what I needed back in Lima. I needed my chance to shine; I needed to go someplace where I really mattered. Somewhere I wouldn't be bullied to the point that my friends thought that I didn't need their help. After all, I'd already been going through it so long; I had to have been tough if I hadn't broken yet, right?
No more would I have to keep up my Ice Queen image when on the inside I was crumbling. It was my time. It was my time to just be me, without any expectations, stereotypes or preconceived notions.
I wanted that, the relief getting out on my own. Without my father, Finn and all the mixed feeling that went along with my home town.
Anyways, how was I supposed to learn anything if I never got to get out of Ohio? This was good; this was freedom.
I was never truly appreciated in Lima. I knew It wouldn't take New Directions long to find a replacement for me. All I ever did was stand in the back and harmonize. And Dad could teach Finn all about working at the Garage. After a few months all their lives would just go back to normal and I would be living my fabulous new life here in NYC.
It was what was truly best for everyone….well me; there was really zero befit for anyone else. Except Finn who was down one Creepy Stalker Gay Kid.
Woopty doo for him! I thought sarcastically.
My life was going to be amazing in New York, I had it all planned out. I was going to stay in this hotel for a few weeks while I gathered enough money through my part time job –which I didn't have yet- to rent myself an apartment somewhere in the Fashion district. Then hit a few open Broadway auditions and hopefully get onstage. I was planning on going to go to school as well. I knew how to register myself and everything.
My plans were fool proof…okay maybe not, but I'd cross that bridge when I reached it.
I sighed, and took a step back to admire my work.
The Hotel room was rather small with just one double bed, a desk with a phone, a dresser with a depressingly old television set, and a scratched up mirror. The dresser and desk were covered with all the clothes that I couldn't fit in the drawers or the puny closet in the corner.
The counter in the on-suit bathroom was crowded with makeup, hair sprays, skin moisturizers and every other remotely cosmetic product under the sun.
Only I would be able to find the things I wanted at any given time. It was what I liked to call Organized Chaos. Perfect.
I sat down on the end of the bed, my eyelids becoming heaver. The coffee was wearing off.
I decided it was time for my nap and changed into a pair of pale green silk pajamas. I closed the curtains and crawled into the bed, the stiff sheets barely shifting at all as I got comfortable –well as comfortable as you can get in a cheap hotel.
I laid my head on the firm pillows and fell asleep, not caring that my soft duck down pillow was still sitting at the foot of the bed where I left it when I first got into the room.
Thank you to all my Reviewers and Subscribers as well as all those who added it to their favorites! I love you all and I'm so glad you like my story! :D I'll update again next week. Until then my lovely readers!