Just something that I decided to make one day, just for fun. I want to see if you guys like it. Please read and review.

"Truth or dare?" Thalia asked mischievously.

The group of six friends, Thalia, Nico, Annabeth, Percy, Clarisse and Grover were sitting together when Thalia popped the question.

"Ew, no, that's so lame," Clarisse said.

"You know you want to..." Thalia drawled.

"Yeah, it'll be fun," Percy said.

"But the gods are going to be here any moment!" Annabeth said.

The gods were coming down to check on Camp Half-Blood, check on their kids, and all that junk. It was new for them, but they all decided to do it.

"So..." Grover said. "Let's mess with the gods."

Annabeth giggled.

Nico gave a slim smile. "Fine."

Clarisse inclined her head.

Percy smirked.

Thalia grinned.

Grover bleated.

The gods arrived just then, and the kids hid behind the trees. "Who goes first?" Annabeth asked. "Ooh! Let's make it Dare and Dare instead of Truth and Dare, so that way, everyone has to do a dare instead of telling the truth. Deal?"

"Deal," everyone agreed.

So they gathered in a circle and played rock/paper/scissors. Percy won, so it was agreed that it would go clockwise from him.

"I dare...Nico to go say hi to Zeus and congratulate him for losing the lightning bolt," Percy said.

Nico cringed. "But..."

"It's truth or dare. I dared you...go do it."

Nico whimpered, and then went up to Zeus. Zeus looked down at the small kid with smoldering eyes. "Hi, lord Zeus." Everyone was peeking out of the trees to look at what would happen to Nico. "I just wanted to congratulate you for losing the lightning bolt when Percy was eleven."

"Why you..." Zeus snarled. Aphrodite giggled. Hera put a calming hand on his arm and he fought to control himself. Hades snarled, and Zeus seemed to realize that it would not be a good idea to kill Hades' only kid.

Nico raced back.

"My turn," Annabeth said, who was sitting next to Percy. "I dare Clarisse to tell Ares that he's a big smelly bucket of nose drool."

"So true," Percy muttered.

Clarisse, being very calm, strode right up to her father. Once he looked at her, her knees wobbled a bit though. "Um...father?"


"You're a big smelly bucket of nose drool-?" Clarisse asked, and the kids were pleased to see that her eyes were full of fear.

Aphrodite started to laugh.

Ares snarled in the same way that Zeus did.

"Oh calm down," Dionysus said, and a grape vine prevented Ares from killing his own daughter.

Grover had an evil smirk on his face. "I dare Thalia to tell Dionysus that he's an old drunk."

Thalia raced up just as Dionysus was saying that it was his duty to protect the kids or else he'd be stuck there for eternity. Thalia interjected with, "You're an old drunk, sir."

"What?" Dionysus yelled. Ares snickered. Hera tittered. Aphrodite gave her lovely laugh. "Why you filthy kids..."

"It's just a game," Hera said, relaxed.

Until Clarisse, who had raced back, dared Grover to go tell Hera that she looked like her sacred animal, a cow.

When Grover said that Hera looks like a cow, Hera exploded. Zeus had to calm her down and she started yelling at him. "DO I LOOK LIKE A BLACK AND WHITE SPOTTED ANIMAL? NO? I DIDN'T THINK SO! DAMN KIDS...I HATE THEM! I HATE HATE HATE HATE THEM!"

Grover had cowered and ran away.

Conner and Travis strolled up. "Playing truth or dare?" When everyone nodded, they smirked. "You know, we know how to play and mess with the gods. Care to let us join?"

"Welcome to the club," Percy said with an evil smirk.

Nico dared Annabeth to tell Athena that she was pregnant with Percy's child, so Annabeth did it. Athena's face grew red and she started to screech like an owl, all her wisdom flying out of the window. Until Ares started to crack up. Then she glared at him.

Conner dared Travis to go tell Hermes that his sandals were stupid, and Hermes started to yell. In return, Travis dared Conner to tell Hephaestus that he had the ugliest beard in history. Which made Hermes laugh. Then Annabeth dared Percy to tell Demeter that her daughter was stupid for eating the pomegranate seeds.

The gods were getting pissed. Of course, Aphrodite was finding this hilarious, seeing as everyone forgot about her.

"Can we play?" more kids asked.

Annabeth dared a kid from Hermes to tell Zeus that he was full of gas, and Percy dared Annabeth to tell Poseidon that she was breaking up with his kid. Which made Poseidon looked mournful. A girl from Demeter's dared a boy from Ares to start dancing with Athena, which made Athena screech in surprise.

It was beginning to become a very fun game.

Soon everyone at camp was running to join in with the game. Hestia was laughing near the fire, but only Percy and Nico saw her, and they liked her too much to mess with her. Besides, it was the first time Nico had seen her laugh like that, and her red eyes were glowing with happiness.

Grover had to go do the mexican hat dance in front of Poseidon, and Clarisse dared a kid from Hephaestus to waltz around with Percy to Zeus, where they would tango with him. Percy did that, mortified and turning red.

Then it got out of hand.

Suddenly, people were waltzing around with each other and the gods, while Aphrodite giggled and accepted a dance. The gods were swearing and the goddesses spitting in anger, the half-bloods laughing in elation. It was the most fun that they had all summer long. There had been no quests...no nothing.

Annabeth started waltzing with Poseidon, which made Percy jealous and he yanked Annabeth to him. Apollo was suddenly dancing with Zeus, which made both of them sputter and turn red. Zeus yanked himself out of Apollo's arms.

"ENOUGH!" he roared.

Everyone stopped.


And the gods left.

They reappeared in their throne room, red faced and angry, with Aphrodite giggling her head off. The goddess of love had put a heart in her hair and had given Percy a rose that would make Annabeth kiss him. Oh, how Aphrodite loved to mess with her favorite couple!

"Rotten kids..." Zeus muttered.

"Dang half-bloods..." Poseidon spat.

"With no wisdom at all!" Athena said angrily.

"She called me a cow!" Hera said indignantly.

"My beard isn't that messy, is it?" Hephaestus asked Ares.

"I dunno, am I a smelly bucket of nose drool?" Ares asked in return.

"I'm not drunk now.." Dionysus muttered angrily.

Hades laughed. He hadn't been invited and he was still happy.

The gods all sat on their chairs, where they stared at the tiled floor. All was quiet, all was still.

Then Aphrodite broke the silence.

With a mischievous grin on her face, she asked, "Truth or dare?"