Author's Note

I just wanted to thank all my faithful readers, especially the ones kind enough to review!

Looking back, I realized that my time line is completely off.

I have changed chapter 3, which was originally Spring Break into Winter Break. Hopefully everything will make better sense now.

Oh, and sorry about not updating for a few months… ^.^;;


"Shouldn't we be stopping this?" Uhura asked as she popped another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Pike raised his eyebrow as he watched his bag of popcorn disappear right before his eyes. "I'm sure Lieutenant Spock and Cadet Gaila can handle themselves." He tried to subtly pull the bag of popcorn away but Uhura just reached over more.

Spock was growing to resent the latest freshman class. Never had he been put into so many awkward situations. He didn't like what it was doing to him. He especially didn't like all these 'activities' Pike had suddenly decided was necessary for him, to achieve a 'complete earth experience'. Going to a carnival was definitely not necessary to appreciate human culture, he did not see the logic in Pike's decisions; it had only been logical, at first, to concede, to avoid another of Pike's infamous 'speeches'. He realized now, that he had made the wrong choice; he would not be conceding again.

Spock was acting irrationally, he was acting human.

He needed to control this situation, as well as himself.

Gaila was still staring mutely at Lieutenant Spock. She was hoping that he would take care of the situation, like a 'real man' should. Thankfully he did.

Unsure of why the humans were still watching them so intently, when they obviously posed no threat to them, Spock stepped forward, easily closing the distance between him and Gaila with his long efficient strides.

In her anger and now her embarrassment, Gaila's female Orion instincts kicked in. Her body was producing overwhelming amounts, almost poisonous to humans, of pheromones. Even as a Vulcan, Spock felt nauseated in Gaila's presence. And to his great discomfort, he even found himself getting… aroused.

Thank god for long jackets.

Several males, closer to Gaila, began feeling the effects as well. Their eyes glistened with an animalistic glow. Pike saw what was happening; it was time to step in. He handed the near empty bag of popcorn to Uhura and stepped into the clearing.

"Ok, nothing to see here. Come on everyone, just move along. Why don't you guys try some of the popcorn, it's very good, I assure you." Several males tried to linger but Pike's authoritative voice and no-nonsense look dissipated the crowd quickly.

When they were alone, Gaila regained her voice, "I'm so… I'm so sorry," she stuttered, "I'm so sorry Lieutenant Spock. I didn't…" she swallowed her tears. Gaila really had no idea what had come over her. She felt so stupid. Even in her embarrassment, Gaila still managed to feel resentment from Spock ignoring her.

Pike coughed uncomfortably as he reached Gaila's pheromone radius. It took all his self control to power the little voice in his head going, she is a cadet, it's just the pheromones talking Pike, she's a cadet, it's just the pheromones talking Pike, SHE'S A CADET.

"Are you ok, Captain Pike?" Uhura asked. He coughed roughly, clearing his throat and shaking his head.

Pike smiled weakly at Uhura. Spock noticed his friend swooning at the corner of his eye, realizing that it probably had something to do with the Orion girl. He tried not to look Gaila, but found it difficult to tear his gaze away when she looked so… Spock snapped his head to the next closest thing instead.

Uhura walked tentatively up to Gaila. Thankfully she was calmer now; Gaila's sobs were no longer followed by tears. Uhura hugged her friend. "Come on, let's go home." Uhura's voice cracked. Her head was spinning and she suddenly felt very warm; she pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, wondering if she was ill. She leaned against Gaila, trying to support her wait, but it just made her dizzier. Uhura turned her head to catch Spock's gaze. He too looked flushed, it looked…exotic on his, pale, green tinted skin. Uhura unconsciously reached up and unwrapped her scarf, her eyes fluttered as she wondered why everything seemed so fuzzy all of a sudden.

Spock, in his attempt to avoid eye contact with Gaila, only managed to lock sights with Uhura. He opened his mouth, to say something, but nothing came out. Uhura's chocolate brown eyes were just so…

"Lieutenant Spock?" Uhura asked. She didn't know why she said his name; she barely knew what she was thinking, let alone saying or feeling.

Gaila felt a little ill herself. She had been feeling strange since last night, she had hoped a trip to the carnival would lift her spirits, but now she was just feeling sick. She wanted to go home now, and her usually up-tight responsible friend, Uhura, who was supposed to be her voice of logic was incapacitated. Gaila snorted angrily, "We'll I'm off-" Gaila stopped herself before she cursed anyone else off.

She realized that her mood was fluctuating pretty sporadically and she probably needed to pop an aspirin or two, maybe she was coming down with something flu-ish; even with this new revelation, Gaila was still feeling a little snappy and was in no position to try and be nice.

Uhura was clutching Gaila's arm tightly, her grip tightening every second she was being hit by Gaila's pheromones. Gaila pushed her friend, unceremoniously, off her. "If you don't mind I think I want to have some time alone right now," Without waiting for Uhura's response, Gaila walked away toward the parking lot. Passing men nearly swooned as the Orion girl rushed past them in a whirlwind of pheromones. Even the trail of her scent left men, and some women, gaping clueless.

Uhura sputtered, confusedly, after her friend. By the time she managed to get a coherent sentence out, Gaila was already in her car, driving away. "She was my ride…" Uhura whispered, her face flushed, her eyes glistening.

Right next to her, Pike was breathing pretty heavily. He clutched his heart, trying to catch his breath. His face, unlike the others, was not flushed, but rather drained to a deathly pallor. "I have…to… home… yes…I'll catch you guys later… Spock…bye." Pike walked quickly, almost jogging away to hail a cab, his mind spinning of thoughts… thoughts he knew he shouldn't be having and desperately wished were not plaguing him now. He kept his eyes down, avoiding looking at anyone, especially girls, as he made his way home to take a long, deep sleep, void of these… thoughts.

From the corner of his eye, Spock watched as his friend ditched him, barely caring; the bulk of his attention was focused on Cadet Uhura.

Uhura's light blue jacket fit snugly against her curves, and she was starting to feel a little too warm again. She unbuttoned the top two buttons, revealing a dark red v-neck, the cool air felt nice against her chest.

Spock didn't even try to hold back the guttural growl that escaped his quivering lips.