Inspired by the song Matryoshka sang by Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi. NOT based on the song.

Chapter 1


I was hurrying down the mountain on my bicycle as the first drops of rain were starting to fall. It had been a rainy week and my daily routine of riding my bike often got interrupted by it.

"Oh, crap, oh crap, oh crap!" I was going too fast and the handles were shaking uncontrollably. "This is definitely not good…" As I made my way down the rocky road, the rain got worse and it soon made the dirt turn muddy. My bicycle was refusing to go on and I had to get off and annoyingly walk through what was left of the road to town.

"Great, now my boots are covered in mud." I whined as I looked down to my now ruined boots. "Times like this make me want to have a hover board…" I took another step forward and slipped, making me fall on my behind and making the bicycle fall on me.

"Great, just great!" I abruptly pushed the bicycle off of me and it fell to the ground. "Now I'm covered in dirt!" I groaned, got up and tried to wipe my butt clean. As I did, I noticed in the distance someone lying on the middle of the road. It was a little hard to see since the rain was getting heavier by the minute, but I stared for a few seconds until I came to the conclusion that the person was probably unconscious.

I leaned forward, taking my bicycle on both handles and walked towards the unconscious person. When I got closer, I noticed it was a girl. She was laying face down and was wearing a gray coat with purple edges. Her white curls covered her face. I stood there for a moment, trying to make up my mind to whether or not help her.

"Hey," I finally called out. "You okay there?" No response.

"Hey!" I shouted, kneeling in front of her. No response. She was really unconscious, no doubt about that.

What in the world happened to her?, I asked myself as I stretched my hand towards her face, slowly grabbing a strand of hair that covered almost half of her cheek and moved it to the side. My heart threatened to go up my throat when I saw her open red eye.

What the…!, I mentally shouted as the bicycle left my hand and fell again to the ground.

"You okay…?" I managed to ask. She just kept staring at me without answering. "Hey, why don't you respond? What are you doing laying here in the middle of the road?"

She refused to answer any of my questions and just laid there, she didn't move at all. I was getting a little annoyed but I thought about the situation for a second. She might be hurt somewhere and can't move. But either way that's no reason to stay quiet about it, though I couldn't blame her for it. She must be scared.

I just kept quiet as I took her right arm and placed it around my shoulders and helped her up. "Wow, you're heavy," I jokingly said, though I truly wished I was joking. She weighed a ton! It made me groan a few times before finally standing up straight. I walked towards the city, leaving the bicycle behind. I couldn't carry both at the same time so I'll just come back for it after I get her some help.

It was a long way back to the city and the fact that she couldn't move didn't help either. At some point, I had to get her on my back and carry her that way. After about ten to fifteen minutes, I could finally see the white metal gate at the end of the road.

"Almost there…" I announced. When I got to the gate, I pressed my right hand on it until blue lines appeared and worked their way through it in less than a second. The gate opened after that. That's how it works. No keys, no waiting for someone to open them, you just had to place your hand on it. Of course, it only works if you're a citizen.

I went in, still with the girl on my back. As the gate closed, the white flash appeared. It was the scanner. If you weren't from around here, it would quickly trigger the alarm. I only remember one time it happened, someone not from this city was trying to get in. The corporation didn't talk much about the incident which made some people speculate that the person trying to get in was a spy. At first I thought it was ridiculous, but some time ago, I saw someone rather strange in front of the gate. It was a guy with white hair who wore black. As I got closer, he noticed me and made a run for it. After that I began doing my own little research. Apparently, from what people said, it was a spy from another corporation, but an illegal one, making illegal Vocaloids. Their reason for making them was unknown but the rumors died shortly after a few days and everyone forgot about it including me. Until now that is.

The streets were deserted. I'm a little new so the place where I live isn't that crowded yet. But it still looks clean, not like in other sections of the city. The streets are still the color gray and the sidewalks are still white. Bad thing is that the sidewalks tend to get slippery when it's raining. From my balcony I sometimes stare down at the street and laugh at all people who fall when it's raining. It was a long walk from the gate to the building where my apartment was. My legs were threatening to bend and make me fall on my knees.

The rain didn't stop. It only got worse and I couldn't see too far away but from where I was, I could finally see the silhouette of my building. This is as far as I can go. The hospital is twenty minutes away if I walk.

"Why the heck did they sent me to the seventeenth floor when the first one is inhabited?" I whined as I finally arrived at my room.

I left the girl in the living room resting on the couch. I also took her wet clothes off and replaced them with dry ones. Didn't want her to get sick. I went and took a bath, making myself warm with the hot water and changed into my pajamas. It was still five in the afternoon but I was sure the rain wasn't going to stop any time soon and I wasn't planning on going out either.

I went to the refrigerator and drank a little carrot juice before going to the living room to check on the girl. She was still asleep.

I wonder what could've happened to her. She couldn't move a muscle…

I got sleepy around eight after eating a bowl of ramen. I went to check on the girl again, making sure she was alright and placed a bed sheet on her to make her warm. The night was getting colder, and I went to my room and threw myself to bed. I clapped two times and the lights went off.

Someone was knocking on the door. I rolled to my left and looked at the clock as I yawned, 5:26 AM.

What the?! It's five in the morning!, I closed my eyes and decided to stay in bed. I was too lazy and sleepy to get up and go check who it was. But the knocking continued. Not even covering my ears with the pillow helped. I groaned and got up heading straight to the door and opened it.

"What?" I furiously asked. The person in front of me grinned and I wiped my eyes clean to get a better view of the person's face. "I've seen you before…" I tried remembering where I've seen him but my memory failed me.

"Indeed you have." My eyes widened at hearing his voice. The pitch was awful and it sounded way too high. It almost made my ears hurt. Then, suddenly, I remembered. He was the guy I had seen in front of the gate.

I looked at him again. His white spiky hair and his black clothes confirmed it. I gasped as I realized he wasn't from this city. I quickly took the door and tried slamming it shut but he caught it before it closed. I quickly took two steps back as I saw him enter.

"What do you want?" I could hear the beating of my heart loud in my ears. I was almost sure he could hear it too as he chuckled.

"You don't have to be so scared. I'm not going to harm you…" He smiled, letting me know the lie in what he said. He took a step forward and I took a step back.

"S-stay away from me!" I shouted as I threw my fist at his face, only to have him grab it with his right hand.

"Not bad, not bad," he grinned and grabbed my throat with his other hand, raising me up. My feet no longer touched the floor and I struggled to free myself from his grasp.

He tightened his grip around my neck and I groaned. I started kicked the air and punched his arm but nothing seemed to make him release me. I was starting to run out of air.

"Look at me," he ordered. I did as he told me and looked at his face, straight at his red gleaming eyes. For the tiniest second I saw them turn white.

"Ah, Gumi. Megpoid Gumi is it?" he asked but I couldn't even talk. I was starting to loose consciousness. My feet turned numb and I dropped my arms to my sides. "I'm Dell, it was nice meeting you." My eyelids got heavy and as I struggled to keep them open and keep myself alive, I saw a hand grabbing the arm he was seizing my neck with. His mocking smile disappeared.

"What the…?" he looked at the person, eyes growing large. Before he could say a word, his arm got crushed into pieces. I fell to the floor, desperately searching for air. Half of his arm fell on the floor beside me along with screws and cables of different sizes and colors. He screamed in pain. My eardrums felt as if they might explode.

When I came to my senses, he was gone. The last thing I saw was a pair of feet in front of me before I passed out.

I woke up, feeling as if I couldn't breath. I desperately looked around searching for the guy who wanted to kill me but there was no sign of him. I was still on my bed. I looked to the clock beside me and it read 8:07 AM.

A dream… It was just a dream… I repeated in my head, trying to calm my uneasiness. I got out of bed and headed to the living room to check on the girl. Instead, I found myself looking at an arm lying on the floor. I screamed.