A/N: It's been two years since I last updated. And yes, I don't write for the Anime fandom anymore. But I recently found my last two prompts for this collection and felt guilty for leaving the story as it is ... So I spent an hour re-reading the previous chapters to remember the character's personality and the tone. I hope it's still the same. Please read and review! Thanks!


I walked down the school hallway with sweat on my brow and the school festival outside. A few girls ran passed me, giggling,

"Hatsuharu-kun gave me a kiss! I didn't think he would do it!"

"No way! A kiss where?!"

"On the hand of course! If he were to kiss my lips, it would be scandalous!"

I was ready to drop the water cooler that Yuki had commanded me that I should refill for them ten minutes ago onto the ground.

"What's that Ox doing?! Does he want to get into trouble?"

I lugged the heavy container down the hall to where Yuki greeted me with a glare and arms crossed about his chest. I equally glared back,

"What? This is heavy. I would've been here faster if someone helped me."

"Are you weak? Can you not do it yourself?" Yuki mocked. I placed the cooler down before stepping close into the rat's personal space,

"I don't see you doing it. You could be weak as well."

I smirked when his face was tense. That meant I had hit a nerve.

Before the rat could do something to me, Tohru headed over to us with a smile on her face.

"Oh good, the water is here. The summer heat is really horrible."

I inwardly thanked the girl for her great timing and took that chance to leave before the rat decided to order me to do other things. I wanted to at least enjoy the school festival for a while.


For the next few minutes, I played various games and snacked on various fried foods until I passed by a few girls squealing about "that" place. I stopped a few feet away from the detested booth where the Ox was sitting behind a desk with a crystal ball on the table. The line for the booth was so long, that I couldn't tell where it ended. I returned my gaze towards the Ox and narrowed my eyes when I watched, as if in slow motion, as the Ox's lips descended on that girl's hand.

"May the rest of the school year be a good one," I heard Haru tell the girl. One second I was thinking in my head of how dangerous the situation could be if somehow the girl decided to jump the Ox, the next second I was making my way over to where Haru was grinning at his next customer. The Ox seemed to notice me walking towards him and he immediately released his hold on the girl's hand before apologizing to the line of girls,

"I'm taking a fifteen-minute break. Please, come back later."

I heard the groans and the whines and noticed some of them even glared at me, muttering under their breaths that if I hadn't interrupted, Haru wouldn't have called a break.

I stood there as Haru began closing his booth and placing a sign stating that he was on break before walking around and over to where I stood.

"Let's go. I didn't have time to walk around to see the other booths. The girls were taking too much of my time," the Ox sighed as if he had the hardest job. I wanted to roll my eyes at how oblivious he was to not know that this was coming. One of the hottest guys at school had decided to put up a kissing booth, so it was obvious that the girls would flock towards it.

"I didn't come over here so that I could chauffeur you around the festival," I grumbled. I noticed the Ox staring at me from the corner of my eye and I turned to retort but stopped when I noticed the grin.

"Oh? Then, did you come because you wanted your fortune told? You're not a girl, but I guess I can read you since you're Kyou."

I sneered, offended by the Ox's words, "What does that even mean?"

The Ox clamped a hand on my wrist and almost dragged me to an empty hallway.

"Why are we here?"

"So that people don't get jealous when they see me do this," The Ox said as he held my left hand, the palm face up, and placed a chaste kiss upon it. He looked up from his lowered position and smirked,

"May the rest of the school year be a good one, Kyou."