Mind Crash

Disclaimer: I still own nothing.


It's been a week since we got back from the cabin, and I have been fortunate enough to get back to my own apartment which, I discovered, Director Vance had been kind enough to redecorate and rescue much of my undamaged items from storage to furnish it with.

I am alone in my apartment this evening, reflecting on the events of the past few months. From Rivkin my friend, to Israel and Somalia, and my rescue by NCIS.

I did not expect Tony to be seated opposite me when they pulled off my hood. They had told me it would be the man who would kill me and in a sense they were right. I would have given up my life for him. And McGee. When Salim dropped to the ground with a bullet through his body, my sense of certainty about the world crashed yet again. It was too much for me after all the torture; I recognise that now.

What astonishes me most is that Tony, McGee, Abby and even Gibbs banded together to track me down and rescue me with no information or input from Mossad or my father. He could have at least told them where I was and he chose not to. I wonder if he is aware that this may have cost him another daughter.

Gibbs has done so much for me; I am so grateful to him for everything.

Anyway, there goes the doorbell. Tony and McGee are picking me up to meet Gibbs, Abby, Palmer, Ducky and Vance.

I'm going out for a meal with my family.

Authors Note: This is it. The End! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me despite the lengthy delays. Now please review and your jobs are done. Isica x