Chapter 5
Kellyn ran as fast as he could. Riolu scrambled to keep up with Kellyn's agile feet. They were about two hundred meters off the banks of the river. Memories flashed into Kellyn's mind.
"There's a medical bay – "BOOM!
Ash and the trio were separated in different directions by the parting waves.
"ASH!" Yelled Kellyn but his voice was drowned out by the gushing waves.
He was swept under the surface of the water by a big wave and a strong current launched him and Riolu high up into the air. Kellyn clutched Riolu's hand tightly. Kellyn spotted a Pidgeot flying towards them. With no hesitation, he tore his Vatonage stylus from his pocket.
"Capture on!" Shouted Kellyn.
Once again, the Pigeot got captured and used a agility move and zoomed right under them and deposited them at the bank of the river.
"Thanks Pidgeot. You can go now." Said Kellyn.
"Pidgeot!" reared Pidgeot and spread out its gigantic wings then flew away.
"Come on. Riolu." We need to get as far away from here a s possible and hide until Hunter J is gone.
"Ri!" Riolu exclaimed in agreement and the started down into the trees.
Kellyn sighed and called Riolu to hide with him in the bushes.
They both ducked behind a bush that was under a tree and peeked out into the open.
"Lu." Riolu tugged at Kellyn's shirt and pointed at the sun.
"You're right. It's getting dark. We'll have to camp here for the night. You go get some firewood and I will stay on watch. We will continue in the morning and hopefully navigate our way to the Medical bay." Murmured Kellyn.
"Riolu!" Riolu said and scuttled silently into the forest.
Kellyn focused his concentration on the road they came from.
Nothing came.
Soon, Riolu came back with plenty of firewood to use for a fire.
It was dark now.
Kellyn took a lighter from his one of many pockets and lit the firewood.
"You take first watch. Wake me up when it is time to switch stations."
"Riolu." Muttered Riolu as it climbed a tree and looked down at the path they took and different directions but mostly the path they came from.
Tired from his big day, Kellyn lay down, closed his eyes and went to sleep.
And had the weirdest dream he has ever had…
He saw Riolu's skin turn into hard bronze.
It's face staring out in terror.
The blood froze at his feet.
It felt icy.
Suddenly, he could not move his feet at all.
He looked down.
To his terror, his feet were the same shade of bronze Riolu was.
And it was crawling up his skin…
To be continued…
As you can see, this Fanfic has a lot of sidestories.
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