Chap 3

"I don't see why they can't stay home with us for more then an hour." Patricia grumbled as she picked unexcitedly at the grilled chicken Alex made.

"I don't see why you would want them too." I said with a smirk. Honestly, our parents were just plain annoying. I didn't see why anyone would want them to be home with us.

"They're our parents though." Alex said pointedly, giving me the 'you can't deny that' look.

"That's what they call themselves." I sighed, cutting my chicken in to small pieces, though I didn't plan on eating it. I wasn't hungry.

"Don't mess with your food." Alex scolded me hotly. I looked at her for a minute before throwing down my knife and fork.

"I'm not hungry." I said, starting to get up from the table.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alex called to me as I started up the steps.

"To my room?" I asked, slightly taken back.

"Mom and dad said we have to go visit cousin Emerald or something like that." Gabby explained, getting up herself.

"It's Emily. And we're going in about ten minutes so you need to go get ready and come right back so we can go." Alex told us dismissively as she shooed us away.

"we're going now? It's almost nine at night!" I screeched outraged. All I wanted to do was lay down in my bed and dream about New York. By the look Alex gave me I wouldn't be doing that soon.

"She told dad she wanted to see us as soon as we got here. SO we have to go now. Since mom and dad are at the office until eleven, I have to take you. So go get ready!" Alex nagged, but me and Gabby were already halfway up to my room and pulling clothes out of my closet, looking for something half decent to wear. Patricia joined us a minute later, and handed us each an outfit that she said 'would look perfect on us.'

Gabby wore some white jean shorts and a blue tank top, while I was given a pair of really ripped up red skinny jeans, and a black tank top.

We looked as we always did. I looked like the freak twin, and Gabby looked like the normal one.

"You look great Naomi." Gabby commented as I walked out of the bathroom where I just finished straightening my hair.

"Yeah, you too Gabs." I said as we headed down the stairs and out the front doors.

"How do I look?" Patricia asked, walking out of the house with a tight maroon sweater on and a pair of tan shorts.

"Like Patricia." Me and Gabby said at the same time, getting a laugh out of Bridget who looked like her normal self in a pair of black basketball shorts, and a white, formfitting tank top.

"Are we walking?" Patricia asked Alex who just came out of the house and was locking the doors.

"Yup." She said, popping on the 'P', and fixing her regular jeans and grey shirt. She looked…casual.

We followed behind Alex who led the way with Patricia by her side, while me, Gabby, and Bridget linked arms and started chanting the "Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!" chant from the Wizard of Oz.

We were obsessed with that movie.

"Would you three shut up! We haven't seen this woman in years! I don't want her to think we're weird!" Alex hushed us fron in front of us, making us giggle uncontrollably.

"Okay, this is it." Patricia said, looking between the paper that held the address and the front door of the little house.

"Well, go knock!" Bridget said, laughing slightly.

"I don't want to do it! You go knock!" Patricia whisper yelled back as we walked towards the door.

"No! You do it!" Bridget nearly shrieked.

"I'll do it!" I finally said, pushing past the two bickering sisters and knocking firmly on the door.

A woman answered a few seconds later and looked over us all. She seemed confused at first before a giant smile broke out on her face and she ushered us in.

"I'm so glad to see you girls again! Please, come in. Sorry for the mess. My husband Sam has some of his friends over. I was just cooking." Emily said gleefully as we entered her small home. We followed her awkwardly into the living room where six giant guys sat around on the couches. They all looked up as we entered and one of them quietly screamed 'THAT'S THEM!,' only to get smacked upside the head by the other guys.

Emily turned to us after the boys eyes, looking at each of us with a happy expression before introducing us.

"Girls, this is Jared, Kim, Paul, Embry, Seth, Collin, Brady, and Sam." Emily introduced us. We all gave a small wave and introduced ourselves.

"Hi. I'm Alex." My oldest sister said kindly, not looking away from the kid Paul's eyes, which he seemed okay with.

"I'm Patricia!" Patricia said a little too enthusiastically, not looking away from Collins eyes. What was going on with my sisters?

"Um, I'm Gabby." Gabby said, giving a small wave but not looking away from Seth, "And this is Bridget." She said, motioning to our youngest sister who couldn't find words but was instead starring at the Brady kid like he was an angle.

"Naomi." I said, giving a little salute. I gave my sisters a confused look before turning around to be meet with eyes that looked like pools of chocolate. It was that Embry guy, just sitting there, openly starring at me. Was there something in my teeth? I quickly frowned, rubbing my teeth mechanically with my finger and making small squeaky noises.

When I didn't think anything would happen, I turned to elbow Gabby in the ribs. She jumped, as if she was just knocked out of a trance and turned to me, her cheeks red with a blush.

"Yeah?" She asked, was if possible that she was slightly irritated with me.

"Starring isn't polite you know." I told her, sticking up my finger in a know it all way. She just rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't starring." She told me simply.

"Psh, yeah, right, and I'm not from Mars." I said with an eye roll of my own. She just smiled and giggled a little before elbowing Patricia in the ribs, who elbowed Bridget, who elbowed Alex. They all had embarrassed red cheeks that I just had to laugh at. Before I could stop myself, I was laughing so hard I thought I might pee my pants. Gabby soon joined in.

"Dorks." We said at the same time as our laughter died down. Everyone looked at us like we were complete weirdo's except Seth and Embry who just seemed to be amused.