Wings Of A Butterfly

Chapter 2

It was like everything was happening in slow motion the red beam of light travelling slowly towards me. I could vaguely hear Sirius shouting something to my left, I felt as though I was merely an outsider looking in.

Suddenly there were loud pops of apperation shocking me out of my trance like state. I dived out of the way of the curse, crashing to the floor in the process. Looking into Dumbledore's crazed eyes I could see the malice and hate that lay beneath them.

All around me were screams of spells shooting through the air, all aimed at Dumbledore. The wizards and witches casting the spells were in fact death eaters. Long black robes with bone white masks.

One of them started to approach me; I scrambled back into the nearest corner. They slowly removed their mask.

It was Snape.

"Pro- Professor?" I questioned unsure if it really was him.

"Yes Potter, articulate as usual I see." Ahh the sarcasm, even in the middle of, what I could only describe as a battle scene.

As he neared I felt a sense of security. He knelt down so we were at eye level.

"Potter you must come with us now, you have no idea what the old man is planning to do to you. If you do not come easily I will be forced to stun you, it is crucial that you leave this place for not just your own safety, but the wizarding world's also." Snape informed me with conviction.

Indecision. What should I do? I have to get out of here, but if I agree where would I be going?

"Are you going to take me to Voldemort?" I could hear the tremble in my own voice.

Snape's reply was interrupted "Severus if he is not coming willingly then stun him! We must leave, our Lord is waiting. And you should know especially how our Lord hates waiting."

Snape gave the unknown death eater a sharp nod. His next words were the last thing I heard that day.

"I truly am sorry Harry. STUPE-!"

I woke up feeling warm and comfortable, covered in silk bed sheets. I blinked my eyes open slowly. Taking in my surroundings I realised that this isn't my room. Mint green walls, dark wooden floor. There were two bedside tables on either side of the huge bed. There was a door opposite me and another to my left.

There were four rather lavish chairs surrounding my bed, in the largest chair sat someone who looked like a god.

He was beautiful, a head of dark chocolate curls square jaw line, perfect lips; not too plump and not too thin, a straight Greek-like nose, high cheekbones, but his eyes were what shocked me, the iris' were crimson. There was only one other person in the entire world who had those eyes: Voldemort.

Everything came back to me in a rush Dumbledore telling me about my real parents, death eaters, Snape.

"What do you want Voldemort?" I questioned, my wings fluttering in agitation when he chuckled deeply.

He moved out of his chair and sat on the bed next to me, before I could really process what was going on, he started to caress my wings. Following the swirling patterns with his long fingers. Making me melt into the mattress in the process.

When he spoke his voice was smooth like honey.

"What do I want? Well Harry, the answer to that is quite simple. I want you."

New chapter :) its quite short I know, sorry to dissapoint if you wanted more. As a side note, my stories won't be updated regualrly mostly because I'm in the middle of revising for exams. But I'll try my best to update when I can thanks for all the reviews too btw, they made me very pleased with myself LOL :P