Hello everyone. I got to say, I'm a little disappointed. Only 4 reviews for chapter 5. I was waiting to see if any more were going to come in, but I guess I can give you all one more shot. Please review. If I'm doing something you all don't like, let me know. I'm a people pleaser. I'll do whatever it takes to make this story interesting. So, Please, PLEASE review!

The rest of the day went by in a blur. After proposing to Bella, we had gone back to share the wonderful news with the rest of the family. The girls squealed, and the guys made little comments about how they would 'castrate me with a wooden spork' if I hurt her. But they all knew I could never hurt Bella. Not only was she vital in my life as a friend, but now as my future wife.

The burrow was abuzz with all kinds of commotion. Up in Hermione's room, all the girls were gossiping, and picking out patterns for the wedding. The occasional uproar of laughter told me that more than wedding planning was going on up there. In fact I had a sneaking suspicion that honeymoon planning was going on. My body became warmer at that thought.

"You'd be right about that. I believe Alice is already picking out her wardrobe, or should I say, lack thereof." Came a velvety voice from behind me. Instinctively, I spun around with my wand at the ready. Thankfully it was only Edward Cullen.

"Oh, really?" Smooth, harry. I thought to myself.

Edward chuckled again. "Yes. Bella is quite embarrassed." His face sobered. "I was wondering if I could speak with you."

"Uh, sure." I agreed, not knowing where this was going. Without another word, he began to walk to the burrows back garden. I silently followed, a billion scenarios racing through my head.

"I can assure you, I am not trying to win Bella back." He spoke after listening to my childish thoughts. It was easy to forget that he was a vampire and that he could read minds.

"So, if you're not trying to win Bella back, what did you want to talk about?"

He began to pace back a forth, wearing the grass down in one perfect strip. "I want to tell you that I am in no way going to stand in your way."

I was shocked. "Thank you, Edward, but I was never really worried about losing her. If she wants' to be here with me, she will. She is very headstrong, in case you hadn't noticed."

"I guess that's what makes you and me so different." He mused. "I was always worried about someone taking her away from me, that I became overprotective." He turned to look thoughtfully at me. "You let her be a person. You let her make mistakes, and learn from them. You are, by far, the better man."

I shrugged. "I know what it's like not having a choice in things. I never chose to be the 'chosen one'. I never wanted to be this famous wizard who has to face the darkest wizard ever to walk the earth. She deserves to have a choice in her life. It almost kills me to know that she is somewhat forced to produce a child with me." I spoke clearly from the heart.

"She doesn't feel pressured. She loves you. I can see it." He turned his back to me, and looked up at the crescent moon. "The way she looks at you, it's different from the way she looked at me. With me, it was as if she was addicted, and couldn't get out. But with you, she looks content. Like she belongs with you." He shook his head. "I don't know if I'm making any sense."

"You are." I assured. This was a little weird. Talking about the girl I loved with her ex. "And I'm glad you are going to stay in Bella's life. She does love you all. She's just, still a little hurt."

"And you have no qualms about her spending time with her former love? Most men would rather have their right hand cut off than allow their love to be around another man." I looked at him in amusement.

"I'm not a possessive man. I know she has male friends, and I would never try to alienate them from her. Whatever makes her happy."

Edward shook his head. "You truly are an amazing person. I can see why you would be the one to defeat the Dark Lord. You have so much goodness in you. I have only met one other person with as much goodness in them."

I cocked my head to the side. "Who?"

Edward smiled fondly. "Bella. She always is so selfless. She was willing to give up her human life to be with me. She was willing to forsake children, her family and her friends. For love."

I nodded in agreement, and we settled into a comfortable quiet. Was this the start of a friendship? Could this vampire and I, whom have loved the same woman, actually be friends?

"I'd like to think so." Edward answered my minds question.

Damn. I need to start practicing my occlumency.

"Occlumency? What's that?" I stared at him for a minute, and then smiled.

"It is a way to shield one's mind from being pried. Bella is very good at it isn't she?" I laughed lightly at the end. Bella had once told me that it had driven Edward crazy not being able to read her thoughts.

"She knew all the time? That puzzle gave me a headache for almost 3 months!" His tone was outraged, but humored at the same time. From this light he almost acted like a normal 17 year old. Not a 109 year old vampire.

Of course, having horrible luck, Bella chose to come out at that moment. "Everything ok out here?" She asked in slight confusion. It must be a sight to see your vampire ex-boyfriend chatting with your wizard fiancé.

"Oh, yes, Bella. Everything is ok between Harry and me. You, however have some explaining to do. Care to explain what Occlumency is?" Edward stalked closer to her, a ghost of a smile forming on his lips. He wasn't really mad at her. He just wants to get her a little excited.

"Harry!" She cried out at me, horrified that I had squealed on her.

"Hey, I didn't know it was a secret." I said innocently, putting my hands up in surrender.

"Oh, Bella," Edward sang mockingly. 'I would run now."

Bella paused for one long moment, trying to gauge if he was bluffing. Not finding what she was looking for, she took off in a pale streak. When Edward didn't follow her, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Got to give the human a head start." He explained, and then he was off, chasing her around the back garden. Well, I suppose I should help her out. I sighed, and slowly went up to fetch my fire bolt. This was going to be fun.

Ok, so I wanted to have Harry and Edward bond a little. I believe they would get along quite well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to review. I've decided that unless I get 10 reviews, I'm not going to update. I am already brainstorming on what to do next. I was thinking of skipping a month, then going to the wedding. Does that sound ok to everyone? Let me know.