Ghost opened his eyes halfway and groaned. Sun from the nearby open window hit him right in the eyes. He cursed Roach for insisting on getting up so early and rolled over. He yawned and closed his eyes, hoping to fall back asleep for a little while longer.
After a few minutes of peace he cringed at the feeling of something poking his face.
"No now Adrian."
The poking continued, but he simply ignored it. Then, he felt something rough and wet rub his nose.
He opened his eyes and groaned even louder. There, staring him curiously, were two bright green feline eyes.
Damn you Sparky, damn you.
The cat rolled onto his back and purred, excepting thanks for clawing at his owners face.
Ghost sat up and pushed his hair out of his eyes. As if taking this as an invitation, Sparky jumped into his lap and reached up, pawing at Ghosts chest.
"I didn't want you, so I don't have to pet you." The Englishman explained simply, looking the animal right in the eyes. He hated cats. Deeply. He wanted a dog, but Roach insisted a cat would be "safer for the children."
"Safer my arse."
Ghost grabbed the cat and shoved him off the bed, who instantly turned around and looked up innocently.
Ghost pointed at him, trying his best to look threatening while still half asleep.
"This is my bed. Just because I let Roach in it doesn't mean your allowed too. Piss off and find somewhere else to sleep."
The small black and white cat jumped right back up.
Ghost growled, but Sparky ignored it and jumped back into his lap, showing nothing but affection. Giving up, the former lieutenant picked the cat up with one arm and got out of bed.
Roach sat in the kitchen, Adrian sitting on his lap and playing with his dog tags. He smiled and gently began to tickle at his sons sides.
"You ticklish? Huh buddy?"
The toddler let out a squeal of laughter in response, answering Roach's question.
"Don't worry, I am too."
Suddenly Ghost entered the kitchen, Sparky under his arm. He could already tell what this was about by the look on the Englishman's face. He dropped the cat on the table.
"You wanted kids, that's fine. But is the bloody cat necessary?"
Roach smiled and scratched the cat behind the ear.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Its annoying."
"Oh come on Simon."
"No, I don't want to hear it. Were getting rid of it."
Roach raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"We cant."
"And why not?"
As if by cue Mia walked into the room. She grinned upon seeing Sparky.
"Hey boy!" She greeted, taking the cat into her arms. In response Sparky purred happily as he was carried into the living room. Roach looked to Ghost triumphantly.
"That's why."
Ghost face palmed.