No response on any level,
Red-alert this vessel's under siege.
Total overload all systems down they've got control.
There's no way out.
We are surrounded.
Give in, give in and relish every minute of it.

Freeze, awake here forever.
I feel a weakness coming on.

It's not meant to be like this,
Not what I planned at all.
I don't want to feel like this.
No it's not meant to be like this,
It's just what I don't need.
Why make me feel like this?
It's definitely all your fault.

Haruhi certainly didn't know what she'd done to get herself into this position.

Her heart had simply stopped moments before when it had registered that Kyouya's mouth was on hers. That he was sitting there kissing her, his hands wound around her forearms to hold her in place.

Her eyes couldn't shut. They were screwed wide open for the few seconds the kiss had lasted, her hand still on his face from where she had jerked his eyes back to hers.

Kyouya's actions were only beginning to catch up with both of them when they both heard the lock on the door rattle.

Kyouya jumped back with lightening speed, picking up Haruhi's paper immediately. Haruhi simply shoved her face downwards, hoping to hide her red face by 'reading' the calculus book in front of her.

"Ha~ru~hi~!" Ranka cried out when he opened the door. He spied Kyouya immediately, grinning wider when he did.

"Oh Haruhi~! You didn't tell me you were bringing this handsome boy home!" He danced over, one hand leaning forward to ruffle Kyouya's hair.

"We were just studying." Haruhi felt obliged to say, hoping both men wouldn't hear the way her voice wavered. 'At least we were just studying.' She thought bitterly.

"How kind of you Kyouya-san~! To help my darling daughter!"

Kyouya lifted his head to Ranka, smiling softly.

"It's no problem Ranka-san." Haruhi felt herself flush again, noticing the under current in his words.

She couldn't hide her face quick enough, much to her chagrin when her father began fussing over her.

"My Haruhi, are you feeling sick? Feverish?" her father placed his hand against her head. "You do feel a bit warm."

She shoved his hand aside, steadfastly keeping her eyes away from Kyouya.

"I'm fine." She bit out. Quickly, she stood, crossing her arms. "I'll go get started on dinner. Thank you for helping me out Kyouya-senpai."

"It was nothing Haru-chan." The younger man grinned as Haruhi turned and stomped into the kitchen, still flustered.

"So cute~! And of course you will be joining us for dinner Kyouya-san?" Ranka gushed, clasping his hands to his chest.

The sound of a pan clattering loudly met Ranka's request. Kyouya smirked before turning his head back towards the cross dresser.

"Of course I'll stay." He said loud enough for Haruhi to hear.

"Did you hear that Haruhi? Be sure to make enough for three~!" Ranka called out before muttering about needing to change. He quickly departed from Kyouya, leaving him to his daughter's fury.

Kyouya stood and meandered to the kitchen, watching as Haruhi bumbled around, mumbling under her breath. He was pretty sure he heard her favorite nickname 'rich bastard' more than once as she worked quickly. Getting comfy, he leaned against the door frame.

"So Haru-chan," Kyouya found that this elicited a surge of annoyance from Haruhi that left her undeniably adorable. "what's for dinner?"

Haruhi raised her head to glare, a pan in her hand, looking as if she wanted to beat Kyouya upside the head with it.

"You would be wise to go back to the living room instead of making smart remarks." She said snippely.

Kyouya smirked before walking towards her. She nervously gripped the pan in her fingers, her knuckles turning white.

Gently, he laid his palms on her shoulders.

"Relax." He murmured, still smiling.

And despite it all, Haruhi could feel her shoulders lowering under his hands, a deep breath leaving her lungs in a whoosh.

They silently stared for a few moments before Haruhi sighed, laying the pan on the stove.

"I don't understand." She muttered pathetically. "What's going on?"

Kyouya sobered up at her confused tone. He slowly moved one hand from her shoulder to her chin, raising her face to his. His thumb hesitantly ran over her bottom lip, causing both teens to shiver.

Kyouya didn't answer simply because he didn't have an answer to give. He would be one of the last to admit that this woman in front of him left him feeling more confused than even the string theory and its 11-dimensions could.

So instead, he gently moved forward, giving Haruhi a brief moment to refuse if she so desired, before gently touching his lips to her forehead.

When he pulled his mouth back, he dropped his hands before taking a step back.

"We'll figure it out later." He said. Ranka's mutterings could be heard through the paper thin walls as he changed clothes.

Haruhi turned away, gathering items for dinner. Kyouya stood to the side, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.

They forced themselves through idle chit-chat until Ranka reappeared in sweatpants and a large t-shirt. He went to help Haruhi, laughing as they worked to maneuver around each other in the small room.

Kyouya stood quietly to the side, watching the woman closely. While it was obvious she was still flustered and had other things on her mind, she seemed happy enough to have her father close and to have him help her out.

Would Ranka ever accept that Kyouya might actually care for his daughter? Kyouya didn't believe it would be too much of a problem. He was, after all, Ranka's favorite.

Yes, a tougher question would be whether Yoshio Ootori would accept a relationship between his son and the commoner.

'He approves of Haruhi.' He thought, thinking back to the party at his own mansion. 'But would he think me weak for getting attached…?' Kyouya's brows furrowed. 'Would this risk my position as the possible heir?'

Was Kyouya willing to let go of his whole life's work to work out his feelings for the girl?

It seemed like an awful lot to ask of a person who's emotions had been dead for far too long, Kyouya realized grumpily.

All of a sudden, Kyouya ducked, just barely missing the rice that was being sent on a projectile trip towards his face.

"Dad! I told you to stir it, not send it to space!" Haruhi exclaimed, walking over towards Kyouya.

"Sorry about that." She said, offering a hand. Kyouya took the warm palm in his, allowing her to tug him up. (Not that she provided much if he had actually needed her help to stand.)

What surprised Kyouya was that she didn't let go immediately. Instead, she gripped his hand, giving it a tight squeeze, before letting it go as she returned to her father, ordering him to hand the spoon over.

Kyouya stared at his palm for a brief moment until he raised his head. A small, almost indecipherable smile touched his lips, as he once against leaned against the counter to watch the daughter and father as they continued to banter with the other.

"My darling, you've certainly outdone yourself once again! That was delicious~!" Ranka spoke dreamily, his head rolling back as he patted his stomach. "I shouldn't have eaten so much, I have to watch my figure." He added on.

Haruhi rolled her eyes as she began picking up dishes. Without a word, Kyouya picked up his own and helped carry them to the kitchen. They plunked them in the sink where Haruhi began taking a rag to wash them.

"Here. I'll dry." Kyouya commented, taking stance beside her. Haruhi watched him apprehensively, but handed him a wet dish without a word.

In mere minutes, the two could hear snoring erupting from the living room. From the doorway, a foot could be seen hanging over the edge of the couch, twitching as Ranka slept on.

"He's like that every day. He crashes right after he eats." Haruhi calmly stated, gesturing her head towards the sleeping man.

"Sounds like a typical male to me." Kyouya added.

"Then why aren't you passed out on the couch?" Haruhi joked, sloshing him slightly with the soapy water.

"Easy." Kyouya smirked down at the rather short girl. "I'm not a typical male."

She rolled her eyes, poking her tongue out at his attempt at humor.

"Please." She pleaded. "Save me the egotistical jokes."

Kyouya smirked, placing the dish he was working on on the counter.

"Why? Do you just not want to admit that I'm not your average male?" He teased. Haruhi shot him a warning look, glancing over her shoulder at her fathers foot, but his snores continued resounding over the walls.

"I thought you said we'd talk about this later?" She whispered.

"Is it not later?" Kyouya used the rag to busy his hands as he waited for Haruhi to hand him the next dish. Her fingers jerked away from where he brushed against them in grabbing the plate.

"In technicality, perhaps." She started scrubbing at a difficult spot on the bowl in her hands. "I just thought we were waiting for a more convenient time."

"It's just you, me, and a sleeping man." Kyouya said gently.

Haruhi laid her hands down against the edge of the sink, still gripping onto the rag and bowl.

"Why did you kiss me?" She whispered so quiet that Kyouya had to bend low to hear her.

Kyouya took the bowl from her hands, drying it until he could think of a real response.

"It's your fault actually." He finally said.

"My fault?" Haruhi spoke incredulously.

"You're the one who was staring at me." Kyouya teased.

"I was not." Haruhi said grumpily. "Besides, I don't see you going up and pressing mouths with everyone who happens to stare at you."

Kyouya actually laughed for a brief moment. What was this empowering feeling he was having that left him so jovial? Perhaps it was a side effect of the delicious food Haruhi had prepared.

Or at least that's what he'd try and convince himself of.

"It was the way you were staring at me that caused it to happen."

Haruhi turned her face towards Kyouya, her brow knit in confusion.

"How the hell was I staring at you?" She exclaimed quietly, still acutely aware of her father snoring away.

Her eyes were wide and bright as she stared unwaveringly into his own eyes.

"The same way you are now." He spoke softly. Haruhi's cheeks pinked as she ducked her head down, trying to hide her face for the umpteenth time that day.

Kyouya set the last dish down on the counter before reaching forward for her soapy wrist. He pulled her closer, reaching for her other wrist, entrapping them in his thumb and first finger.

"Haruhi." He spoke.

The girl turned her head away, working hard to look at anything save for Kyouya.

The man lowered his head, placing his mouth close to her ear.

"This is all your fault." He let go of one of her wrists to gently touch her hair. "You know that I'm a wreck inside, that it's not easy for me to care for others. You told me about the strength of emotions." His hand trailed to her chin, tilting it slowly.

"You awoke everything in me, Haruhi."

Her eyes finally reached his own. Kyouya tilted his head slightly, watching her for a short moment.

"I don't know what is going on anymore Haruhi. I don't promise that I'm the best thing for you. I just know that around you.." His hand slid to the side of her neck. "I'm the happiest I've been in a very, very long time."

Haruhi wasn't the kind of girl to swoon over such words. She didn't know whether she had found happily ever after or not. She didn't get a rush of emotion over the words.

But her heart did speed up just a bit, and she felt a smile tug at her lips.

Hesitantly she lifted her arms from her sides, and slid them around the waist of Kyouya. Her head touched his chest as his arms began sliding around her own frame.

"It's getting late." Kyouya said, apropos of nothing.

"I suppose." They stayed in their embrace for a moment more before Haruhi stepped back, hesitating slightly.

Kyouya walked into the main room, glancing over at Ranka who was still snoozing. He picked up his jacket and bag wordlessly, opening his phone to call Tachibana to the curb.

When he shut the phone, Haruhi opened the door for him. The air was chilly where night had set in, causing Haruhi to give a slight shiver.

Kyouya walked past her, turning when he was through the threshold.

"Goodnight Haruhi." He murmured softly.

She leaned against the door frame, barely visible by the streetlights below.

"Good night Kyouya."

She expected him to leave then, the limo coming up the street.

But instead, he leaned forward and gave her a chaste kiss on her mouth.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He teased, before finally pivoting on his heel and disappearing down the staircase.

Haruhi walked back into her house in a daze, still reeling from the day's events.

She was too far gone to even notice the man on the couch's snoring had ceased. When she shut the door to her room, the man dared to open one eye.

'Oh yes, he is so yummy~!'

"Morning father." Kyouya spoke, albeit a bit grumpily from the morning hour, as he entered the grand dining hall.

"Ah, Kyouya, please sit." His father gestured.

Kyouya sat without a word, a maid immediately bringing his breakfast to the table.

"I've been thinking for a few weeks now about your impending graduation." His father began to speak once the maid left the room. "I realize it may not be the most exciting thing for you, but I believe it's time we start thinking about the future of the Ootori Corporation."

Kyouya listened with a trained disinterested face, though his ears were keeping rapt attention.

"As is custom in our family, I believe that we should start keeping our eyes open for a potential match for you."

Kyouya nearly spit the coffee he was drinking.

"Excuse me?" He asked, working to keep his voice under control.

"Don't act so surprised Kyouya. Your brothers entered arranged marriages their first years at university. You knew this day would come." His father scolded in a cold voice.

"Besides, nothing has to happen yet. I merely am stating to keep an eye open."

"I refuse." The words tumbled like lead from Kyouya's mouth. Even he was surprised by his own bluntness towards his father. Had it been time for laughing, he might've chuckled after pulling a Haruhi moment.

"Pardon?" His father said, his voice ice. He was not a man used to dealing with rebellious children, and therefore was shocked at his son's sudden refusal.

"Father, I-I mean no harm when I say that this is a task I must refuse." Kyouya wiped his mouth with his napkin before pushing his plate a few inches from himself.

"And why must you refuse? Surely you will not be so foolish as to grow up alone and produce no heir of your own." The older man's eyes were slits in his face.

"That is not what I meant." Kyouya replied coolly, years of practice allowing him to keep his voice strong against his father.

"Father, I am sorry for not having brought it to your attention sooner, but I have found a woman whom I prefer to be with." Kyouya placed his fingers under his chin, resting his eyes on his father. "And I will look no further for a wife past her."

Yoshio fisted his hand on the table.

"You've let emotions run over you Kyouya! You've brought nothing but a weakness for yourself."

"Perhaps. But she is also the best thing that has happened in my life, no thanks to you." Kyouya glared ever so slightly, years of pent up frustration finally releasing. "You say that emotions are weakness. Is that what you believe, or is that what you said after your emotions were trampled on when mom died?"

"That is enough!" Yoshio's face reddened. "Who is the woman to have taught you such ill manners and swept you away?"

Kyouya smirked. There was no more damage he could possibly do by admitting it.

"Fujioka Haruhi."

His father's face immediately transformed from enraged to shocked.

"The commoner girl?" He exclaimed.

"Yes." Kyouya calmly replied, taking a sip of water, peering over the rim to watch his father's face.

It was silent before an eerie noise pervaded the dining hall. Yoshio Ootori laughed loudly, his voice bouncing off the walls.

"I see, I see. So the one sole person to have stood up against me in my life has taught my son to stand up for himself. What a world this is." He talked aloud, but Kyouya felt his father wasn't talking straight to him.

"This does change things, but I certainly won't say no to her, should you want to invite that spunky girl into the family." His father continued, this time opening his eyes to speak directly to his son.

"What do you mean father?" Kyouya asked warily.

"I mean that I approve of course!"

"I'm afraid I don't follow your sudden turn in logic, father." Kyouya felt his head spinning from the rapid change in tension.

"Miss Fujioka is the only person to have ever stood up to me, you see. I know you know, for you were there, back at the festival?" Yoshio didn't wait for an answer. "She sees things in such a different way! It would be a breath of fresh air to have a woman like that in the family! Oh the grandchildren she would bear."

Kyouya felt his mouth dry at the mention of Haruhi, him, and 'grandchildren'.

"I do apologize father, but I believe you're thinking a bit too early. We've only been dating a few weeks, and Haruhi's not a woman to be rushed." Kyouya said, attempting to smooth over his fathers speeches.

"Ah yes, yes of course. This will certainly be a new situation for us all." Yoshio began muttering to himself as he continued eating his breakfast, not noticing as Kyouya stood up and began walking out of the room rather quickly.

"Goodbye father." And with that he rushed out of the room, a headache setting in.

"Are you feeling okay?" Asked a familiar voice from behind Kyouya's shoulder.

He glanced over to see Haruhi peering over his shoulder as he worked. A tray with two cups of tea was in her hands, which she quickly transferred to the table.

"It's just been a weird day." He admitted hesitantly, sliding his hand over to hers as she sat down next him. Her palm immediately flipped to meet his, their fingers curling.

"How so?" She asked as she picked up her tea with her free hand, taking a small sip.

"I'll tell you later." He decided, glancing around at the other Host Club members. While Kyouya and Haruhi hadn't bothered to keep their new found relationship a secret from their friends, Kyouya didn't want to be jumped all over if they found out his father's plans to arrange a marriage with their precious Haruhi.

Kyouya smiled at the thought, glancing over at the petite girl as she peered at what he was working on. The idea of marrying Haruhi was certainly not unattractive to him, though he wondered idly what her reaction would be if, and when, she found out.

'Rich bastard' was the first thing to come to mind.

"Kyouya? What are you smiling for?" Haruhi suddenly asked.

Kyouya smirked devilishly.

"I'm just thinking."

"About what?" She asked innocently.

"You." Kyouya leaned forward, pressing his lips onto hers. He could feel Haruhi hesitantly smiling against his mouth. Kyouya pushed forward, pressing their mouths more solidly together.

"Mother! Incest!"


A/N;; I've twiddled with the idea of writing an epilogue of sorts for this, but I do believe this chapter sums up this story if I choose not to continue it.
I rather like this story myself, as simple and innocent as it is.

Review please.