For those who have read my other story, The Crossovers of Haruhi Suzumiya, You will probably have seen that this was in the preview. I've now decided that this will be a separate story in itself, for various reasons. The main one was that I really wanted to write this now (the earliest time I could put this in TCHS is after the Haru-gashi and Queendom Hearts II arcs). Also, THIS WILL NOT ALWAYS IN KYON's PoV. I'll give you a head up when the PoV changes though. So without further ado, I present to you, The Second Day of Sagittarius III.
How many references to other stuff can you find?
Chapter One I
3rd person omniscient PoV (3POP)
"Lord Suzumiya, we have a report from the Scout fleet," Koizumi reported, his image appearing on Haruhi's holoscreen. "We have located the position of the enemy Battlecruisers, The Hyperion, The Norad III, and The Nagato."
"Great!" Haruhi shouted. "Those fools have exposed their own flagships!" An image of a male teen popped up in front of the other teen's holoscreen.
"Haruhi, before you go rushing in like an idiot, please try to think things through. This is Yuki, Emiri, and Ryoko we're talking about. They wouldn't just expose their most important ships to us on accident. It's probably a-"
"Shut up Kyon! You think too much! Right now isn't a time for thinking! If we don't act fast, we'll miss this opportunity to take down the opposition swiftly! Battle stations everyone!"
"Aye, aye, ma'am!" Koizumi responded. "Set all reactors to combat output." The revolver-like Battlecruisers were loaded up with their ammunition. "Set all thrusters to 1st stage speeds in 3… 2… 1, ignition!"
"Battlecruisers operational!" Mikuru added. "Or… at least I think they are… Oh, uh, arming cannons and torpedoes!"
"Haruhi, please just wai-"
Haruhi pointed forward. "Onwards my minions! Full speed ahead! Charge! Take them down!" The teen's fleet of 15,000 ships went at full throttle towards the enemy ships.
Tsuruya's image popped up. "Woo hoo! This is gonna be megas fun! I'm with you Haruhi!" The green haired girl's own fleet advanced at maximum speed.
"Yes miss Suzumiya," Mikuru consented, much to Kyon's disappointment.
"As you wish," Koizumi replied, which naturally pissed Kyon off.
"Wait a sec!" Kyon interjected. "Are you guys seriously going to rush in like idiots? It's obviously a trap!"
"…" responded everyone else.
"Are you people even listening to me?" Kyon shouted, obviously annoyed.
"No we aren't." Kyon's little sister said flatly. "You're so boring, trying to plan everything out. Charging in is so much more fun!" With that, the girl's fleet joined the offensive.
"Hey, Kyon, I'm with you," Kunikida replied, his own image appearing before Kyon.
"Yeah, I'm not about to get owned like a noob," Taniguchi agreed. "Or at least not this early in the game."
"I too am taking the logical approach and staying here with you," came a deep, baritone voice. It was none other than Shamisen. Yeah, that's right, Shamisen. "My fleet shall hold fast."
"Heh, it's nice to have some friends who will actually agree with me. Oh well, at least we'll get to tell Haruhi how stupid she was for charging in like an idiot after they come back to lick their wounds." With those words, the first shot was fired.
Sometime not too far in the past… which was eight days ago…
Kyon's PoV
The members of the SOS Brigade, minus Haruhi, were all peacefully relaxing in the clubroom. I was yet again owning Koizumi at another game the esper wanted to play; this time it was the card game of War. I didn't even know how one could be losing so miserably at War of all card games. Maybe Koizumi just sucked at all card/board games.
Mikuru was in her usual maid outfit and doing the things she always did in the clubroom. That consisted of making us her lovely tea and serving it to us. When her hand brushed against mine as she served me my tea, she blushed cutely. What surprised me is that I no longer felt the warm little tingling sensation I have whenever we used to brush against each other. Probably because it's now Haruhi who gives me that feeling. And if you're wondering what my feelings are for Haruhi are, then I'll just say it's complicated and that I'll tell you sometime latter.
Yuki was quietly sitting in her normal chair, reading a large novel she had checked out at the library called The Collections of Ihurah Ayimuzus. I had noticed that it was apparently a collection of popular light novels by Uragan Awaginat in which the first book, the Cheerfulness of Ihurah Ayimuzus, won the eighth annual Sneaker Award. Also, the collection included the first four light novels of the series, The Cheerfulness of Ihurah Ayimuzus, The Exhale of Ihurah Ayimuzus, The Fun of Ihurah Ayimuzus, and The Finding of Ihurah Ayimuzus. This was quite the shift from her usual Sci Fi, or encyclopedia-like books.
All was well in the clubroom. All was serene. All was calm. All was silent (aside from the sound of turning pages). Yet I knew this peace would not last, as Haruhi would be coming soon to start her meeting. As soon I start to realize just how peaceful the clubroom is, Haruhi would naturally barge right into the clubr-
Hmm. I cut my own train of thought off thinking Haruhi would barge in right th-
Ah, there we go.
No one really reacted to the nearly overly loud sound the door made as it hit the wall with nearly enough force to punch a hole in the wall. Koizumi and I kept on playing, Mikuru kept on serving, and Yuki kept on reading. We were all too used to this situation.
"Sorry I'm late!" Haruhi shouted her apology. "I had a meeting with our school's most famous J-Rock band, ENOZ! Apparently they are a phenomenon on the internet, with over 50 million views of ENOZ's performance of the song God Knows at the festival alone on You Tube and an additional 9 million views of Lost My Music, not even mentioning their other videos."
"Is that so?" Koizumi asked. "Good for them."
"Wait," I said, "isn't this your second meeting with them within a month? And why did you even meet with them in the first place?"
"Mm, hmm!" she confirmed happily with a big smile on her face. It's always nice to see her with a smile, though it usually means something happened or is going to happen.
"So I'll ask again, why did you meet with them?"
"Oh. You know how I've always wanted a theme song?"
"Uh, sort of." She had only mentioned this once before. Wait a second. "Don't tell me you did…"
"Of course I did!" It was as if she could read my mind. "The members of ENOZ were happy to make me a theme song!" They were probably happy to just get you to leave them alone.
"Here you go," Mikuru said softly as she gave Haruhi a cup of tea.
"Thank you, Mikuru." I'm surprised you thanked her. "Anyways," our eccentric Brigade leader seemed to pull a small boom box out of nowhere. "Wanna hear it?"
Not particularly.
But before I could voice my sentiment, Koizumi spoke up, "Sure, it'd bee nice to listen to some music." Damn it, stop encouraging her.
"Okay!" Haruhi pressed the play button and right off the bat, somewhat heavy guitar playing boomed across the room. Haruhi had the volume set perfectly somehow, with it being loud enough we couldn't hear anything else, but just soft enough where our ears wouldn't hurt. As for the song itself, I had to admit that the song was pretty good, as it portrayed Haruhi perfectly and the musicality itself was good… not that I knew much about it. For about a minute and a half, we listened to the song until the last note died.
"That's a really great theme song for you, Haruhi," Koizumi, the kiss up, kissed up.
"Y-yeah. It was, uh, really good," Mikuru agreed.
"…" was Nagato's response. It may seem as if she was not interested, but I had seen her head bob about 5 millimeters, give or take (though probably take), in tune to the song.
I sighed. I really didn't want to say this, but I didn't want to lie. "I'll admit that the song was pretty good." At least ENOZ only had to waste some of their time recording a one and a half minute song.
Haruhi's smile somehow grew bigger. "Isn't it? Well, since you guys like it so much, then lets listen to the full version of the song!"
"Wait!" Haruhi stopped right before she pressed the play button. That was close; I almost didn't get the chance to say what I need to say. "You had them make two versions of your theme song?"
"Yep!" Typical Haruhi. It was just like her to force ENOZ to make not only one version of her theme song, but two.
"Did you really need two versions of your theme song?"
"Actually, I had only expected them to make the short one, but I guess they were still thankful for our help at the festival last year, so they made a full version." I was supposed to believe they would waste their own time on you? Actually, yeah, I'd believe that. After all, the members of this Brigade waste their time on you on a daily basis and enjoy it.
"I have a question," Koizumi said.
"Go ahead," Haruhi responded, turning to face the esper.
"Does this song happen to be named Super Driver?"
"Yep." What a fitting name.
"I thought so. I Stumbled Upon a video of a recently posted video of ENOZ on You Tube and they were playing this song."
"Amazing how popular this song is already, right? It already has over 580,000 hits on You Tube!"
"They released your theme song today, and it already has over 580,000 views?" That was very hard to believe.
Haruhi turned back to face me. "Actually, I had received the CD for my theme song a bit back, but it took me a while to obtain this boom box." You mean extort it. "I allowed for them to put it on You Tube when they had finished it, which is why it was on You Tube a bit before I showed you guys the song." Why would they need your permission to put their own song on You Tube? Oh well, at least that explained my question.
"Speaking of You Tube," Koizumi spoke up, "How is our music video doing?"
"You mean of Hare Hare Yukai?" Don't remind me of that little episode. "It's doing great, with almost 1.7 million hits!" Great. Practically publicly humiliated in front of 1.7 million people.
Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "Anyways, Haruhi, what did you want us to meet in here for?"
"I just had you guys meet up in here so the SOS Brigade could hear my theme song!" That was it? Really? "So now you're all dismissed!"
At least she wouldn't keep us in here any longer. Yuki, Koizumi, Mikuru, and I gathered our things and started to head out. Before I left, I asked, "And what are you going to do now?"
Haruhi turned to me and replied, "I'm going to listen to this song until I've memorized the lyrics!" With that, the room was filled with the music of Super Driver, and because she could hear me, I just waved goodbye.
That was a big waste of time. Well, then again, I did have time to waste, as I had nothing better to do. I didn't really care about doing my homework, and as much as I hated to admit it, I didn't have too many friends outside of the Brigade, let alone friends I knew well enough that I actually wanted to do something with them. I considered whether or not to head back into the clubroom. It was where my good friends were, and it was always interesting in there.
That was when I was called over by someone I had not expected to be called over by: The Computer Club President.
A/N: I am happy with this first chapter. I know it's not great, but oh well. Anyways, as always, please leave a review!
DISCLAIMER: Haruhi stuff © to Nagaru Tanigawa.