Okay. So here's the deal. We all know that I don't finish anything. All my stories only have about two or three chapters. And you shouldn't be expecting any in the near future. I just started high school, and it is gonna be difficult to keep everything in order as it is with out the extra stress of worrying about posting chapters to my stories. So what I'm going to do here is put up all my stories for adoption, and write one story at a time. I have one that has already been adopted twice but was never added to other than the chapters I already written. So whoever wants my stories, send me a message, telling me which one you want, and you can have it, as long as you plan on actually writing more and not just have it sitting on your account untouched.
By The Way! China Dolls is already adopted.
The story that I am going to start will be a cross-over between the Vampire Diaries and Twilight, so put me on alert, or look for my story. I'll try to post it this week. But no promises.
Lets see if I can actually finish this one!
PS.. If anyone wants to be my best friend and Beta me, I'll love you for ever. Lol.
See ya!