
Disclaimer: I don't own M.I. High. It's the BBC's

It was the first day of term, and the class was already in the usual stupor.

"Good morning everybody! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holidays!" Mr. Flatley's voice tried unsuccessfully to penetrate someone's sleepy state of mind.

"We have two new students in class today, Daisy Millar and Blane Whittaker. They won't be staying very long though; their school is closed until February due to building work and they've been temporarily transferred here. I hope you'll all be nice to them..." He looked around the room, already satisfied that they would be dealt with reasonably.

Rose and Carrie looked at each other. Blane and Daisy could only mean that things were going to get interesting as soon as their communicators flashed. They glanced back at Oscar, seeing their anticipation mirrored on his face.

"Good morning class." The students shook themselves into consciousness at the sound of a much stricter voice. "This term-"

Mrs. King was cut off by a rather flustered looking emo rushing into the classroom. Just as I thought I was getting off lightly, Oscar thought.

"Sorry I'm late, Mrs. King, but the bus I was going to catch wasn't one of the ones that runs on bio-ethical fuel and my bike's at the repair shop right now, so I had to run," Avril panted.

"Don't worry Avril. As I was saying, we're going to start this term with a science project!"

She paused to let the class' involuntary groan fit into the announcement.

"You can choose any aspect of science you want to study and the informative way of presenting it. You can work in twos or threes, or individually but I expect these projects to be handed in on January the 23rd without fail."

Mrs. King glared pointedly at Scoop Doggy.

"You will have all of today and the first three periods tomorrow to work on these, to give you a start," she continued as she transferred the key points of the assignment onto the white board. "Have fun."


Blane turned automatically to Daisy, whilst subconsciously scanning the room for any Chad Turner lookalikes. He thought he saw one, whom he possibly recognised, but he couldn't be sure. And he was sitting next to the emo anyway.

"What do you want to work on?"

Daisy looked at him with a why are you asking me sort of look.

"You're the one with a history of good project ideas," Daisy remarked, thinking back to the geography project about the environment that Blane and Stuart had once worked on.

"But you're the smart one."

"I'm bored." Daisy put her head on the desk.

"And this conversation is getting nowhere." Blane imitated her.

Carrie and Rose were eagerly discussing their project – on space and the solar system.

"And we could do a section on rockets, you know, us being so brilliant after the first hand experience sort of thing..." Carrie enthused modestly.

"Shall we work together Oscar?" Avril said eagerly.

"No...?" he tried.

"Good! I think we should do a project about the environment and climate change and stuff," she said, smiling.

Oscar liked her smile. I never remember thinking that before, he frowned, hoping it was just a fluke.

What other ideas did he have about the project? None. And even though he would have to put up with Avril telling him about bottle banks and how his carbon footprint was 500kg too big or whatever it sounded like it could still be quite easy.


"Great! Oscar, we could do it entirely on recycled paper! And it would really help us to get the message about..." her voice faded into a musical hum which floated through the space between Oscar's ears.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

"Mrs. King, would some of us be able to go to the library to work on our projects?" Carrie asked.

"Yes, Carrie, I don't see why not," she replied.

"Anyone who wants to go to the library or the ICT suite can go at any time during the lesson," Mrs. King announced.

Oscar came to his senses.

"I've got an orthodontist appointment now Avril, sorry," Oscar explained, as he got up.

"Don't you need to tell Miss?" she asked innocently.

"She already knows," he improvised.

"Ok then. Have fun!"

The other 4 (Blane and Daisy included) were already waiting outside the door to the caretaker's storeroom when Oscar jogged up. Rose slid back the light switch and pressed her thumb to the thumb scanner. Some scepticism arose as to whether the lift could hold more than 3 people.

"Are we all going to fit in there?"

"It's not too bad."

"If we put three people behind and two in front..."

"Ok, let's try that then."

"But we should probably hurry up."

Feeling slightly claustrophobic, Oscar pulled the broom handle.

Five spies experienced the familiar sensation of losing their stomachs as they were plummeted downwards. Five flashes later and they were decked in stylish black clothing and waiting, with a professional pose, for the lift doors to dramatically slide open.

Frank was sitting there, serious as always, hands clasped on his lap.

"Somehow, it looks less effective when there are five of you," he commented, as they walked towards him. Then –

"Hello. You may remember me, Carrie and Oscar from training," he said, offering a hand to Blane or Daisy. Blane shook it and Daisy bobbed her head politely.

"I assume you know Blane and Daisy, although maybe somewhat vaguely, admittedly?" Frank asked Carrie and Oscar and when they nodded he made as if to continue but Carrie interrupted.

"Err, Frank, aren't you going to tell us which one's Blane and which one's Daisy? I can't really remember," Carrie asked, with an innocence laced with humour.

Daisy frowned and mouthed at Oscar

"Is she completely loopy?"

Oscar concealed a grin and nodded.

At this point Rose stepped in, smirking slightly.

"This one's Blane," she said, motioning towards Daisy, "and this is Daisy," she continued, indicating Blane, whose face morphed into an expression of comic anger and back to normal again.

Frank concealed his sniggering rather unsuccessfully.

"Anyway, back to why we're here. As I assume you've noticed, this is going to be something important."

He paused to look around at their expectant faces.

After a little longer, Daisy blurted out with

"So what do we have to do?"

Frank's face became serious.

"The queen has been kidnapped."

Yay! First chapter xxx