Hello! So this is my first Twilight fic, so please be nice! It is the first part of a trilogy, which is about things that happened at Bella and Edwards ´cottage. It´s post BD and each book will be a twoshot.

NOTE: Am I Stephanie Meyer? Answer: Noooo= I do not own Twilight or the characters in this story.

The Cottage Trilogy

Book One: Family

Chapter one

Bella POV

Renesmee was inside with Edward, he was showing her how to put music onto her brand new iPod- her mp3 player had broken when Jacob had sat on it. I had given her my CD that Andy had given to me, but it had disappeared somewhere between the hundreds of CDs Edward had given her. Sometimes I heard her squeal when she heard a song she detested or loved, but otherwise it was very quiet here in our little garden. I was busy planting some herbs. I had promised my daughter I would cook more for her and I needed a lot of herbs for the meals I knew off by heart. Of course I knew that Jake would probably end up eating most of the food, but I didn´t mind. He came over most days, to see us or tell us some news...if there was any. Sometimes Leah came, if Jake couldn´t make it. She was more comfortable with coming now and even smiled sometimes.

"Hey Bella!" Alice´s chime voice cut through the silence.

"Oh, hello Alice!" I smiled at her and her expression told me that that I must have dirt somewhere in my face.

"Is Edward here? Esme said I should come and get him, she needs to talk to him." I smiled at her, even though I thought it was a bit weird. Then I went inside to fetch Edward.

"Edward, Alice is here. She said Esme sent her. She wants you to come to the big house." I wished I had a camera so that I could capture that moment: Renesmee was sitting on her father´s lap, who had his arms around her waist. They were both staring at the screen of the laptop. Then Edward looked up at me. Actually I wouldn´t have allowed a computer in my house, but the laptop was a compromise. That way, Edward could browse the internet and use iTunes, but it could just be put away in the cupboard.

"What would Esme want?" he asked, but I only shrugged. I had no idea. We had been there just this morning, so that Renesmee could see her aunts and uncles and of course that we could chat with Alice, Rose, Emmet, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme.

"Oh well, I´ll go then" he sighed, kissed the top of Renesmee´s head, kissed me and walked out. I stared after him, grinned at Alice and then closed the laptop, much to my daughter´s protest. She was now four years old, but looked about seven. Her curls were held back by a green hair band, she was wearing a blue t-shirt and an olive skirt.

"No, you did enough for today, it´s time for bed, anyway. Do you want your new book?" I asked her. A package with seven paperbacks had arrived today. She had been bugging me the whole day, asking for one of them. Then Edward had suggested downloading some music, and that occupied her until now.

"Yes please. The blue one please. Mom, when is grandpa coming again?"she asked, looking worried. Charlie hadn´t visited for nearly a week now.

"I don´t know, darling. Here´s the book, but don´t read too long any more, ok?" I stroked her hair and watched her run into her room. Then I went into the living room, got out Withering Heights, sat down and waited for Edward to return. It took him exactly three hours, sixteen minutes and fifty-four seconds. Then he came through the back door and we fell into our evening routine.

The next day we went to the big house and saw Jacob on his way to our cottage.

"Hey Bells. Edward. Nessie! Hey, what´s up?" he smiled his pearly smile at us, and then turned to Renesmee.

"We´re going to see grandma, aunt Alice and everybody else!" She squealed. Even though we did it every day, she always was really excited about it. She especially loved Alice because, believe it or not, Renesmee loved dressing up. At first I couldn´t believe that was actually my daughter, but it was true, and Alive was thrilled.

"Well, that´s nice. Bells, I´m going to La Push. I´m having breakfast with my dad. But Leah is here, and Seth is somewhere, the kid cannot be tamed. Oh well, see you later, guys." Then he turned around and walked off.

"Hey Jake!" I called after him. He turned around immediately.


"Get yourself a new pair of pants!" I smiled. His cut-offs were seriously worn out and tattered.

"Sure sure, Bells, sure sure." He grinned and broke into a run.

The house smelled different to normal...more like flowers. But that was explained as Alice twirled into the room, her arms full of flowers.

"Hello! Bella, how about you help me. There are more flowers in the kitchen, Rose is doing the first floor, and you can go right up. Thank you. Nessie, there is a plate of waffles and a glass of elk in the kitchen for you. Edward, Esme wants to speak to you."she called while dancing past. Of all the human food, waffles was Renesmee´s absolute favourite. So she ran off to the kitchen and I followed her. On the table, there were huge amounts of flowers, all kinds, all colors. I scooped some up and went up to the second floor, after greeting Rose quickly on the stairs. She, also, had her arms full of colourful flowers and was putting them in about thirty vases all over the place. And when I came to the second floor, there too were vases everywhere, making the place look like a ceramic museum. In each vase I put about five huge flowers and all the while I thought about what Esme would want from Edward the whole time. It wasn´t normal for her to ask somebody for help the whole time, especially not her own son. I just couldn´t think of anything that she would need him for. And why was Alice turning the house into a field of flowers? Something was very fishy here, but I didn´t know what yet. Well, I was going to find out, and if I had to torture the others. Yes, that was nasty, but if it was the only way, I would use the opportunity. I hated surprises!

Hope you liked it! ´Stay tuned for more! And now click that little button that says review. Yes, that one!