Here is Chapter One of my Peter PevensieXOC love story in the First Chronicles of Narnia. I do not own anything from this story. Only Renee and Alexander are mine. Unfortunately.

Chapter One

Beavers' Home

Renee ran a hand through her hair she continued to listen to Mrs. Beaver complain about Mr. Beaver being out with Badger. She laughed and patted the creatures hand lovingly.

"Don't worry Mrs. Beaver. Everything's all right. He'll be home soon, I know it."

Mrs. Beaver smiled. "Thank you dearie. I know I worry too much, but with all that's happened, how can I not?" She nodded her head and took a drink if the warm tea the beaver had given her. It was dreadfully cold outside, and since she had been in the camp with Aslan, it seemed to be even colder. "And again, thank you dearie for bringing us the news. It must be true if Aslan sent YOU to tell us."

Renee nodded, her face a bit grim. "Yes, well, with-" She stopped, hearing a voice outside. She couldn't tell what was being said, but Mrs. Beaver apparently heard it too and went running outside. She got up and followed her.

"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I…" She stopped talking and Renee straightened up to see why. Four young children followed behind Mr. Beaver, and Renee couldn't help but smile. "Oh. Well those aren't badgers." Mrs. Beaver whispered. "Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." All four of them just stared down at the two beavers, Renee apparently hadn't been seen yet so she slipped back inside to get warm again. She didn't like the cold and it felt like her fingers were going to fall off soon. She could still hear everything though.

"Look at my fur!" Mrs. Beaver was saying. "You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?"

"I would have given you a week if I thought it would've helped." Mr. Beaver chuckled.

"Oh, come inside, and we'll see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company." Mrs. Beaver responded and Renee could hear Mr. Beaver continuing to chuckle.

"Now, careful. Watch your step."

"Excuse the mess."

Renee looked up from her seat as the four children walked in and she stood.

"Ah! Renee!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed. "I thought I saw you sneak back in. How long have you been here?"

The woman smiled, watching the four children as they settled in and took their coats off. "I arrived just about after you left." She replied, sitting back down to drink her warm tea. She glanced at the children again, and smiled.

"Renee." She announced, holding out her hand. The eldest took it first. His grip was strong, but freezing and she shivered.

"Peter Pevensie. These are my sisters Susan and Lucy and my brother Edmund."

"Just like He said," Renee whispered. "Two…and Two." All four of the children looked at her in confusion as she continued to drink her tea, refusing to look at them again.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter picked up on a conversation that they must have begun in the forest.

Mr. Beaver shook his head. "They'll have taken him to the Witch's house. And you know what they say. There's few that go through them gates that come out again."

Lucy looked downhearted.

"Fish 'n' chips?" Mrs. Beaver asked walking over with a plate. "But there's hope dear. Lot's of hope."

Mr. Beaver spat his tea back into his cup. Renee pulled a face at that but said nothing. "Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope!" He looked around for a moment and then leaned in closer to the table. "Aslan is on the move." The four children just looked at the beaver. Edmund moved forward though.

"Who's Aslan?"

Renee smirked. She knew it. She knew that it couldn't have been true. Mr. Beaver began to laugh.

"Who's Aslan? You cheeky little blighter." He then noticed that they weren't laughing with him. "You don't know, do you?"

"Well, we haven't exactly been here very long." Peter answered him.

Renee set her cup down and stood up. Everyone turned to look at her. "I told Aslan that this would have been a problem. They probably don't even know about the Prophecy either, Mr. Beaver."

"Aslan's only the king of the whole wood." Mr. Beaver explained. "The top geezer. The real King of Narnia."

"He and Renee here," Mrs. Beaver referred to the woman standing next to her. "have been away for a long while."

Mr. Beaver took back up. "But they've just go back! And he's waiting for you near the stone table!"

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asked.

Renee chuckle as she took another sip of her tea. "I told you." She said in a sing-song voice. From the corner of her eye she watched as Edmund slipped out of the house. She would have gotten up to go after him, but she had a feeling in her stomach that told her not to interfere.

"You're blooming joking!" Mr. Beaver couldn't believe his ears. "They don't even know about the prophecy!"

"Well, then-" Mrs. Beaver gestured or him to tell them.

The beaver sighed. "Look. Aslan and Renee's return, Tumnus' arrest, the secret police, its all happening because of you!"

"You're blaming us?" Susan demanded unhappily.

"No! Not blaming. Thanking you." Mrs. Beaver answered.

"There's a prophecy." Mr. Beaver continued. "'When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at Cair Paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done.'"

"You know that doesn't really rhyme." Susan pointed out.

"I know it don't."

"Look, I don't really think it matters if it rhymes or not!" Renee was growing rather frustrated now. "The point is that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve have long been foretold of coming to Narnia to kill the White Queen and restore the land to peace."

Susan and Peter looked at each other before looking back at Renee. "And you think we're the ones?"

Slapping a hand to her face Renee sighed and fell back down into the chair she had occupied earlier. "Look at that! He's finally got it! Give him a reward Mr. Beaver." She removed her hand and stared over at Peter. "Yes Peter, we do. And you'd better be because Aslan and I have already fitted out your army."

"Our army?" Lucy cried, and both the girls looked at their older brother.

"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war." Susan reminded him.

"I think you've made a mistake." Peter replied, looking at the trio across from them. "We're not heroes."

"We're from Finchley." Susan added. The Beavers looked at each other and Renee's eyes narrowed. "Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go."

"No, you can't just leave!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed.

"He's right. We have to help Mr. Tumnus." Lucy told her siblings.

Peter shook his head. "It's out of our hands."

Renee have a laugh and all of them looked at the girl that stared at Peter with a harsh gaze. "Well, well, well. Would you look at that. The younger sister is the bravest of them all. That's sad. So very, very sad." She pushed herself up from the table and turned to the beavers. "Excuse me for being to rude in your home my friends, but I have to do what I have to do. Now," She turned back to the three children. "Are you going to come quietly? Or am I going to have to drag you to Aslan and the army?"

Peter shook his head. "I am truly sorry," He told her. "But it's time the four of us were getting home. Ed?" Peter turned to look at his brother, but found that he wasn't there. "Ed?" All of them began to look around for him while Renee just stepped right outside. "I'm gonna kill him." She heard Peter say. She turned around and stuck her head back into the room.

"You may not have to," She replied. Peter turned to look at her again. "Has your brother ever been to Narnia before?"