iStart a Fanwar

Summary-There are SO many things rumored about iStart a Fanwar, but two caught my eye. 'There will be a TWIST at the end' and 'There is a BIG surprise.' Possibly Seddie? Since I have no clue what a fanwar is and neither does Google so I made up my own definition.

Disclaimer-If I owned iCarly this exact thing would be what iStart a Fanwar is. (If iStart a fanwar is like this I still don't own iCarly btw)

Chapter 1

(If you know what a fanwar is just go with what I said it is, ok? Oh, and sorry I haven't posted iMake Her Wishes Come True or iHave Another Dirty Little Secret, I'll start those when I'm done with this.)

Carly's POV

"And now," I smiled.

"This is," Sam continued.

"Our waky."






"Gibby!" we screamed at the same time. Gibby ran out and stood next to us.

"Now you wonder, 'why is he here'?" I said.

"And, 'Why on earth is he shirtless?'" Sam smiled. "We don't know why he's shirtless."

"But he's her for…" I started before pausing for emphasis.

"Fan's. Ask. Questions." Sam and I said in unison while Sam pushed the button on her remote so the people at home could see the words displayed in pretty colors.

"Ok, let's do this!" Sam said, pumping her fists. Freddie put his camera on the little tripod thing and sat with us at a table, that looked like a judges table, sitting in front of a screen that one of the viewers would pop up on.

"Ok, this is Emma from Wisconsin!" Freddie introduced. Sure enough a girl with blonde hair popped up on the screen.

"Hey Emma!" I smiled.

"Hi!" she said.

"Ask us a question," I said.

"Or go away and stop wasting our time," Sam smiled, obviously joking.

"Ok, what do you think of Seddie?" Emma asked.

"What's a Seddie?" I asked.

"Is it a meat?" Sam asked.

"Is it a type of technology?" Freddie asked.

"Is it a perfume?" I asked.

"Is it a shirtless doll?" Gibby asked.

"What?" Sam asked while Emma just laughed.

"No, it's the pairing of Sam and Freddie," she explained.

"Doing what?" Sam asked.

"Being a couple," Emma told us.

"Freddie Benson?" Sam asked the same time Freddie asked, "Sam Puckett?" while pointing at each other.

"Yes," Emma smiled.

"You're insane," they said in unison.

"It's the best couple out there," she told us.

"No way," they said in unison…again.

"Yes way!" she smiled. Just then another person popped up on the screen, with Emma. It was a guy with brown hair and green eyes. No, sorry, a HOT guy with brown hair and green eyes.

"I'm sorry, she's wrong," he said.

"Thank you!" Sam sighed.

"Creddie's the best," he corrected.

"What's a creddie?" I asked.

"And why does it sound like cruddie?" Sam asked.

"Because it is cruddie!" Emma said.

"No it's not!" the guy said.

"Who are you?" I asked, anxious to know his name…and number.

"My name's Gibby, Carly, you know that," Gibby interjected.

"No, not you, the hot guy on the screen," I corrected him.

"Adam," he said. "Creddie is the pairing of Carly and Freddie."

He wants me and Freddie to be together?

"EW!" I said while Freddie asked, "What?" but the thing is, it wasn't and excited what, it was more like an 'EW' what.

"You've had a crush on her forever and y'all are adorable!" another girl chimed in as she popped up on the screen. Various other people popped up and were arguing about the topic.

"Freddie fix this!" Sam pleaded. Freddie rushed over to the computer and took everyone off except Adam and Emma.

"How'd they figure out the password?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Freddie answered.

"It was easy," Adam said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Princess Puckett," Sam answered nonchalantly.

"Why?" Gibby asked.

"I don't know!" Sam defended.

"Yes you do you changed it!" Freddie argued.

"No I didn't!" Sam argued back, standing up. Freddie stood up and they erupted into a big argument. Words, and objects, were thrown at the other. But I wasn't really paying attention; I was just staring at Adam. He had the most gorgeous eyes ever. I watched his eyes dart back and forth, following Sam and Freddie's argument.

"FANWAR!" Gibby yelled out of nowhere.

"Who, what?" Sam asked, taking time out of her little argument to question our shirtless friend.

"Fanwar," Gibby repeated. "It's where two groups of fans have a paintball war to decide which thing they're a fan of is best…kinda."

"That's a great idea!" Emma agreed.

"No it's not," Adam corrected.

"Why not?" Emma asked.

"Because there are more seddiers than creddiers," Adam said.

"You're afraid you're going to lose?" Emma taunted. Adam's expression changed into a determined glare.

"Never," Adam challenged.

"You're on," Emma smiled. "You hear that? All seddiers and creddiers come to Carly's house this Saturday and fight to prove that Seddie's better."

"Wait, all those people won't fit in my apartment!" I argued but no one was paying me any attention.

"Creddie's better!" Adam argued.

"We'll see about that," Emma smirked than left the screen.

"Yes we will," Adam said before signing off.

This was just a short beginning; it will get better, and more interesting.

WEIVER- just because it's backwards doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.

