Rated M: Violence, Sex, and Language.
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire slayer at all! I just like to play with Dawn and Spike
Summary: It's been six months since the gift. Instead of Buffy dying it had been Dawn. Willow and the gang do a spell and Dawn is brought back to life. Spike had always been in love with dawn but only Tara knows it. He has been sleeping with Buffy to try and get over Dawns death. Dawn is also 17 in this story. What will happen when Dawn comes back?
Chapter 1:Six long months, that's how long Dawn has been gone. Six long months since he lost the love of his life. He had promised to save her and yet he couldn't even do that for her. He sat on her grave drinking out of a bottle of whiskey something he did a lot more then he would ever admit to anyone. Tears were running down his cheeks but he didn't care enough to wipe them away. Hell he didn't care enough to still be around. He knew Buffy would be walking around soon so he said his goodbyes before going back to his crypt. Sure enough Buffy would show up within the hour to play a round of beat the spike followed by sleeping with him. He did it to feel something, knowing he could never feel alive again he did what he could to feel something real. Even if it meant letting Buffy kick his ass then fuck him. He couldn't stand to be left alone to his thoughts.
They always drifted back to Dawn in some way. He always wished it had been Buffy who had died instead of Dawn; she hadn't deserved to die, not like she did. She is the one who saved the world no matter how much Buffy said she did. He closed his eyes remembering Dawn, He could see her smiling at him and they way her eyes were gentle yet they had seen so much that no one deserved to see. He could hear her laughing at something stupid that he had seen. He smiled thinking about the first time he had seen Dawn. She was eleven and he had broken into Sunnydale high school to kill Buffy. He found her in a classroom and he was drawn to her. He knew she was the slayers sister but he couldn't touch her. She was too innocent.
Of course he knew that memory was fake because Dawn didn't exist then but he remembered her there. She had to have been there, why else would he have known her? He knew the truth that the monks had made her almost a year ago and sent her to Buffy but to him she had been around a lot longer. He could hear her calling his name from the top of the tower when she died. He tried to save her but Doc had thrown him off the top. Looking at Dawn before he fell a tear slid down his cheek. He knew she wouldn't make it and it killed him knowing he couldn't save her. He heard the crypt door open and sighed not wanting to look at Buffy. He hated her for everything she was. She cried for a week after Dawn died but then it seemed like she got over it. How could you get over something like that? He could smell that Buffy was in the living room of his crypt he kept his eyes closed seeing Dawn's face. "Spike?" Buffy called as she reached the hole to the lower part of his crypt. He finally opened his eyes knowing that it was time to face the music. "Down here." He called loud enough to where Buffy would hear him.
Buffy climbed down the ladder and walked over to Spike punching him in the face. He fell back but didn't hit back knowing how this would all end anyway. He stopped fighting Buffy, it wasn't worth it.
At the Grave Yard~
"Do you really think we should do this?" Tara asked Willow as they walked to Dawn's grave. She knew Spike missed Dawn and she did too but bringing her back from the dead sounded not good. Willow looked at her "We have to; She could be stuck in some kind of Hell. Dawnie doesn't deserve it." Willow answered as they got to the grave. They set everything up and willow began the spell while Xander and Tara watched. Tara was worried; she didn't like Willow doing this dark kind of magic. It wasn't right. They got interrupted and ran off not knowing if the spell had worked. Dawn opened her eyes in the coffin, she didn't know where she was or what was happening all she knew was she couldn't breathe so she started to claw her way out. Once she got out of the ground she looked around and saw her headstone. She didn't understand. So she ran to where to tower was.
Spike's Crypt~
Buffy had just left so Spike was getting dressed "Bloody tired of this I am" He said aloud. After getting dressed he walked out the door going to Dawns grave. As he was walking he got a scent of Dawn. It stopped him dead in his tracks. "It can't be" He thought to himself but he started running towards the scent. He thought he must be dreaming or that his head was fucking with him but when he followed the scent to the tower her looked up and could see someone up there. Without thinking her ran up the tower and stopped as he reached the top. There on the edge stood Dawn. "Bit?" He called out. She turned looking at him and backed a step up. He held his hand out to her "Dawn? Please give me your hand, this towers gonna fall Nibblet" He said looking at her with pleading eyes.
Dawn didn't move, she started at him trying to figure out what was going on. "S spike?" She whispered. He smiled "Yeah Pet it's me. Now come on this things gonna fall." He told her taking a step closer to him. She looked over the edge then back at him. She didn't know what to say and neither did he. Taking a step closer to him she grabbed his hand just as the tower fell….
A/N: So there is chapter one. Please give me some reviews! Let me know what you think so far.
Oh Updates may be slow seeing as how I have a three month old in my house.