Chapter One: The Journey Home

The magnificent purple and gold savior landed softly atop a small hill. All around he could see fields of green, beautifully highlighted by the sun as it made it's way across the morning sky. A light breeze blew past his relaxed face, enticing him to take from it in a deep breath. As his lungs brought the fresh oxygen to his blood, Spyro couldn't help but lift his nose up in satisfaction. Now looking at the wonderfully blue sky, he remembered for the hundredth time, why he saved this world. And so he turned his head to the right. There she stood, all sleek curves and seductive aromas. Cynder. The love of his life.

It had taken him quite a while to realize that he loved this dragoness. In fact, if you had asked him, he'd say it took 'too' long. He had his doubts, but they were all put aside during that final push in the planet's core. It required the possibility of death for him to find out that he really loved her. And what made it all happen, was her speaking to him. All she had to say was-

"I love you." Cynder was looking back at him.

Spyro smiled, "I love you too."

Seeing her scaly cheeks crease as they were pulled back by the muscles in her face, made Spyro's heart flutter. It was then that the purple dragon realized he enjoyed every moment of her existence; and that he would give anything to see that smile of hers for the rest of his life. Spyro looked out into the distance. He was almost absolutely sure that Warfang was in that direction, he need only open his impressive wings and take flight, "I wonder if they know we're still alive?" Spoke Cynder softly.

Her voice was music to his ears, "Probably not."

The black dragoness sighed, "Well, only one way to find out." She then unfurled her wings, and jumped into the sky! Spyro was take by surprise, and found himself falling way behind, "Are you coming or not!" She called back, laughing.

The purple male smirked and joined her in flight. It was clearly obvious that they both had the same speed limit, since he could only catch up to her when she slowed down. An invigorating sense of glee swept up through Spyro's spine, and invaded his brain. This new feeling of happiness caused the purple dragon to laugh uncontrollably! Cynder, having just finished her laughing fit, smirked at his display of silliness.

Dragons, when in flight, are fueled by a hormone not known to any other species. This hormone triggers a rush of adrenaline that can only be released in three ways. By fighting, flying really fast, or laughing. It just so happened that both dragons didn't feel like doing the first two.

After about fifty minutes of flying, Spyro started to get bored. He felt a strange urge to chase Cynder, so he did. At least it would entertain him, if only slightly. But then she did something that he did not expect! The dark dragoness started swerving and spinning like she was trying to lose him! Spyro grinned, she wanted to play huh? Well then play they shall.

What they did in the air could best be described as a dance more than a chase. Cynder would dive low, and he would follow. Then she'd swoop upwards, higher into the sky. He'd follow her once again. She'd turn, he'd turn; she'd swerve, he'd swerve. This pattern continued for half of the rest of the way.

Spyro noticed that it was beginning to get dark, and yelled, "Cynder! Land! I want to talk to you!"

She nodded and aimed her nose downwards. They both skidded to a stop on a flat stretch of grass, then Cynder asked, "So, what is it?"

"It's getting dark. Do you think we should sleep here and continue in the morning?" She looked at the sky warily, "Cause, you know, we could keep going if you want."

He saw her nostrils flare, indicating a sniff, then watched her eyes dart around examining the surrounding forest, "Yes, this place looks safe enough."

"So we stay?"

"We stay."

"Ignitus placed 'me' in control! I should be the new head guardian!" Terrador, Cyril, and Volteer all stood in the throne room. It was still under repair since it's last beating, and it certainly wouldn't be able to stand another. A working mole ran over and waved his tiny hands in the air, trying feebly to get the attention of the large angry lizards. Luckily, Terrador noticed him, "Yes little one?" He lifted a paw to silence his companions.

"Beg your pardon sirs, but could you please not fight in here? As you can see, we're trying our best to put Warfang back together, and it just wouldn't do if you three continued your argument. As you might have noticed, your voices are very loud. If all of you shout that loud for too long, I'm afraid this whole building will crumble into dust!" The three guardians looked at each other and shrugged.

"Okay, we'll leave you loyal moles to work in peace." Said Terrador, turning to follow his partners outside.

The mole bowed, "Thank you."

Once outside in the crisp night air, all three of them turned on each other, "Like I said before, Ignitus appointed 'me'!"

"Yes, but 'I' am obviously the most intelligent out of the three of us!" Argued Cyril.

Volteer even had something to add, "You know what would be just paradisiacal? If we were to permit me the honor of the title head guardian!" As you can see, this was going to take a while.

Spyro slept with one eye open. Something he taught himself from living so close to danger all the time. It was a perk that had saved his scaly hide more than once. That one eye, was kept solely for Cynder. She was the only thing he payed attention to, and he didn't want it any way else. She slept so peacefully, it was beautiful. Spyro began to tear up; he had finally found his reason for living, other then fighting evil. She was his everything, his life, his very soul. Cynder, the most important person to ever exist in his whole life. The purple dragon was both happy and sad. Happy that he was complete, and sad that he might never be able to show her how much he really loved her.

"Spyro?" He jumped, opening both eyes and turning his head towards her, "Are... Are you okay?"

The purple dragon nodded, wiping the tears away with his paw, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... A bit of dirt stuck in my eye."

Cynder stared curiously at him, "No, it's something else. Do you have something you want to tell me?" She watched him turn his head to the ground and sigh, "But," She blurted quickly, "If it's too private that's fine."

Spyro chuckled, "You have no idea." He shook his head and gave out another sigh. It would take a lot of inner strength to say this next part, "Cynder... I love you. I love you so much, that you're the only thing that matters to me in my entire life. If you left me, I would go blind until you returned." Her blank, shocked stare didn't help him at all, "Sorry, I- I shouldn't have said anything. Goodnight."

"No wait!" Called Cynder just before he closed his eyes, "I-... Spyro... You have no idea how long I've waited for you to... to say that. Or at least, something 'like' it." Her voice was one filled with joy and amazement; Spyro smiled. He liked it when she was happy.


Cynder stood up, trotted over to him, and lay back down, "Spyro," She brought her face really close to his, "I love you too. More than anything this world has to offer! If it were up to me, I'd destroy everything and everyone just so there would be no distractions from you! Spyro, I would 'die' for you."

He didn't know if it was on instinct, natural reaction, or something from above controlling him. But Spyro did something that night that he would've never been able to do on any other circumstance. He reached out with his neck and wrapped his mouth with hers in a sort of reptile-kiss. Inside, their tongues found each other. Outside, their tails did.

This was the best night of Spyro's short, but great, life. And he wished it would last forever.

"What's all this about?" Rumbled the floating blue image of Ignitus.

All three living guardians, and the newly appointed chronicler, stood in a dark room with a duplicated pool of visions in the center. Well, the chronicler technically didn't 'stand'; more like hovered in front of the angry three, "Chronicler, I'm afraid our old friend Ignitus has left us forever. He died, valiantly saving the world. And now we must appoint a new head guardian, and none of us can decide on who it should be!" Boomed Terrador, trying his best to quell his gradually growing frustration with his partners.

The old floating blue dragon chuckled heartily, "I remember, if my memory serves me correctly, assigning you, Terrador, to be in charge."

All of the guardians looked at each other in shock! "Ignitus!" They chimed. The retired fire dragon nodded slowly, smiling.

"Hah! I told you so! I'm the head guardian now!" Cried Terrador, stomping his massive left fore-foot.

"Not so fast, green one." Teased Ignitus, "I said I put you in charge, I didn't say that you were now the head guardian." Terrador sighed and hung his head in shame, "Now, you all still remember Spyro right?"

Cyril chuckled, "How could we forget him?"

Volteer thought for a bit, "Well it 'has' been over three years since we saw them last."

"He doesn't know that." Announced Ignitus knowingly.

"Spyro's alive!" Exclaimed Terrador, his eyes widening.

The chronicler nodded, "Yes, he is. And Cynder with him. They have just been in hibernation for the last few years. Now, where he arrives, I want you three to welcome him as a hero. Make sure to not forget Cynder too, she deserves as much credit as he." They all nodded in confirmation, "And after the celebration, I want Terrador to officially declare Spyro the new head guardian."

"What! But that's preposterous!" Yelled Cyril. Volteer and Terrador gave him disapproving looks, before turning back to their dead friend.

"I know as well as you three that he is too young; but with dilemmas like these, one must break tradition in order to have balance."


Terrador was stopped before he could even utter the beginning of another word, "No, my decision is final. Goodbye my friends." As the image of Ignitus faded away, the three turned to one another with disapproving expressions.

"This can't be." Muttered Volteer, looking from his friends, to the ground.

Terrador sighed, then took in a deep breath and puffed out his chest, "The chronicler demanded it, and so it must be done. Guardian Cyril will prepare the feast. Volteer? You will gather the royal army at the gates and await the heroes arrival." Both dragons nodded in succession before hurrying off to preform their assigned tasks. When both were out of ear-shot, Terrador thought out loud, "Spyro can't take the position if he's busy, can he? But how to distract him..."

His green scales clacked off of each other as he walked out of the room trying to come up with the plan that would ultimately change Spyro's life. Forever.

End Chapter One: The Journey Home

Author's Notes: So, there you have it. The first chapter to my latest story Taken. Please, since you were nice enough to read this far, review. The next chapter might take a while, since I'm putting my all into this story. Can you believe it took me two weeks to accomplish this single chapter? Anyway, I'll be working on the next one non-stop. Till next time, au revoir my dear readers!