Mutual understands

The smell of nicotine, sweat and booze lingered in Gojyo's room, even when he was no longer in it. Hakkai took a deep breath whilst closing his eyes; he stood in the doorway of his friend's room. He carefully relaxed, still listening for the tiniest sign that his housemate might've arrived home. Slowly walking towards the single bed Hakkai noticed that Gojyo's smell grew stronger, he grinned a little imaging why. Gently picking up a pillow he pulled it tightly into his chest. Imaging to himself how embarrassed he would be if Gojyo walked into the room, seeing him holding the pillow like a hormonal teen. He played over his excuses in his mind, but before he was happy with one the front door opened, followed by a crash.

Hakkai rushed up from where he was standing, quickly dropping the pillow in a panic and running towards the front of the house. A wave of relief overcame him when he saw the flushed face Kappa out cold on the floor. Gojyo reeked of alcohol and cheap perfume, the smell quickly interrupted Hakkai's relief as he gently tried to pick up the larger man. Resting one arm over his shoulder, and holding him by his waist, he dragged Gojyo over to his bed.

"I'm hooooome…." He suddenly cried, making his nurse nearly drop him in fright.

"I have already noticed that Gojyo." Hakkai advised as he roughly dropped him onto his bed, the slightest hint of annoyance coming through in his tone. Gojyo looked up at him with crimson eyes, his hair messily draped across them. As they stared into each other eyes Hakkai felt himself blush, quickly he turned to leave.

"Get some re-" Gojyo reached out to him, suddenly grabbing his wrists in his large hand. He felt his cheeks turn bright red, from the warmth of Gojyo's touch.

"Why're you leaving, the fun hasn't started yet." Hakkai clenched his fists and pulled himself away from Gojyo's hold. He made a promise to himself to not let this behaviour ruin their strong friendship. It was just the alcohol talking, he told himself, but wished every night that it wasn't.

"Goodnight Gojyo." His voice lined with darkness and pain. He quickly left the room shutting the door behind him. The rest of the house was colder compared to Gojyo's room. The redness in his cheeks slowly disperse throughout the rest of his body leaving him with an uncomfortable sensation at the front of his trousers, he let out a deep sigh and heaved himself off to his bed.

He collapsed onto his bed with a thud, appreciating the clean smell of his own room, at the same time reminiscing the smell of Gojyo's. He sat up slowly, taking his top off, resting it neatly over the end of the bed. He stood up to take off his pants and was once again reminded of his, now, rather large problem. He was opposed to dealing with this sort of issue on his clean sheets so quickly moved himself to the bathroom.

Gently shutting the door behind him, as not to wake the sleeping drunk and started to run the hot water in the shower. He took off his pants and underwear as the room began to fill with steam. Stepping into the shower Hakkai gently grabbed his erect manhood, as it grew larger with his touch. He bit his bottom lip, tilting his head back so the water could run down his front. Shutting his eyes as the pleasure overtook his senses, replacing them with heat and enjoyment. With his eyes shut he transported himself to another place, he saw the red head he loved so much gently kissing him. He felt like it was no longer his hand that was giving him pleasure but that of his love. Moving his hand faster and faster without even meaning to, Hakkai was lost in his own fantasy. He moaned Gojyo's name in pleasure as he reached his peak, the sensation and warmth flowed through his body.

He always felt guilty pleasuring himself while calling out the name of his unsuspecting friend, though 'friend' was probably not the correct word anymore, thinking to himself and letting out a light chuckle. He stepped out of the shower, water still running down his slim body when he was suddenly confronted.

"Gojyo.." The half sobered half breed stood topless at the door. Hakkai suddenly felt the heat running through his body again. He wasn't sure if it was due to the shock or because he had only just imagined Gojyo's naked body and the real thing was so much sweeter. Quickly he turned his eyes away from Gojyo's masculine chest, grabbing a towel to hide his once again growing erection.

"I thought I heard someone call me." Gojyo looked deeply into Hakkai's eyes making it harder for the demon to look away. He hated himself for lying, but was convinced it was for the best.

"For the best…" He softly mumbled under his breath looking down at the floor. "No one called you Gojyo, go back to sleep." He wrapped the towel around himself and tried to leave. Gojyo's long outstretched arm blocked the doorway.

"Move Gojyo, I want to go to bed." Sternly Hakkai pushed himself past the stubborn half breed, only to have his armed grabbed and his towel pulled from his person.

"What are you doing?" He yelled in shock, both embarrassed and furious, as he felt his whole body being pushed to the cold wooden floor. Suddenly feeling wet lips kiss the side of his neck, he shut his eyes and clenched his fists. His body was being pressed down by Gojyo, yet he managed to keep his legs clenched tightly together. He felt his body wanting to stop the struggle, but his mind didn't let up for even a moment. Gojyo finally lifted his lips off Hakkai's neck, noticing the demon was desperately trying to look away. Hakkai began to feel small tears welling in the corner of his eyes.

"Hakkai, stop lying to yourself…" Gojyo took in a long breath. "Stop lying to me." Hakkai felt the tears running down his cheeks, cursing himself repeatedly for letting his feelings show. Without any resistance or encouragement from Hakkai Gojyo finally stepped off him, looking down at Hakkai disappointedly. Hakkai gazed up, his eyes still watery.

"I was wrong, sorry man must be the booze." Gojyo's voice was toneless as he waved his hand in an insincere apologetic manner and began walking away. Even though he was walking at his normal pace, he wished for it to go slower, giving the youkai he held so deeply in his thoughts a chance to catch up with him. But before he knew it he had reached his door, closing it behind him and immediately switching of the light as he did.

Hakkai lay still on the floor, not sure what had just taken place. His mind and body were in a mess, both desperately trying to make sense of what had happened. He pulled the towel over his face, letting out a silent scream before he stood up and walked into his room for the night.