**Disclaimer: This story is my property ALL OF IT ALL! TEHE just kidding! Harry Potter belongs to the genius JK Rowling so don't sue. THE END**

A/N So Gred and Forge here! YAY! This is the first fanfic we both ever made in our life time... So please RR please! Every reviewer will get a million galleons! Load on the cash, BABY! Nah, not really but you will get a sense of happiness because you helped us and made us happy! :) YAY!

And just to let you know we do consider and work with all of your ideas! So please give us any questions, comments, or concerns. And we need constructive criticism. Forge says "Constructive criticism Helps us Construct our bridges of storyness-ness". Gred wants to share that she does not like Flames so don't write them... DONT! "We are not fire fighters... keep that in mind" So ya READ! :)


"Hey Teddy! Albus and I are gonna go to the attic! Wanna come? I bet that Dad has all sorts of cool stuff hidden in there!" Exclaimed James Sirius Potter with a grin on his face.

"I don't know James…I'm pretty sure that your dad wouldn't want you-or I, for that matter-snooping around up there." A cautious looking Teddy Lupin said as he glances up from the novel he was reading on the couch.

"Nah, he wouldn't mind at all. Stop being such a kill joy, just come on, you don't know what sorts of stuff you can find in there!"

"No, sorry James, I think I'm going to stay with Lily." Said Teddy with a worried look on his face. "Do you know where Lily is?"

"She is probably reading in her room or something. Are you sure you don't want to come, Ted?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." Teddy replied. He stood to climb the staircases but then turned around to face James. "Ya know," he started, "since I feel like your older "brother" I think that I should try and persuade you not to go through your Dad's stuff…" James raised one eyebrow "…but that isn't going to work, is it?" Teddy finished with a sigh.

The younger boy grinned, "ah Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, you know me all too well."

"Fine," he muttered "but don't say that I didn't try and stop you…" Teddy trailed off, making his way towards Lily's room with a slight shake of the head. He knew the Potter and Weasley clan all too well, also knowing their habit of getting into trouble. Although Teddy was not biologically related to them, his godfather, Harry, and his wife Ginny, made him feel like a part of the family. Teddy lived with his grandmother but he would often come and visit like he was doing today.

He knocked on the door a good three times before Lily answered. The redhead opened the door at first a bit reluctantly. When she saw Teddy, Lily visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh it's you! Hi Teddy! I thought you were James." She shuddered a bit when saying her older brother's name

"No, just me. James and Albus said that they wanted to go check out the attic and I thought I would come and hang-"

"Oh, the attic! I don't think I've ever been up there," a smile suddenly lit up her face, "D'you wanna go and see what they're up to?"

"Not rea-"

"Oh come on lets go!" Exclaimed Lily excitedly, cutting poor Teddy off mid sentence. She grabbed onto his arm and ran up to the stairs which seemed like went up forever. When they finally reached the top, Lily led the way through the hall and pushed open a door that opened to a dark, large room that was painted a royal blue color and filled with wat Teddy thought looked like hundreds of boxes. A red couch was in the middle of the room along with a loveseat, but Teddy had a feeling that not many people came up here often. The room must have been charmed by powerful magic because it was much too large to just be a normal part of the house. Lily pushed herself past Teddy and stared at the room in awe. They were so busy looking around that they didn't realize that James and Albus were on the other side concealed behind boxes.

"Hey James get a load of this!" laughed Albus as he held up an old pair of dress robes. James looked over to the cloth that his brother was holding up, without hesitation he burst out laughing, followed by Albus. In the end they were laughing so hard that they were clutching their sides, and gasping for breath with tears streaming down their faces.

"Whose…are…those?" Gasped James between chuckles, as he grabbed them out of Al's hands. When their laughing subsided James looked over them carefully and soon enough he found a little tag right under where he thought your arm should go. "It says: Property of Ronald"

"Wait…you don't think… those maybe… No way! Surely not Uncle Ron's old dress robes!" he giggled

James's eyebrows furrowed as he thought, "I do remember Dad telling us that Uncle Ron's were second hand and that he hated them."

"So he must've wanted to through them away! And dad must've asked for them for, I dunno, a good laugh!"

"Well I don't blame him! Hey, what do you think mum and dad will say if I come down stairs dressed in this?" Said James, still referring to the old dress robes. "I think I am gonna wear them to dinner!"

Al chuckled but in truth, he was not sure if his brother was joking or not.

"Hmmm I wonder what other old stuff we can find…" James grinned mischievously as he roamed around looking at the other boxes in the large room.

"James? Al? You guys in here?" the two brothers turned their head up at the sound of their sister's voice. Who invited her?

Al was first to recover. "Uh...yeah, we're over here!" he saw Lily's head poking out, followed by a very uncomfortable looking Teddy.

"Look guys," he started again. "We really shouldn't be-"

"Oh Teddy just get over it already! You're here now so-what's the point of going back!" cried Lily effectively cutting of Teddy for the third time that day.

"Hey," called Al, who was looking at more boxes "what's this?"

He held up a medium sized, circular necklace. A silver chain held up the centerpiece, which had knobs that you could turn on each side. But the most peculiar thing about the necklace was an ornament inside that looked very much like an hourglass. No, he thought, it is an hourglass! How strange…

"Weird..." the three boys all murmured in unison. Lily however, had a different reaction.

"Ooh!" She cried, "pretty necklace!"

"Actually Lils, I don't think that it's a necklace. It looks to me like a time turner; it seems to be about a century old. I would be careful if I were you, they are extremely delicate, especially at such an old age." Explained Teddy "although I can't be sure," he added as an after thought "time turners are extremely rare and I don't even think they make them any more…" he trailed off

"Well it looks to me like a pretty necklace! Give it here Al." she reached to grab for it but Albus pulled his hand away

"Bugger off, I found, it, I want to look at it!"

"Well, I'm older so I get to look at it!" announced James. He pulled on the chain and snatched it out of Albus' grip.

"Hey!" he protested in outrage. He felt electricity flow through him. With a jolt, he climbed on one of the closed crates and launched himself onto his brother's back when he wasn't looking.

"Give-It-Back!" yelled Albus "Give it to me!" he cried again.

Teddy, who thought this had gone on long enough, decided to intervene. "No, give it to me, obviously you too can't handle being mature!"

He made a move to grab it just as Albus, who was still on James' back, bit his brother's hand hard.

"OWWWW!" cried James, dropping the strange necklace.

Lily took this chance and dived for it. She clutched it tightly in her grip and fastened it around her neck. She knew that the three other boys were oblivious to her as Teddy was still trying to break up her brothers' fight. Curiously, she started turning the knobs and watching as the sand in the hourglass swirled around. Her mouth hung open in awe as the hourglass started spinning around. Teddy finally noticed her, because he called out, "Lily, no! I don't think you should touch that, what if it really is a time turner? It could be dangerous!"

"Dangerous? Dangerous?" she scoffed while dropping the necklace, making the sand stop. "What you think is gonna happen? You think a knife is going to pop out or something? Come on Ted, nothing dangerous is going to happen."

"Oi pass it over here!" Called Albus. And sure enough, Lily, who was feeling generous, threw the time turner over to Al. But her aim was slightly off and the time turner hit the ground with a thud and shattered.

"Oh no! What have you guys done! Dad is gonna be furious!" exclaimed James

"What d'you mean what have we done?" exclaimed Albus. "This never would have happened it you hadn't been greedy!"

"Why you little…"

"OI!" yelled Teddy, uncharacteristically angry now. "This is all of our faults! Stop blaming each other and grow up!" He shouted. The three Potters cowered back, not used to seeing him so angry. "Now," he said more calmly "instead of arguing, lets take it down and see if Harry can fix it."

"No way," said James "we'll get in trouble for sure! I know how to fix it." He got on all fours and gently picked up the pieces of the necklace. He started muttering things to himself that no one could really hear.

"Oh James your doing it wrong! Here let me fix it!" said Lily as she took the necklace.

"I was fixing it just fine, thank you." Grumbled James. His siblings just rolled their eyes.

"Now," she proceeded, " if we just turn this…and twist this…and…" she was saying things very rapidly under her breath as she started messing around with the necklace.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong! That is NOT how you do it. Here let me." Albus reached over to take the necklace

"No, Al, you'll just make it worse!" said James as he too tried to grab it once more.

"Neither of you will get anything accomplished if you keep fighting like this! Now stop being baboons and respect each other!" snapped Teddy, although no one was listening for they were all trying the pry the necklace back to themselves. Teddy grabbed onto the chain to yank it towards himself when suddenly something very peculiar happened. They all felt an odd sensation and they started seeing the days events in the attic pass them by.

Then with incredible force, they were lurched out of the attic and into time…

A/N Remember Reviews are like candy... and we LOVE candy! :)